::chapter four::

Code Breaker

For half of the day, Asuna has been following Leifa around Oxiranis as she went to different places in Oxiranis. Every where she went, little peices of her memories flows into her mind. Now, Asuna was just trailing behing Leifa while her mind was thinking about Leafa.

"Leifa?" Asuna questioned when Leifa was staring blankly ahead.

A loud deafening scream was heard. Leifa snapped out of her daze and looked at Asuna before she sprinted off to where the scream was. Asuna tilted her head to the side, confused but followed her anyways, however she got pulled back.

"Don't go." Minjae said.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Minjae."

"Oh.. so you're the one that carried me here?"

Minjae nodded as he removed his hand from Asuna's arm.

"Thank you. But.. why did you tell me not to go?"

"The beasts that attack Oxiranis aren't your normal beast you encounter in The Black Forest-- where the heck did she go!?" Minjae exclaimed when Asuna was nowhere in sight.

Asuna reached an open area while she stood on a tree branch. She saw Leifa and a giant skeleton.

She looked to the far left of the giant, a little girl was sitting there in fear, while Leifa tried to get past the skeleton.

Asuna looked around and smirked when there wasn't anyone else her eyes glowed golden yellow as the skies darkens as dark clouds covers the sky.

"Leifa noona!" Minjae shouted as he caught up beside her.

"What's happening?"

"I don't know.." Leifa answers.

Suddenly the skeleton was knocked over to the right.

"Who dares lay a finger on me?" The skeleton snarled.

A two tailed fox, half the size of the skeleton hovered above the skeleton.

The skeleton hissed in pain as his bones started to burn to ash. An eerie laugh echoed as Asuna was sitting on her beast summon.

"Who are you?" Leifa shouted, directing the question to Asuna.

"Someone whom you do not need to know Leifa darling." Asuna said.

"How do you know my noona's name!?" Minjae raised his voice.

"I just do Minjae-shi." Asuna chuckled and turned her attention on the skeleton.

"Skeletons like you should just burn to ashes." Asuna smirks as the skeleton slowly decades.

"W-Wha--" The skeleton couldn't finish his sentence as he completely vanished.

Asuna jumped down and landed gently beside the terrified girl.

"Are you okay?"

The little girl nodded.

"Kirara." Asuna called out.

The two-tailed demon fox came down beside Asuna, as Asuna carried the little girl up and placed her on top of Kirara as she too joined and sat behind the little girl.

"Where do you live?"

"Down that way."

Without being told, Kirara sprinted off into the sky, to the direction of the little girls house.

"Where is Asuna?" Leifa asks.

"Well.. she was gone when I was talking to her."

"YAH! How can you just let go of your sight like that. She's not fully healed yet!" Leifa smacked Minjae on the head.

"Noona!" Minjae whined.


Rather than stopping at the little girls house, they were at a shrine.

"A shrine?" Asuna asks as she made Kirara go back.

The little girl nodded.

"Mum!" The little girl called out.

"Kei~!" The mother of the little girl cried as she hugged her daughter tightly.

Suddenly another flashback from Asuna's memories flowed into her mind.


"Eonnie~!!" Asuna shouted happily as she ran up the stairs of the shrine and came to the top.

"Asuna. I'm over here." Another girl said with a smile.

"Eonnie! Leafa eonnie~!!" Asuna squealed and engulfed Leafa into a hug.

"Aigoo. Do you miss me that much?" Leafa asked.

"Of course!" Asuna pouted. "Does eonnie not miss me?"

"Of course I do." Leafa ruffled Asuna's hair, making them messy.

"Hehe. Leafa eonnie is the best eonnie I ever had!" both Leafa and Asuna laughed as they continued to play with each other.

::end of flashback::

"Are you okay?" The mother of Kei asked.

"Oh? Yes. I am. Just past memories of my childhood that I seem to have forgotten came back to me." Asuna smiled.

"Oh. That must be hard for you. Why don't you come in. Let me treat you something since you saved my daughter."

Asuna smiled but politely refused the offer.

"By anychance, do you know a girl by the name Leafa?"

"Yes. Do you mean Kannagi Leafa?"


"Do you see that castle over there?" The lady pointed over behind the mountains.

"Yes. Is that where Leafa is?"

"Yes. But sadly she hasn't been coming out of the mansion much."

"Why is that?"

"She has been locking herself up everysince her younger sister went missing. If I remember.. her name was Kannagi Asuna."

"I see. Thank you." Asuna smiled before calling Kirara back out.

To that castle.

She ordered Kirara.

While on the way to the castle, Asuna had already went back to her human form and hid her summons presence.

"Just drop me off a few kilometres from her castle, Kirara."

Kirara growled before landing down onto the ground. Asuna jumped off.

"Thank you Kirara." She smiled as Kirara went back into a baby fox sixe and sat on Asuna's left shoulder.

"Do you think Leafa will remember me?" She asked Kirara as she made her way to the castle.

Kirara purred in response.

"I'm sure she will. After, you are our summon. But she hasn't been summoning you for a long time."

After a long walk to the castle, Asuna was now standing in front of the gate. She pushed it opened as the rusty metal creaked.

A few growls were heard as black werewolves summons surrounded Asuna. Asuna smiled as she recognized them.

"Do you not welcome me?" Asuna asked softly.

The werewolves summons stopped growling as soon they were all nudging her leg, telling her that they missed her.

Where have you been!?

The werewolves looked at her.

"Earth? I don't know how I got there. But when I came here.." Asuna smiled. "My memories are returning to me bit by bit. Will you let me in and see Leafa eonnie?"

Of course. Follow me Asuna.

Asuna followed the pack of werewolves. As soon as she entered the mansion, more flashbacks flowed in.


"Appa~!!" Both Leafa and Asuna hollered as soon as they entered the mansion.

Leafa and Asuna looked at each other before breaking into a grin.

"Ready~~ START~!!" They both said before raching each other up the stairs.

"Both of you aren't little kids anymore."

Leafa and Asuna stopped running at the same time and looked to the left. Both shooting daggers of hatred to the boy who said that.

"Hmpf! You're just jealous because we don't like you!" Leafa said and stuck out her tongue as Asuna did what her older sister did.

"Why you." The boy pulled Leafa by her shirt.

"LET EONNIE GO~!!" Asuna hollered with anger as a enormous amount of negative energy was released. The boy let go of Leafa out of shock and fear.

"What is going on here?" A man said as he picked up Asuna and calmed her down.

Asuna was glaring down at the boy with pure hatred as she was finally calmed down with her mothers soft lullaby.

"Minhyuk, what did you do to make Asuna angry?"

"He grabbed me by my shirt. That's why Asuna was angry, daddy." Leafa said truthfully as she hugged her fathers leg and smirked at Minhyuk before putting on an innocent expression.

"Minhyuk. I don't remember having my younger brother raising you up this way. Apologize to Leafa."

"Sorry." Minhyuk muttered.

::end of flashback::

Asuna stood in front of the big double metal doors. The werewolves have already left. She took a deep breath and opened the door and walked inside.

Two girls stared at each other for a long time, before Asuna broke the silence.

"Leafa.. eonnie?" Asuna asked softly.

Leafa had slightly opened as tears slowly formed in her eyes.

"Asuna?" Tears flowed down when Asuna nodded.

Leafa jumped out of her bed and sprinted over to Asuna and engulfed her into a tight hug.

"I though I lost you." She sobbed silently on Asuna's shoulder as Asuna hugged her back tighter.


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Wow ~ nice description & awesome stories :) - Yuki
luv_jiyeon66 #2
Chapter 7: update soon :)
Chapter 6: Aww Leafa and Zico seem cute together lol
Whoa so much happen in here o.o and omg kirara and then there is soul city. Lol. I love fanfics that are sorta like animes haha