The Twins (Part Two)

What? I can't Believe you were still a !



“Hello there ladies, I’m Jack and this is my friend Peter. I haven’t seen you ladies around here. I guess you’re tourists?”


“It’s none of your business.”


Shin Hye with a sharp tone.


“Oh, I’m sorry did we offend you ladies? Don’t worry. We mean no harm.”


The Peter guy said.


“I seriously doubt about that.”


Leslee was giving them a glare and took a step forward. She wants them to know that they can’t touch her friends.


“Oh, but we really don’t. We just want to get to know you ladies more. Would you want to have coffee with us?”


“Thanks, but no thanks. We already had coffee.”


Leslee was now standing right in front of them.


“Oh aren’t you brave miss? I assume you’re capable?”


“Well, I do hate s.”


A mock smile escaped her lips.


The guy touched Leslee’s brown locks.


“Pretty and sassy. I love that.”


“Tough luck. I don’t do douchebags.”


The guy facing Leslee laughed. The other guy went to approach her friends.


“How about your other friends? Are they also entertaining?”


Leslee quickly moved to put herself in between the guys and her friends.


“Well that’s something you’ll never know.”


There was a heavy tension in the air. Suzy, Shin Hye and Ji Eun don’t know what to do. They know Leslee was quite capable of protecting them but it’s still a dangerous situation. Two versus one is not a very big handicap. Having a sharp deadly weapon or a gun perhaps is.


“Aww, whatever makes you think that?”


As the guy said that, he suddenly grabbed Ji Eun by the neck and brought out a knife. All of them froze. Leslee’s breathing stopped.


“Nobody moves or I’ll hurt her. Where’s the big talk now missy?”


Leslee was silent. She looked at Suzy and Shin Hye. She raised her eyebrow and they seem to get it. Suddenly…




Leslee shouted. The two men were surprise and she took the opportunity to kick the man holding Ji Eun in the groin.




The man was in so much pain. He instantly let go of Ji Eun and she kicked him in the groin again. Another scream was heard from his lips. Ji Eun ran to Shin Hye and Suzy and the three of them ran. Leslee was able to effortlessly get the knife from the man who held Ji Eun as hostaged for he was still in so much pain. She held the man’s hand (she thinks it was Peter) and hit his neck. He was rendered unconscious.


“Well, you were just too noisy.”


As she was talking to Peter she felt a presence slowly approaching her. She was able to quickly turn around and land a kick in the other guy’s stomach (what was his name again? Jack?) The guy groaned in pain but it wasn’t enough to knock him down.


“Quick reflexes missy.”


“I was born with it.”


“Pretty tough for a chick.”


“No. you’re just plain lousy for a guy.”


The guy laughed a sinister laugh. This time he was pissed.


“You’re using up my patience.”


“Well, why don’t you come at me?”


The guy took out a knife.


“Ohhh goody! You have a toy.”


“I’m not stupid like Peter.”


“Ooooh! Pretty harsh coming from a friend.”


Jack attacked Leslee with the knife. He missed many times or should I say Leslee gracefully evaded his single attack. He was becoming more frustrated so his advances became more desperate.


“I guess you’re just all talk.”


Leslee said as she smiled.


“Well, you won’t get anywhere by just evading me.”


“I guess you’re right.”


For Jack’s last attack, she finally took hold of his wrist; hit it so hard that the knife fell off. He was shocked so she took the opportunity to slam his body into the ground. Leslee thought it was over but he was still standing up.


“Why don’t you just give up?”


“I never accept defeat, especially from a girl.”


“Oh I see we have another ist.”


Jack tried to punch her, but just like before she just evaded his attacks. However, when she was cornered by the bridge’s wall she had no choice but to finally fight back. She punched him in the stomach really hard. A loud scream escaped his lips but still it was not enough to knock him down. And as if the God of Victory was pulling a joke on her, as Jack was going to punch Leslee again, at least try to, she suddenly lost her balanced and fell over the bridge. Before she hit the water she heard a scream.




And she saw Kwangmin following her into the water.



The moment Leslee opened her eyes she was still feeling dizzy. It took her a minute to realize that she was back into her hotel room. She gazed upon the digital clock on her bedside table which indicates that it’s already 8:30 in the evening. She got up and checked if Suzy was in the room too. However, she realized that she was alone. She touched her head. It’s still pounding as she was trying to remember what happened. The last thing she remembered was she was having a fight with a guy that pestered her and her friends and she lost her balance and fell into the river. And oh yeah, she saw Kwangmin following her into the water.

And as if she forgot something really important, she quickly went out of the room. She didn’t take her phone but judging from the time, she figured out that her friends are having dinner. When she got down the dining area of the hotel, it didn’t take long to find her friends for there weren’t so many people in hotel during that time and hey, not all guests are young, noisy and energetic people. The table with the loudest laugh was not hard to find. As she approached their table Wooyoung saw her. He got up and assisted her into an empty chair in their table.


“How are you feeling?”


Wooyoung asked worriedly.


“Fine really. I’ve been worst.”


“GOSH LES! WE WERE SO WORRIED! You would give us a heart attack.”


Shin Hye said frantically.


“I know you would be able to take down those guys so we were shocked when you fell of the bridge.”


Ji Eun said as she touched Leslee’s hair.


“I’m sorry we had to leave you.”


Suzy was close to tears.


“I would want you to run all the same. I can’t risk you in there. And besides, it was all my fault. I should’ve agreed when you said that you were going to call the guys. I became careless and put your lives in danger. I’m really sorry.”


Leslee had her head down.

Shin Hye, Suzy and Ji Eun stood up and hugged her. There were tears in their eyes.


“I’m sorry that I still insisted to go shopping even when you said we should stop already.”


Ji Eun was sobbing.


“No it was all our fault. We all agreed to it.”


Shin Hye was crying so hard.


Leslee just hugged them tightly.


After a few minutes of crying, they let go of each other.


“Since you girls can finally breathe, take a seat.”


Geun Seuk said with a serious tone.


“Wooyoung-oppa, I’m really sorry I put Ji Eun’s life in danger. Same with Shin Hye and Suzy. I’m really sorry Geun Seuk-oppa and Taecyeon-oppa.”


“We’re not angry at you Les.”


Taecyeon finally spoke.


“We just want you to realize that what you did was wrong. But it seems like you perfectly understood that already.”


“Yeah, I do.”


“We just hope that this won’t happen again.”


Geun Seuk has a softer tone now.


“I promise I won’t put the lives of my friends in danger anymore.”


“Aren’t you forgetting something?”


Youngmin’s voice was heard. It was all the confrontation they were avoiding.


Well at least, the first part of it. They were expecting another round since the other twin is nowhere to be found.


“What do you mean?”


Anger flushed into Youngmin’s face. He stood up.


“DAMMIT LESLEE! YOU HAVE NO ING IDEA HOW WORRIED WE WERE! Even though you’re more than capable to protect yourself, it’s not an excuse to be damn careless! What would happen if the guy had a gun? YOU WOULD’VE BEEN DEAD RIGHT NOW! Do you know how worried sick we were!?! And you don’t seem to recognize that at all.”


Leslee’s mind went blank. She had never seen Youngmin this angry before. She knew she really screwed up.




She can’t seem to find the words.


“You’re what?”


“I-I had no idea.”


“You had no idea!?! Really? That’s all you have to say?”


Leslee fell silent. She showed no signs of talking anymore. Youngmin still overpowered by anger decided to walk out.


“I’ll be at my room.”


Youngmin was about to leave when Leslee spoke.




Youngmin faced her.


“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I had no idea that I had people worry about me. I’m sorry. I’m not used to people worrying about me which is not my family. I’m new to this kind of things that’s why you have to understand that I had no idea. I didn’t mean to make everyone worried. I just acted out what was right. I really am sorry.”


Leslee sobbed. She was choking at her words. Everyone fell silent. No one made a move. No one knows what to do. Suddenly, Youngmin hugged her tightly. Under his secured arms she continued to sob.


“I’m sorry for shouting at you without knowing what you really feel. It’s just that we were so worried about you. I was so worried about you that I couldn’t help myself but react like that. Stop crying princess. You know princesses don’t cry right?


Leslee’s sob gradually stopped. She faced him and she smiled.


“I told you I’m not a princess. And besides, I’m not weak.”


He just smiled at her. Thankful that she stopped crying.


Always and forever, you’re my princess.



Leslee sat at the end of a bench while another man was sitting at the other side. The man was staring into the ocean and watching the stars.


“There are a lot of stars tonight don’t you think?”


Leslee said eyeing the man at the other side.


“What are you doing here?”


The man answered still looking at the ocean.


“I figured out that I would find you here.”


She was still looking at him.


“What do you want?”


He answered still not looking at her.


“Well, I just want to say sorry for putting Shin Hye’s, Ji Eun’s and Suzy’s lives in danger. And…”




“And I’m sorry that I made everyone worried. But you have to understand I’m not used to having someone be worried over me.”


The guy fell silent.




Leslee was looking at him with a big smile on her face.


“Anything else?”


Suddenly the smile disappeared. She was getting frustrated. She wanted Kwangmin to look at her.


“Please, forgive me. I know I made everyone worried. I made you feel worried. I’m really sorry about it.”


She got nothing from him.


“Yah! Kwangmin-nah! I said I’m sorry! And why don’t you look at me!”


Leslee bursted out.

Kwangmin faced her and smirked.


“What because you said sorry, you expect me to forgive and hug you just like Youngmin?”


She was taken aback. She didn’t expect that from him. She felt a stab


“What do you want me say then?”


“I asked you if you still have anything else to say if none, then just go.”


She felt another one.  


“I won’t be able to fix this if you won’t talk to me.”


“Fine. Answer one thing. When the three of them ran, why didn’t you?”


She was startled and confuse by the question.


“What do you mean?”


“Why didn’t you run when the three of them did?”


“Ahhh, well, I held back those two so the three of them would be able to be safe and inform you guys. I was trying to make sure that they would be able to escape safely.”


“How about you then? Why didn’t you run so that you’d be safe?”


Kwangmin was getting frustrated.


“I stopped them. The other one had a knife and he almost hurt Ji Eun. I didn’t run with them because the other one might have a gun and we would all be finish unless I assessed the situation.”


Leslee was slowly raising her voice.


“What if the guy really had a gun? What would you’ve done?”


“I-I-I don’t know. I probably would’ve thought of something.”


She sighed in defeat.


“And if you didn’t?”


He was getting angry.


“I DON”T KNOW! It’s just that at moment, it felt like nothing else matter but for them to be safe.”


Leslee was finally shouting.


“And you don’t care what happens to you?”


He was now agitated.

Leslee don’t know what else to say.

Well, silence means yes.


“You know, when I saw you fell from the bridge; everything seemed to go into slow motion. I was paralyzed for what seemed like an eternity. At first I felt numb, then I realized that it wasn’t that I don’t feel anything; I can’t feel anything, physically. Emotionally I was just scared, very scared. I’m thinking that I won’t be able to forgive myself if something did happen to you and it’s because I was powerless to do anything under the influence of fear. It was a good thing that strength came back to me just in time for me to follow you when you fell. You could’ve been dead. The currents were a bit strong and besides, you’re not a good swimmer.”


Leslee was still lost for words.


“When we reach the land, you were unconscious. I had to administer CPR. Good thing you became conscious for like three seconds then fell into sleep after that. Youngmin and I are beside you while you were sleeping back in your room. If they hadn’t convinced us to eat, we would never leave your side.”


Kwangmin was now using a softer tone.


“I still don’t know what to say except I’m sorry for making you worried. I never wanted for it to happen.”


“Why didn’t you run like a normal girl?”


She was shocked. She was not expecting him to put this argument.


“You’re not seriously going for that argument right?”


“Why didn’t you run like a normal person would?”


“And why would I do that?”


“To get help. We were nearby. You could’ve just called us. You have a phone.”


“It didn’t occur to me to do that amidst all the commotion I’m sorry.”


She was getting angry. She doesn’t know where he was going with this.


“You can’t call for help or you don’t want to?”


“Where are you going with this?”


“I want to know which it is.”


“I can’t.”


“And you won’t still, either way.”


“Fine yeah. That’s what you want to hear from me? Then yes. I won’t.”


“What, you’re becoming arrogant for you think you can handle anyone?”


“It’s not arrogance, I call it self-reliance.”


“And that’s the reason why I can’t forgive you.”


“You know what? I admit I was wrong for putting everyone even me, in danger. I’m sorry that I made you guys worry about me. But other than that I don’t see what other else I need to apologize for. It’s not like I did something wrong.”


She was fed up. She was confused where he was trying to get to.


“I guess this conversation is over.”


“If that’s what you think.”


Leslee stood up and left Kwangmin who went back to looking at the ocean and the stars. Next day everyone was back to normal except for Kwangmin and Leslee. They didn’t talk to each other until the whole summer vacation trip ended. Their friends tried numerous ways for them to make up or even just talk to each other but their efforts were useless. The two held their stand firmly. She has nothing more to apologize for while he feels otherwise. And because of this incident, up until now, both of them are not talking.



“THE KWANGMIN! Don’t tell me you’re still angry with me?”

The guy in front of her laughed.

“I don’t know about that but, what I know is that I’m now angry with you.”

Leslee was beyond surprise. The face did not match the voice.








And that is the end of the side story. We'll now jump back to the present timeline of the story. :)))

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yorian #1
Chapter 9: Will this become a ?
Chapter 3: Um, is this a mistake? You posted the same chapter twice :\ but I still like it! Very well written! ^^