Chapter 10- First Meeting

Remember Me?


Chapter 10- First Meeting

Joon's POV

I pressed my thumb against her cheeks softly wiping her tears...

"Are you OK?" I asked

She nodded, "I just want to see our baby..."

My heart tingled... She hadn't related to her baby as 'ours' before... I guess she just reminded herself that she was made of our love... A bubble caught my throat as I parted my lips to speak, a shiver ran through my fingers traveling down my spine. A feeling that I hadn't felt in a long time. The love. The very thing that made Mishca brought us closer together.


Eun-Hae's POV

Joon wrapped a blanket round me, making sure I was warm, he hooked the IV drip to the top oh the wheelchair and wheeled me to the intensive care department.


The ward was eerie, filled with the awkward silence in a room full of babies. An odd cry of two pierced the room's silence. The sound of machines whirring and bleeping could be heard. Though only one of these babies were mine, I couldn't help but feel sad, knowing that all of these babies were fighting for life, some would survive and some wouldn't. A nurse would go round and check each baby, she checked the machines and recorded information on the clipboard and shook her head. My heart dropped, did a baby just- lose it's life? She pushed the baby out of the room, disconnecting the various wires and tubes from its body.


Joon stopped in front of a small cot, labeled "Lee Mishca (Lee Changsun/Park Eun-Hae)" From a low view, I could make out two tiny feet through the clear plastic, one with a band wrapped around the ankle. The nurse came over and pulled out a warmed blanket, beginning to wrap her in it. Gently, she lowed the baby down to me.

"Would you like to feed her? She's now taking milk from a bottle"

I marvelled at her light weight and small size, smaller than any newborn I'd ever held. Unlike the other babies, she had no wires coming from her.

"She's almost strong enough to go home, in fact, we were planning to move you in a room with her" the nurse informed me. I admired my baby, her eyes were open, and she smiled.


The nurse handed the bottle to Joon, "I fed her last time..."

I took the bottle and placed it to the corner of , surprisingly, she smiled and opened .

"Hello Mishca" I whispered,

"It's omma..."

"How is it? Do you like the name Mishca?" Joon asked,

I nodded. Joon held out his phone, and wrapped an arm round me.

"there! Do you like my screensaver?"  I smiled, life felt more complete now, it felt much more relaxed.


A few minutes later, I heard a soft knock,

"Eun-Hae ssi?" The voice was familiar, that old mysterious ora surrounding the voice as it echoed.


"Where is she?" The man entered my room, wearing a black hoodie and jeans, a more casual look. He had his head down, his hood raised. He began pushing his sleeves up high, revealing the muscles in his biceps. He wore a watch, a silver linked watch, with blue sapphire covering the dials. He was defiantly rich. No doubt.

"Who?" I asked, my voice wavering a little,

"You're precious baby girl" his voice sounding menacing, a slight growling tone present in his voice.

"Why?" I answered. My voice sounding a little more aggressive than I had intended to sound.

He walked towards my bed, his footsteps heavy and he trod towards me.

"I will say this once, and only once. Take her and leave. You've become a threat to Joon and his life. If you don't want to destroy his life and career, take her and leave. Or you will regret it" Swiftly he turned and left.


I thought through, thinking back to the past. My memory was clouded, but thinking hard enough I could remember parts



"Leave him. NOW!" a voice yelled....


Honestly, this is the shortest, worst written chapter EVER! ASDFGHJKL! Sorry! But I needed to twist ths plot, remember, this is NOT about happy families.... Sorry It took so long for the plot to start up~ and sorry for the super long update T___T I had exams.... but failed them anyway! May as well have been working on this :) 


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CloudyPiano xx

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OMG MY MAC BROKE! I will have to update on Monday as soon as I get it back! I am so sorry! I had it finished too >_


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 9: Omg first I thought the baby/Mishca didin't survive but luckily she did^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 8: Happy New Year and...
Mishca is cute but I kinda have the feeling that it's just a sweet dream and not reality :/
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 7: Omg what's going to happen to Eun Hae?
And Joon can't leave his work?
But he needs to!!
Thanks for the update^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 6: ohhh nice teaser :)
Joon's going to film 'We Got Married'
oh I'm kinda excited to read the new chap^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Chapter 5: awe I like this chap
and now I'm kinda speechless^^
Chapter 5: this was so sad update soon.... good story by the way
YoongiholicAnonymous #7
Chapter 4: somehow I wish Eun Hae would remember Joon soon
so Joon don't have to suffer anymore
but then the story would end soon too :'(
please update soon^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 3: hmm... I wonder what Joon will do to make Eun Hae remember him^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
Chapter 2: awe and again poor Joon :(
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 1: OMG I feel so bad for Joon!
please update soon :)