Inner Thoughts

What? I can't Believe you were still a !




Suho said as a matter-of-factly while sipping his cup of coffee.


“But it’s pretty unfair to us hyung.”


Baekhyun said while making his aegyo.


“Yeah, the other members already met her. The least you can do is tell us something about her.”


Chanyeol trying to imitate Baekhyun.


“And besides, we’re also curious on how you exactly met her.”


Xiumin said eyeing his dongsaeng.


“Fine then.”


Suho admitting defeat.


“I met her when I was in the library. I was looking for a book about Russian History.”


“Is that thw very thick book on our table hyung?”


Sehun asked.


“Yeah. I need a really good book for that paper. Since we were out of the country for two weeks, I would like my Russian history paper to be excellent.”


“That so like Suho.”


Kris .

Suho just looked at his hyung and smiled.


“As I was looking for the right book I noticed a girl in the bookshelves. She didn’t look like she was looking for a book but instead, she was looking at something or rather someone way pass the shelves. She was using the books so that she wouldn’t be seen. As I got the book that I was looking for, which was at the top shelf by the way, she bumped into me and I almost lost my balance. But I realized that she was going to fall down so I let go of the book I’m holding and caught her. Good thing the library was fully carpeted or else the sound of that book falling would’ve alarmed everyone in the library. The girl had her eyes closed when I caught her. When she opened her eyes, I think she was surprised. She lost her balance and we fell on the floor.”


“Wait a minute, this is seriously sounding like a chick flick.”


Luhan said while his eyes were sparkling.


“I’m just telling you how it happened.”


“Yeah, hyung! Don’t interrupt Suho-hyung. So what happened? You let the girl fell?”


Tao was so engrossed with the story.


“About the fall, I couldn’t do anything about it, but I managed to protect her head from hitting the floor. When we hit the ground, again she had her eyes closed and I was on top of her.”


“Did you two kissed?”


Everyone stared at Sehun.


“Yah Sehun! Stop being with Luhan. You two should stop watching chick flicks.”


Kyungsoo slapped Sehun’s back.


“No we did not. But my nose touched hers.”


“Okay, I’m feeling girly inside. This is kind of romantic.”


Chen blurted out. Everyone laughed.


“What don’t tell me you don’t feel the same way to?”


“I feel it Chen!”


Luhan went beside Chen.


“Me too hyung!”


Sehun joined the duo.


“Could Suho-hyung continue his story now?”


Lay was becoming impatient.

Suho smiled. This whole situation is amusing him.


“She opened her eyes. We stared at each other for a few seconds then she blinked and I realized that we were in a very awkward position. I stood up and lend her a helping hand. She commented about my Russian paper coz she saw the book that I dropped. She told me her name and asked me what was mine.”


“Wait! She doesn’t know your name?”


Kris was shocked.


“That was also my initial reaction hyung. But somehow it also felt great coz there are still people in school who saw me as a normal person. I think she saw that shocked reaction on my face. She then told me that she knew me as a part of EXO but she just didn’t my name. ”


“I guess she’s not a fan?”


Kai crossed his arms.


“She said that she was a fan and she loves our music. She just doesn’t know who we are.”


“That’s odd.”


“Well, she said except for one though.”


“And that is?”


“Until now I don’t know who was she referring too. Suddenly I noticed that her attention was diverted to something else. I was about to look to the direction that she was looking but she suddenly said that she needed to go. I didn’t press the issue and I bid my farewell to her. As I was about to read the book that I picked, she suddenly showed up on the opposite chair at my table and asked me if I would want to have coffee with her. ”


“She asked you out?”


Chen was surprised.


“Not in a million years. That’s what she said to me.”


“And you agreed? I’m more surprised about that.”


Kris  interrupted them.


“Yeah, it’s not like you to go out for a coffee with someone you just met. Especially with a girl for that matter.”


Sehun was wondering too.


“Well I admit that I was curious about the girl. She didn’t look like a super fanatic girl and I think it’s nice to talk to girls who are not screaming once in while that is outside our company.”


“So what did you talked about?”


Tao asked.


“A lot of things. Reason why she was at the library, the SMTOWN concert, SNSD noonas and others that I can’t remember. She’s a fan of SMTOWN especially the SNSD noona-sunbaes. And she going to be at the concert so you guys would have a chance to meet her. If I manage to figure out what area is she going to be in.”


“She didn’t tell you?”


“No. she said that where’s the fun in that?”


After that long narration, everyone fell silent. Not because they don’t have anything to say but they were thinking of a way on how to say what they want.


“So what her name then?”


Kris decided to break the silence.


“Her name is Leslee.”


“Is SHE pretty?”


Luhan’s face turned serious. Surprisingly, he was not directing the question to Suho but to the members who already saw her.


“We can’t tell for sure. She looks like it.”


Sehun scratched his head.


“Why can’t you tell?”


Chanyeol was confused.


“She was wearing big sunglasses and a hat when we met her. So we didn’t see her face clearly.”


Lay explain it to them.




“The most important question is, does SUHO-hyung find her pretty?”


Kai surprised everyone with his question.

Suho eyed Kai.


“She’s not pretty.”


Everyone’s eyes widened.


“She’s beautiful.”









Leslee was beyond irritated. It was bad enough that she would be dancing in front of other people, but now she would be dancing in front of people that she KNOWS!


I could really kill Shin Hye right now.


I already agreed to this deal but she went too far when she involved everyone in this. She was lost in her train of thought when someone called her attention.




“DEH! I’m here! Why?”


The guy who called her attention seemed to be talking to someone else.


“She’s right there at the far end. Don’t stay too long. You might distract the other contestants.”


“I won’t. I just need to talk to her. Thank you very much.”


Leslee waited. She was puzzled that someone would be looking for her. But then again, the people that she know are here. And she has pretty good idea of who would dare enough to go the backstage to just see her.


You’re dead meat Shin Hye-yah!


Leslee waited for the culprit. She was more than ready to give a very good beating to Shin Hye. However she was surprise to see who was walking towards her direction.


It was a guy. It was someone she didn’t expect to see. Especially not now. It was him.


 As he was making his way through Leslee the girls can’t help but admire him.  He was one of those prince type of guys. He just didn’t look like one, he had the aura to boot to. He was very handsome, that every girl in the room can’t help but fall in love with him.


“Yah! What’s your name?”


“Are you joining the contest too?”


“Can I have your number?”


“Let’s go out after this.”


With the comments that he received, he just chose to smile. It totally backfired. The goal to politely refuse the ladies, made them want him more. Every girl in the room was happy to see him.


Except one.


Off all people, why is he here? And of all the times, why now?


All the smiles in the room disappeared when the guys reached his destination.  The guy stood in front of Leslee. They just stared each other for a minute. Leslee was about to break the silence when the guy smiled. This time it was a different smile.


 It was a smile of relief.


Suddenly, the guy bent a little. He got the hand of the girl in front of him and kissed it.


Leslee was more surprised. She didn’t know why. He has always done this to her since they were young. It was their standard greeting. But somehow, every time he does it, it still feels like the first time. That surprised and flustered feeling that she gets every time he kisses her hand.


Every time they kiss her hand.


Or was it because he hadn’t done it for a long time so that’s why she was more surprised now.


… What do you think you’re doing?


And by now Leslee figured out that every girl in the room wants to kill her and if he leaves the room they would succeed with their murderous plan. Well, not really. Not at all.


Somehow she’s used to it. It was a price she has to pay for being friends with him, with them.


The guy in front of her dialed someone. When the person from the other line picked-up, he gave it to Leslee. Leslee hesitated, the but the guy just smiled.




Leslee was nervous.




Leslee remembered who she wanted to kill.




Everyone in the room turned their attention to her. She turned to a totally different person. Not that she cared what others think.






“Okay, I’m getting tired. Why don’t you just go here and I’ll explain it to you.”


“I can’t.”


“Come on! You’re number 70. It’s not even number 35. Just get your gorgeous here!”


“Yah! When I see you, I’ll cut you into pieces!”


“Whatever. Just go here. Your will guide you here. I especially picked him.”


“And that’s another reason why I will kill you.”


“Say whatever you want. Admit it, you’re happy.”


Leslee didn’t say anything. She just hung up.


She handed the phone to her . The guy, offered his arm like the true gentleman that he is.


Well most of the time…


She accepted his offer. And they walked out of the room. The piercing, jealous and murderous eyes of all the other girls in the room followed them.


Again, she can’t do anything about that…


As they got out of the backstage, Leslee decided to break the silence.







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yorian #1
Chapter 9: Will this become a ?
Chapter 3: Um, is this a mistake? You posted the same chapter twice :\ but I still like it! Very well written! ^^