::chapter two::

Code Breaker

::chapter two::

"Please be careful. Asuna. Promise me you'll come back and visit us." The ruler of Planet Rexon, that's homed to magicians and sorcerors said as she held Asuna's hand.

Asuna gave them a reassuring smile.

"I will. Please don't worry about me. Lexfa, and everyone here. I will miss you." Asuna says as she boarded her spaceship.

Asuna waved at them before starting the engine. She warpped her ship out and soon she found herself back into space. She cricled around Rexon a little before finding another planet.

Everything was going fine when she was suddenly pulled into a black hole.

"What the heck is happening!?" Asuna questions herself as she tries to get out of the black hole.

Red warning signs went off, as the conrtols stopped working. Asuna finds herself and her spaceship being warpped to somewhere. Her ship shook so hard that she lost her balance and her head hit against the control panel.  Asuna blacks out as her spaceship crash lands into another planet.


~   ~   ~


Two local citizens of Homura were taking the long way back home when they saw a weird spaceship crashing down not too far from where they were.

"Hyung.. is that a spaceship I see?" Jihoon asked as he looked

"Yeah.. It seems like something went wrong. Let's go cheeck if the person inside is okay." Taeil, the other boy said with a worried tone.

Jihoon and Taeil rushed over to where the spaceship landed. The two boys stared at the spaceship in awe before snapping back to reality. With some difficulties, they managed to open the door and got into the control room.

"Hyung~!! I found her!" Jihoon hollered from the second floor of the control room.

Taeil came rushing over Jihoon and gasped at the poor girl. There was blood running down. Jihoon immediately carried her up and the two of them immediately ran back to their capital city.

"Halmoni!" Jihoon shouted as he bursted through the double doors of the mansion.

An old lady approached them with alarmed expression.

"I want answers later. But now, healing this young girl is first. Helena. Bring this young girl to the guest room and heal her." The halmoni ordered as she looked at Jihoon and Taeil.

Helena, took the girl away from Jihoon and brought her to a room while the boys followed the Halmoni to her office.

"We saw a spaceship crashing down. We found her inside the spaceship." Jihoon said as soon as they closed the door of the office.

"I see. It must of been the black hole's doing. Poor girl." Halmoni said as she shook her head.

"What are we going to do?"

"I'll talk to her once she wakes up. Did you get the things I told you to get?"

Taeil smiled, "Of course halmoni."

Taeil handed her a small bag of herbs that they collected from Anexia, the country of Elves.


~   ~   ~

"Ugh.." Asuna groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.

She squinted her eyes, adjusting to the unfamiliar room and place. She immediately sat up, suddenly feeling dizzy. Asuna touched her head and found out that there was a bandage on her head.

"Where.. am I?" Asuna mumbles to herself.

"I see you are awake, young child." Halmoni said as she stepped into the room, with Taeil and Jihoon following behind.

"Uhm.. where am I?" Asuna asks softly.

"Young child. Your spaceship has crashed onto our planet Alaxis. The country you are in right now is Homura, which is homed to humans who have supernatural powers. These two boys beside me found your spaceship and you, and brought you here."

Asuna looked up at them and smiled, "Thank you."

"Do you remember anything?"

"Well... I remember leaving Planet Rexon-"

"Rexon? Isn't that the planet homed to magicians and sorcorers? Why were you there?" Taeil asked, interupted Asuna.

Halmoni gave Taeil a look.


"No it's okay. Yes. Rexon is the planet homed to magicians and sorcorers. The reason I was there was because I am in search of my parents. I have been travelling from Earth then planet to planet, countries to countries.. and yet.. I have not found. I know they are alive somewhere. Or else.. this pendant would have shattered long time." Asuna explained.

"Everything was fine.. until this black hole appeared out of nowhere."

"Once you have been into the black hole, you won't be able to leave here."

"Deh!?" Asuna exclaimed a bit to loud, making her having a slight pain in her head.

Asuna clutched her head and groaned in pain.

"Young child, what is your name?"

"Asuna. Kannagi Asuna." Asuna replied weakly.

The halmoni let out an unaudible gasp.

Kannagi Asuna? She must be their child they have been telling me about.. She has to be.. she looks so much alike to her..

"Asuna dear, why don't you rest. If you need anything, just press the green button beside the bed." Halmoni said before pushing the boys out.

Asuna laid back down and soon drifted off to sleep. Halmoni, Taeil and Jihoon were back in her office.

"What's wrong halmoni? Why did you have that surprised expression when she told us her name?" Jihoon asked innocently.

"Asuna. She is the daughter.. the the Ruler of Alaxis."

"BWO!?" Both Taeil and Jihoon exclaimed.

"But.. they've gone missing." Taeil voiced out.

"Exactly why their daughter have been searching for them. She has told me before. Her daughter, will be travelling from Earth first then to other planets in search for them. When she crash lands onto Alaxis, keep her safe. A lot of people will be after her once her identity is known. That was what she had told me."

"I see.." They both said


~   ~   ~

While Asuna was sleeping, well she couldn't sleep so she sat up in her bed. She touched her bandaged head and closed her eyes. Golden-white butterflies circled around her head. The bandage fell to her lap as her wound was completely healed. Asuna looked around the room and made sure there wasn't anyone around before she burnt the bandage wrap to ashes.

"Mum. Dad. Where are you? Why does this.. planet.. feel nostaglic?" Asuna questioned herself again.

"Have I been here before? Why.. does.. bits and peices of memories from this planet appear in my dreams? Was.. I born here? Are.. my parents.. here on this planet?" She said before looking out the window with a black expression.


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Wow ~ nice description & awesome stories :) - Yuki
luv_jiyeon66 #2
Chapter 7: update soon :)
Chapter 6: Aww Leafa and Zico seem cute together lol
Whoa so much happen in here o.o and omg kirara and then there is soul city. Lol. I love fanfics that are sorta like animes haha