Chapter 7- Breathe

Remember Me?


Chapter 7- Breathe
Joon's POV
"Oppa" She pouted, linking my arm; pulling her best puppy face, blinking her eyes in intervals.
"Is that the best you can do?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 
I shook her off and smirked. Again she shuffled over, relinking me arm with mine she again called out, 
"Oppa!" Repeatedly, she carried on until I turned round frustrated 
"AILEE! STOP OK!" I violently shook her arm off mine. "I'm Not Your Oppa!" I said to her sternly. Emphasising the first letter of each word. She grinded on me, trying to catch me off guard. I pulled myself away from her
"Stop It" I gave her a look before walking to get the water bottle. I took a gulp of water. 
What ever happened to the sweet innocent Ailee??
------- (SHINee- Replay Piano)
"Get married" I stared up at her in shock, my mouth agape as I stared at my mother.
"What? You don't want to?" Her tone pierced my body, sending an ice chill though it. I slowly winded my head down, stuttering I parted my lips and began to speak
"N-n-no" I was hit on the hind of my head, with such great force that I winced a little. My eyes threatened to water and spill tears, I faced the floor shamefully.
My mother was the type to inflict violence on me, strict and always the type to enforce rules on me. That was the price of being a chaebol, growing up to live in a huge empty house, no love from either of my parents, focused on work, my siblings and I were always left with maids and babysitters. Often, we'd been brought up by bribed love, where my parents would often send costly gifts to show their 'love' to us, showering us in their money.
 Even if you had all the money in the world, wouldn't you sacrifice it for family love? I hated such a childhood; even to this day and age, I was still forced to obey her rules.
"Get married! Or you know I will disown you" She said sternly. 
I gulped, I knew what this meant. My share of family money would be given to me but I would be disconnected with this family, I took a short breath, wearily lifting my face. My mother eyed me once more, before swiftly turning to leave, her PA and three bodyguards following closely behind. She'd want my answer by morning. The two maids bowed before shutting the doors softly. The eerie clack of her heels as they hit the marble floor sent shivers through my body. My mother was  not the type to mess around with, she was the type to be feared.
I bit my lower lip, I'd decided, and I wasn't going to regret it either. 
What are you doing Joon? Why are you thinking about that? I sighed. I reopened the bottle, drinking the rest of the water down in one. I screwed the cap on and crushed the bottle between my fingers and palm. Within seconds, it was no longer in the shape of a water bottle, instead it had become a clear stick of distorted plastic. Letting it fall to the floor I watched it.
A hand firmly patted against my back 
"Ready to start filming?" It was manager Hyung. I nodded.
My phone vibrated against my thigh, pulling it out it read 'Hospital'
My eyes widened at the sight of the words. Instantaneously, I answered, my voice cracking
"Are you a family relative of Park Eun-Hae?" The nurse had a panicked tone in her voice.
"Neh" I swallowed; taking a breath.
"You need to com-" Manager Hyung snatched the phone away from my hands. 
"Concentrate on work." He walked off.
I remained glued to the spot I stood in, unable to move. Eun-Hae ah~
Taemin's POV
She recoiled into a ball beside me, I held her up, supporting her by the shoulders, she regained slight composure. Panting in panic, I looked at her, he face turned pale. She looked so weak and fragile. Unexpectedly, she collapsed on me. Her hand that was clenching her stomach fell down. It was stained with blood.
People all around cafe were focused on us. Panting heavily, I thought about what I should do. Lifting her up as gently as I could I ran to the hospital. 
Why of all days did we decide to go out?! I thought, regretting the idea of ever leaving the hospital. I ran across the road with her in my arms hurrying past people in the street. The trip to the cafe was only 5 minutes away, but when a life or death situation occurred, it seemed a lot longer than 5 minutes.
She stirred in my arms, I looked down at her. Softly, tears fell from her face as she winced and whimpered in pain. My heart jumped. 
"We'll be at the hospital soon!" I panted between breaths
"Taemin ah~" Her voice cracked as she mumbled my name meekly, my heart fell.    
She cradled closer to my chest.
"Shhh! Its ok… We'll be there soon" I said, feeling a little rushed. Her eyes delicately closed once more, but unlike last time, this time, she was still and unmoving. I shook her gently while running
"EUN-HAE AH~" I yelled. Lifeless her body shook in my arms.
I ran into the hospital A and E department
"HELP SOMEONE HELP!" I yelled. Nurses and doctors came running towards me with stretcher in hand. They gently transferred her from my arms to the stretcher. Lightly, she groaned in pain, her eyes remained closed. -I let out a breath heavily, running with the nurses and doctors as they wheeled her away. I was solely intent on focusing on Eun-Hae that the words that flew from the doctors mouths became incoherent, only muffled yelling could be heard.
"Sir, you will have to wait here from now on." I continued staring at her looking over the shoulder of the nurse as I watched the doors swing.   

HI guise!! thanks for being patient! So here it is! I will be frequently updating throughout these next two weeks to keep you happy! I'm free from school ^_^ 

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CloudyPiano xx


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OMG MY MAC BROKE! I will have to update on Monday as soon as I get it back! I am so sorry! I had it finished too >_


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 9: Omg first I thought the baby/Mishca didin't survive but luckily she did^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 8: Happy New Year and...
Mishca is cute but I kinda have the feeling that it's just a sweet dream and not reality :/
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 7: Omg what's going to happen to Eun Hae?
And Joon can't leave his work?
But he needs to!!
Thanks for the update^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 6: ohhh nice teaser :)
Joon's going to film 'We Got Married'
oh I'm kinda excited to read the new chap^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Chapter 5: awe I like this chap
and now I'm kinda speechless^^
Chapter 5: this was so sad update soon.... good story by the way
YoongiholicAnonymous #7
Chapter 4: somehow I wish Eun Hae would remember Joon soon
so Joon don't have to suffer anymore
but then the story would end soon too :'(
please update soon^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 3: hmm... I wonder what Joon will do to make Eun Hae remember him^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
Chapter 2: awe and again poor Joon :(
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 1: OMG I feel so bad for Joon!
please update soon :)