Chapter 1- Don't Go...

Remember Me?


Chapter 1- Don't Go...

Finishing work, you threw your bags onto the floor and pulled off your coat. Slouching on the sofa you reached for the remote to turn on the TV, then pulled you pulled out your phone from your jean pocket and clicked on the calendar app on the home screen, today's date read 'Joon's coming home <3' smiling you realised he was coming home after the month long concert in Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia. You looked at the clock and realised got home a little earlier than usual, nodding your head you bit your lip nervously.


"Today is the day" Inhaling deeply, you turned off the TV and got up and headed to the kitchen to make his favourite meal. Tonight, you weren't going to mess around, not caring about what or which clothes you wore. Tonight, you were going to present yourself as the normal you, not dressed up or anything, just you. After 2 hours of cooking you'd finally finished. 


You set the side dishes down down on the table. After finishing putting down his plate and your plate you took a deep breath. The strong scent of food lingered through the whole apartment. Tonight was going to be a good night. Inhaling, the smell of the dishes, you belly rumbled. You couldn't wait. The door opened and a smile grew on your face as you turned towards the sound of footsteps as his slippers created friction against the rug.

"Hiya! I'm home I got home early!" Joon's voice echoed through the apartment. Hearing his footsteps come towards the kitchen, you smile grew wider as you gentle turned the plate.
"Oppa, I'm in here!" you shouted from the kitchen. Oddly, he walked into the kitchen and gave you a back hug.
He rested his head on your shoulder and sighed "mm, I'm tired... I'm going to bed..." he dragged his feet across the floor while exiting the kitchen. Your smile faded.

You'd spent ages making sure every little thing was perfect. And you'd planned to tell him the news. You were sure he'd clearly saw the meal on the table. As he headed off to your bedroom, you sulked, and sat on the dining room table alone and began to eat. The sad thing was, you'd been doing this for a month by pretending he was there, but this time, he was here.

Frustrated, you picked up your chopsticks and began to eat. Forcefully jamming a mouthful of rice into you mouth before slamming your utensils onto the glass table. You weren't even in the mood to eat now. Head in hands you began to sniffle as meaningless tears fell from your face and landed on the table. Forcefully swallowing the mouthful of rice, you slammed your fists against the table. You'd starved the entire evening planning and patiently waiting for his return, and this was it's outcome? Abruptly, you got up. 



Grabbing the ice water from the fridge you opened it and grabbed a glass, slamming it onto the table. It slipped from your hand and collided with the floor, shattering into pieces.
"What happened?!" Joon came running in yelling loudly. Bending down you picked up the pieces, cutting yourself on one, you continued, you couldn't feel the pain. The only pain you could feel was the pain from your heart. "Stop! STOP!" he restrained your hand, blood ran down from your fingers, dripping from your wrist, staining the white rug beneath.
"WHAT! WHY DO YOU CARE?!" you screamed, startling him
"What are you talking about?" tears dripped onto your shirt; as the blood continued to drip,
"THIS, everything, you! I waste my time and energy to put up with this..." you stood up suddenly
"This what?" Joon said trying to calm you down,
"THIS !" you snapped, flinging you hand off his grip.
"I've starved and waited this ing evening for YOU, made everything for you, wasted my time for YOU!" you breathed "and do you know what's worse?" your voice cracked as it turned to a whisper, tears fell unending.
"You came home for the first time in a month, early and you just leave me... to sleep?..." Apologetically, he sighed and pulled you into a tight hug, his grip tightened around you. Your arms remained frozen, still by your side.


You were sick of this, it wasn't the first time this had happened, not the second or third either. And this time, you weren't going to brush it off.
He started, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was going-" You pushed him off.
"No!" you shook your head and took a few steps back. Puzzled, he gave you innocent looks.
He'd realised what you meant now. "I'm sorry I'm famous, I'm sorry that this is my job" he yelled, groaning in anger.
"Yeah, and I'm also sorry this isn't working out. You know, this is one of the first things we have to do when I get back?" his eyes started to water,

"It's all MY fault!" you could hear the sarcastic tone in his voice.

"You know what?!" he continued, "If this isn't working we should just stuff it and break u-" his slapped his hand over his mouth.


Silence fell, and tears dropped, not even bothering to wipe them you ran to the bedroom and pulled out your case. Hiding your anger and sadness, you calmly replied, "Yeah, I think so too."  

"Wait, I-I-I didn't mean that- it just came out!" his tone was a lot softer now. Hurriedly packing essential items into the case, you ignored his words.

"I'll come back for my stuff tomorrow." you darted out of the apartment. He followed you every move, he followed as you dashed down the staircase trying to escape from him.

"Wait, we can make this work please!" he pleaded, tears now streamed from his face, as an unending waterfall. You continued walking till you reached the busy road, just outside of your apartment.


He caught your wrist, still bleeding, and pulled it back
"...don't leave..." his whisper could barely be heard over the blaring traffic and car horns. Not looking back you continued walking forward.
"EUN-HAE AH~!" his screamed echoed as he ran to the middle of the road, in a desperate attempt to save you from the speeding car rushing towards you,
"EUN-HAE AH!!!!!" he pulled your still, lifeless body onto his lap,
"Eun-hae ah..." he whispered as tears dropped from his cheeks to yours. His hands smothered in the blood that ran from your forehead,
"HELP, SOMEBODY SAVE HER PLEASE!" he screamed through his sobs.


Thanks so much for reading! I know this is crap, and I haven't finished the other one but I had an idea for it and I needed to write it down so here it is!

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CloudyPiano xx


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OMG MY MAC BROKE! I will have to update on Monday as soon as I get it back! I am so sorry! I had it finished too >_


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 9: Omg first I thought the baby/Mishca didin't survive but luckily she did^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 8: Happy New Year and...
Mishca is cute but I kinda have the feeling that it's just a sweet dream and not reality :/
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 7: Omg what's going to happen to Eun Hae?
And Joon can't leave his work?
But he needs to!!
Thanks for the update^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 6: ohhh nice teaser :)
Joon's going to film 'We Got Married'
oh I'm kinda excited to read the new chap^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Chapter 5: awe I like this chap
and now I'm kinda speechless^^
Chapter 5: this was so sad update soon.... good story by the way
YoongiholicAnonymous #7
Chapter 4: somehow I wish Eun Hae would remember Joon soon
so Joon don't have to suffer anymore
but then the story would end soon too :'(
please update soon^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 3: hmm... I wonder what Joon will do to make Eun Hae remember him^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
Chapter 2: awe and again poor Joon :(
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 1: OMG I feel so bad for Joon!
please update soon :)