::chapter six::

Code Breaker

::chapter six::

"What are we going to eat?" Asuna asked.

"Hm.. lets go hunt for flood or go get some normal food in the city?"

"City. Too lazy to hunt." Asuna grinned.

"Ah. Before we go, beware of a boy named Woo Jiho."


"A lot say that he's the strongest and most dangerous demon in this country. And he's only 20 years old." Leafa warned but soon grinned. "But my younger sister will be the strongest, most dangerous and deadliest female demon in this country then."

"Oh hush." Asuna pouted. "I don't want anyone to find out about my face nor my powers yet."

"Is it because you're afraid they'll come after you and harm our planet?"

Asuna nodded and sighed. Leafa smiled and assured her that she'll keep her lips sealed and will not mention a thing.

"Come lets go eat~"

Leafa skipped outside the house and stood outside in the front yard and took a deep breath in the warm yet chilly cold air. "It's been so long since I came outside this mansion."

Going out?

The werewolves asked.

"Yes. To eat with Asuna."

Please be careful. I sense a few of them here in this country.

"What? Already?"

The werewolf growled in response.

"Alright. We'll keep an eye out on them."

Asuna and Leafa left the mansion and walked through the forest.

"Why is our mansion in the middle of the forest?"

"Ah, mum and dad built it that way so that our beasts and summons can lurk around and keep outsiders out."

"Oh.. so that's the reason why they didn't appraoch me.."

"Off course, silly. Even if you don't tell them who you are, they'll know that your Asuna. Most of them are our summons and beasts we looked after and raised."

While the were walking through the forest after jumping down the cliff towards the city, Kirara appeared out of nowhere and sat on top of Leafa's head.

"Aww Kirara. I missed you." Leafa said as she took her down and hugged her.

Kirara purred softly and Leafa's chin. Leafa giggled and put Kirara back on her head. Kirara purred and laid down while looking at her surroundings, her purrs soon became hisses as she sat up. Leafa and Asuna were already at the west gate of the city since their mansion was located west of the city. Kirara's hisses and snarls became fiercer, baring her sharp fangs.

"Kirara what's wrong?" Asuna asked, as they stopped at the gate entrance since Kirara started to act strangely.

Leafa scanned her surroundings and rolled her eyes.

"What do you want Jiho?" Leafa said in a irritated tone.

"So you've decided to leave your mansion?" Jiho, stepped out from his hidding spot.

So that's Jiho?

"Who's that girl beside you?" He asked.

"My younger sister." Leafa said and turned away from him. "Let's go. I'm hungry."

Leafa dragged Asuna away before Jiho could say anything else. Leafa growled in annoyance when she finds that Jiho is following them. Leafa came to an adrupt stop.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" She hollered, making the very few citizens that was on the streets look at their way.

"Who's that? Is that girl crazy? Talking to Woo Jiho that way.."

"She must be asking for death." They smirked.

Asuna rolled her eyes and stared at them, however they didn't notice her.

Bastards. How dare you talk to my sister that way.

"Argh! WHAT THE !?" They hollered when acid water was splattered on them all of a sudden.

They hissed in pain while trying to get rid of the acid water that was following them. Asuna secretly smirked.

Take that s.

"Why can't I follow you?"

"Go follow someone else!" Leafa huffed. "Let's go." Asuna was once again dragged, not knowing what to do. She took a last glance at Jiho before turning her attention back to her sister.

"Interesting." Jiho commented before looking at the two boys who were getting attacked by the acid water. "I wonder where the acid water comes from. It can't be Leafa. It might be her sister but.. she doesn't look like the type to do that." Jiho shrugs and walked away.

Leafa  sighed in relief when Jiho stopped following her and her sister. They walked around the food stalls before buying a few hot dogs. Asuna looked at Leafa and gave her a questionning look.

"Jiho and I go way back. We've known each other.. ever since mum, dad and you went missing. Although he's an at times, he's quite helpful if you need someone to lean on."

"Oh.. but the others don't know?"

Leafa shook her head with a smile. "He's really an and annoying as hell."

"That's very nice." Jiho said, giving Leafa a heart attack.

"YAH!" Leafa smacked him across the head.

"Tell me why I'm friends with you again." He shook his head with a grin.

"Wipe that grin off your face before I do it for you." Leafa smirked.

"Psh." Jiho rolled his eyes as he continued to tease Leafa, while Leafa tries to shut him up.

"Oh, yeah.. why did you do that earlier?" Leafa asked as she turned to Asuna.

"Do what?" Both Asuna and Jiho asked in unison.

"Don't pretend, Asuna." Leafa gave her the look.

Asuna shrugs. "Not my fault I attacked them acid water. That's what they get for bad mouthing you."

"Awww." Leafa cooed and hugged Asuna tightly.

Jiho gapped at Asuna.

"But I didn't suspect that your sister would be the one to do that."

"She can make it as if she wasn't the one who did it. She's a cunning little girl."

"Hey. I ain't--"

Kirara hissed and snarls again. Leafa, Asuna and Jiho became alert as a few people in black cloaks surrounded them.

"Are they the ones you told be about that were after your sister?" Jiho whispered to Leafa who nodded in reponse.

"Well well, isn't it you again." Leafa snarls as she held onto Asuna's hand tightly.

"Leafa.. I can protect myself."

"I thought you didn't want people to know your race and powers yet?"

"But still.." Asuna pouted.

Jiho looked over to Asuna and patted on her head and grinned. "Leave this to me and your sister."

"If you say so..." Asuna said in defeat.

But that doesn't mean I won't be fighting against them.

Asuna smirks secretly behind Leafa and Jiho.


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Wow ~ nice description & awesome stories :) - Yuki
luv_jiyeon66 #2
Chapter 7: update soon :)
Chapter 6: Aww Leafa and Zico seem cute together lol
Whoa so much happen in here o.o and omg kirara and then there is soul city. Lol. I love fanfics that are sorta like animes haha