Chapter 5- The Notebook

Remember Me?


Chapter 5- The Notebook

Eun-Hae's POV

"A week and you'll be discharged," the doctor said to Joon. He sighed heavily, 

"Is it necessary?" He was frustrated, he didn't want to wait.

"The thing is, she'd be discharged earlier if she wasn't pregnant, this is all for the health of the mother and baby" Joon frowned in response, "We have to run a few more tests first." the doctor made all efforts to persuade Joon. 

Finally convincing him, Joon nodded unwillingly.  He forced out a smile as he turned to face me,

"A week, and you'll be out of here…" Staying silent, I nodded. 


You could clearly see he wasn't happy about this, he stared at the ground, still frowning. He had the expression of an innocent child throwing a tantrum. Smiling, I smothered my laughter as I laughed at his adorable expression. I hit him lightly with my knuckle,

"Ya, If you keep doing that you'll get frown lines!" I laughed

His frown faded, turning into a glowing smile. 

"Didn't you say you had a photo-shoot today?" I said, eyeing the clock in the corner of my eye.

"OH SHOOT" He grabbed his phone looking at the time, "shoot! I've got to go! I'll stop by later!" The words ran from his mouth. Grabbing his jacket, he rushed out. "Bye!" 

His cheery voice brightened my day. I smiled and waved as he left. Lying back down on the bed, I looked at the ceiling, stretching my arms outwards before letting them drop. I turned to my side to face the clock. 1:48pm. I groaned, I had nothing to do for two hours. 


Wrapping a loose knit cardigan round me, I walked to the hospital balcony for some fresh air. Inhaling deeply, I admired the day view of Seoul from above. It was normally vast and busy but from up here, it seemed so serene. Nothing about Seoul had changed from what I could remember. 


As I turned to the left, still admiring Seoul, I ran into someone.

"AH!" he exclaimed in pain, placing his hand over his head.

I rubbed my forehead, wincing in pain a little. 

"Ouch…" Still rubbing my head I turned to look at him, "Gosh! I'm so sorry! I need to watch where I'm stepping!"

He looked up, and laughed. I joined him, bursting out in laughter at the situation.

"No, It's my fault…" he smiled.

"Fine, then it's both our faults" I sat down on the bench laughing, he joined me.

"Agreed!" He smiled, "But are you OK?, I see you have a bandage there…." He said, sounding a little apologetic.

"Oh I'm fine! Are you OK?" I looked at his wrist where he had white bandage wrapped round. 

"Yeah," He nodded "I'm feeling a little thirsty want some apple juice?"

I laughed softly and nodded in reply. 


Handing me the apply juice carton he sat down beside me once again.   

"So what's your name?" He bit down tightly on the straw.


"Ah! I'm Taemin" I coughed and spluttered, choking on the apple juice.

"THE Lee Taemin from SHINee??" 

He nodded, a smile slowly creeping up on his face. I mentally face palmed myself. How could I be so stupid?

I chewed on the straw in embarrassment. Blushing, I bit my lip, making it redden.

He looked at me, suddenly bursting into laugher. "Don't be embarrassed! In fact, you're the first fan I've met who hasn't freaked out before!" 

"Could I have an autograph?" I asked, shyly.




He walked me to my room, as I got the notebook from my room. He signed it. 

"Thank You!" I beamed.

"You're good company! If you want someone to talk to, I'm just there" He pointed to the room opposite mine. He waved before disappearing into his own room. I sat cross-legged on the bed, analysing the autograph. Silently screaming and fan-girling at the fact that I'd just met SHINee's Taemin. I picked up the notebook, lying down, I held it up to the light. Admiring the swirls and flicks, I traced it with my finger, lightly touching the paper. As I squealed in delight a photograph fell down landing on my chest.  

I grabbed the photo.


Just then, the door opened. 

"Hey!" Joon said cheerily, "I brought you some lunch" 

He put the white polythene bag on the table, reaching inside pulling out a see through carton along with some chopsticks.

I smiled as he sat down and opened the lid of the carton.

"You're favourite! Sushi!" he beamed. He picked up a piece of sushi, the seaweed wrapped perfectly around the rice like a little parcel.

He moved the chopsticks closer to my mouth,

"AHHHH" he said; subconsciously opening his mouth as he did so.

Laughing at him, I subjected to his childish play, opening my mouth for him to put the sushi in. He watched in delight as I ate the sushi happily,

"Mmm, haven't had such nice food in a while, stuck with all this hospital crap!" Laughing, he ruffled my hair

"OPPA!" I laughed, my smile faded… a blur of a memory faintly entered my mind before disappearing…

"It's been a while since you called me that…" he smiled, picking up another piece of sushi, putting it into my mouth.


He leaned forward and lay his head on my shoulder, as I remained staring at the photo that fell out of my notebook.

"Whatcha doing?" He snuggled closer to me, burring his head into the crook of my neck. Looking at the photo I had in my hand. 

I put the photo down and leaned back on him. "Tell me about when we were together" Good Background music for this next scene)


He put the chopsticks and carton down, he began. Playing with the strands of my hair before he started…

"Once we went to the beach, and you refused to go into the water… I ended up throwing you in!… And sometimes we'd go for late night walks, with your puppy, Pepero and we'd get ice cream …"


His voice was so comforting and sweet, before long, I'd found my eyes feeling heavy as I drifted to sleep, thinking and imagining about those little stories he'd told me… I wished I could watch those memories and bring them to life…


Joon's POV

Her head lay on my arm, still, unmoving. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, 10:45pm. Her head began to slide off my arm, holding her still, I gently shifted my arm from under her, moving her head softly to the pillow. She looked so sweet and peaceful asleep. Pulling up her covers, I smiled, bending down to kiss her forehead. 

"I love you…"  I whispered 

I stayed, observing her as she slept, twirling a strand of her brown hair around my finger. Her breathing was slow and gentle. I swept her hair to one side, getting clearer view of her face. Crying softly, I kissed her check, her nose, forehead and lips. I'd missed her loads… Her old self was gradually returning. I liked it this way… me and her together, building up the time we'd lost.


Hi, Sorry for keeping you waiting, I've been a bit busy lately.

I've been juggling school assignments as well as other personal life stuff but anyways sorry it's a little shorter than usual ^^ but hope you like this chapter, and thanks for waiting ^^ <3  

CloudyPiano ~ xx

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CloudyPiano xx

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OMG MY MAC BROKE! I will have to update on Monday as soon as I get it back! I am so sorry! I had it finished too >_


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 9: Omg first I thought the baby/Mishca didin't survive but luckily she did^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 8: Happy New Year and...
Mishca is cute but I kinda have the feeling that it's just a sweet dream and not reality :/
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 7: Omg what's going to happen to Eun Hae?
And Joon can't leave his work?
But he needs to!!
Thanks for the update^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 6: ohhh nice teaser :)
Joon's going to film 'We Got Married'
oh I'm kinda excited to read the new chap^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Chapter 5: awe I like this chap
and now I'm kinda speechless^^
Chapter 5: this was so sad update soon.... good story by the way
YoongiholicAnonymous #7
Chapter 4: somehow I wish Eun Hae would remember Joon soon
so Joon don't have to suffer anymore
but then the story would end soon too :'(
please update soon^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 3: hmm... I wonder what Joon will do to make Eun Hae remember him^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
Chapter 2: awe and again poor Joon :(
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 1: OMG I feel so bad for Joon!
please update soon :)