Chapter 4- Memories

Remember Me?

Chapter 4- Memories

Eunhae’s POV
I had never felt so shocked in my life before. Pregnant? It didn’t make any sense! Nothing made sense right now— nothing connected right now. I didn’t have a clue where to even begin from… I looked at the table beside me and grabbed it quickly. I was desperately searching through the contacts list.

“Who are you?” Tears fell from his face onto my hand. He stood up and left, leaving the door wide open. 
“You really don’t remember do you?”
“I don’t understand, remember what?” You blinked trying to understand him.
“Your boyfriend Lee Joon”

Scrolling through my phone I clicked on the contact I’d decided to call. I took a deep breath and swallowed. The dialing tone echoed in my ear. The mere suspense of waiting for him to pick up was torture.
“Hello?” a shaky voice answered on the other end.
“Uhm… hi” My voice squeaked out of nervousness, losing its natural pitch. I took another long exhale before continuing.
“It’s me, Eunhae. C-can, could we t-talk?” I stuttered nervously.
“Yeah, I’ll stop by later.” He sniffed down the phone. I bit my lip and nodded. 
“I’ll see you later then.” I said as I pressed the end call button. My hands clenched the bed sheets out of anxiety that was already kicking in. I wasn’t even sure as to what I had gotten myself into.

After some time, Lee Joon arrived. His gentle footsteps could be heard as he made his way towards the bed where I was sitting. He wore a blue and brown striped cardigan and some skinny jeans. His light brown hair was parted to the side blocking the light from his view.

He pulled a chair up and sat down beside me, waiting for me to initiate the conversation.
“I have a question…” I stared into his eyes; his soft smile appeared beckoning me to go on.
I continued, “Joon, did you know I was pregnant?”
I watched as his eyes diverted from my face to the hand on my stomach. He nodded slowly.
“The doctor announced it.” His answer was so soft and gentle, but something about this conversation didn’t quite feel right. His smile faded. It seemed as if I’d touched his soft spot.
“D-d-did… Is this yours?” I asked incredulous. I looked at my belly before looking back at Joon. Suddely, he placed his large hand over my swollen stomach. He let out a soft laugh as a tear trickled down his face. Worried, I looked at him feeling a little guilty and concerned.
“You don’t even remember do you?” His face was smiling while tears continued to stream down, yet his tears showed his true feelings deep inside. He continued to caress my belly. I remained silent, unable to answer him.
“You can’t even remember the day we made this little life…” I looked down at my belly. Nothing showed at the moment. 
Judging from the way he looked at my belly, you could see the love and compassion in his eyes that melted anybody’s heart. It truly showed his demonstration of affection for the baby and for me . Touched, my heart jumped, skipping a beat in the process.

Pain hit me, not physical pain, but pain and ache in my heart for knowing the memories I’d unintentionally lost caused so much hurt to a person. Knowing that I’d caused this and that this was my own fault, felt like an ice cold dagger had slashed through the centre of my heart draining it from life. 

Tears also fell from my eyes, I was so touched by his actions. Seeing my tears fall, Joon pulled me into his warm embrace, while embracing me it felt like we were a perfect fit for each other. Like he was my missing piece. His touch brought so much comfort to me. I was thankful that he was present at this moment and also thankful that the father of this baby. 

Not knowing what to say we just remained in that state letting minutes ticked by. I wanted to get to know him better. I don’t know what made me have this sudden urge to, but I’m guessing it was to do with the past I couldn’t remember. I couldn’t damage the future of our baby, that would be wrong. I couldn’t hurt or disappoint Joon either. I’m guessing, deep down inside, there was still some hope and a reason for me to regain these lost memories…

Joon’s POV
Somehow, just sitting still and spending sometime together made the bond we had a little stronger. Not just with Eunhae, but also our baby. It just seemed like in just a short amount of time together, we’d already started building up this tight bond. Just like building up the start of our little family. 

—- (You and I) [Boyfriend]
I curled a strand of her brown hair around my finger, 
“EunHae ah~” I called her beautiful name in a soft whisper.
“Mmm?” She looked up at me, her dark brown eyes just caught the morning light. 
Even with messy hair, she looked so beautiful, when it hit the sunlight, her hair would change to a light brown. Just her seeing her face made my world complete The white sheets surrounding us kept us warm.

“You know… you’re really pretty.” She laughed quietly and snuggled up and nuzzled her nose against my bare chest. I smiled, burying my face into her hair, inhaling the her scent. 
“Oppa, last night, it was one of the best nights…” she trailed off… smiling as she did so I smiled as my fingers danced against her bare shoulder. I had no regrets I was more than willing to share an intimate moment with her.

There was nothing shy of this innocent morning. The sunlight crept into our room giving it a white morning glow. I looked at Eunhae, capturing every detail of her face. Her dark chocolate hair, her dark brown eyes and her adorable smile. I traced her cheek and collar bone before planting a kiss on her forehead. This would be the last time I’d see her for an month.

“I love you Eunhae ah~” She snuggled closer to me curling her body nearer to mine. Just the warmth of her body brought a smile to my face. 
I kissed her lightly on the nose and went to leave.
“Don’t go oppa… it’s cold” I smiled. I knew her little lie was to make me stay a little longer.
“Ok” I said, subjecting to her. I pulled the sheet surrounding us a little tighter. 
“5 more minutes” I snuggled up to her once more. Savoring the last minutes I had with her before I had to leave.

A tear fell from her eye; landing on my chest. I brushed her hair through my fingers caressing her hair in comfort. 
“I know… I’ll be back soon…At least we could share this last moment together right?” I kissed her forehead, comforting her as I wiped her tears, cuddling her in the process. Kissing her on the nose she snuggled closer to me once more, resting her head in the crevice of my neck.
“I love you always…” I whispered into her ear, pulling her tighter into my embrace…


Sometimes, small moments like these are the ones that tingle and touch your heart… thinking back to the intimate moments we shared stung my eyes. I wished I could revisit them and show her them. Snapping out of my thoughts I looked back at her, she was sleeping peacefully. I twirled a strand of her hair round my finger missing those old times…

“Baby can we turn back the time?? You and I…”

I will make you remember.
I won’t ever let you forgot… 
I promise…



Hehehehe I know it's only a short story but ths subscribers amount and views building on here really make my day =D Fair enough, I won't have beaten the others who've had mass subscribers but it still makes me happy ^^ =D

Thanks So Much For staying with me Subscribers and silent readers (if any) I really appreciate this =D 

<3 xx CloudyPiano


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CloudyPiano xx

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OMG MY MAC BROKE! I will have to update on Monday as soon as I get it back! I am so sorry! I had it finished too >_


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 9: Omg first I thought the baby/Mishca didin't survive but luckily she did^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 8: Happy New Year and...
Mishca is cute but I kinda have the feeling that it's just a sweet dream and not reality :/
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 7: Omg what's going to happen to Eun Hae?
And Joon can't leave his work?
But he needs to!!
Thanks for the update^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 6: ohhh nice teaser :)
Joon's going to film 'We Got Married'
oh I'm kinda excited to read the new chap^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Chapter 5: awe I like this chap
and now I'm kinda speechless^^
Chapter 5: this was so sad update soon.... good story by the way
YoongiholicAnonymous #7
Chapter 4: somehow I wish Eun Hae would remember Joon soon
so Joon don't have to suffer anymore
but then the story would end soon too :'(
please update soon^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 3: hmm... I wonder what Joon will do to make Eun Hae remember him^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
Chapter 2: awe and again poor Joon :(
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 1: OMG I feel so bad for Joon!
please update soon :)