
Corner to Corner Graphic Reviews


First look: The red is very bold.  That was the first thing that caught my eyes, in my opinion it would be a lot better if you just stuck with B&W.  The red kind of threw me off.  The poster is okay. I feel that there could have been more to the poster.  For example if the texture you used for the bg was instead placed above Zelo’s and you changed the mode to lighten it would add more movements to the poster.  The poster is centered, it’s not a bad thing but it does reduce the movements in your poster.  The texture has a white design to it so if you did place that on top of Zelo’s layer and changed the mode it would be very pretty.  (8/10)

Photos: The photo you chose of Zelo could be a bit better, his expression isn’t very sad to help bring out the angst mood in your graphic.  The photo gives off more of a neutral or horror feel, especially the second photo you used.  It’s a bit hard to find photo of BAP so I understand that you only used what was closest to the mood you had to create.  Since his photo is neutral, it would be great if you cropped out his eyes or something to help bring out the mood/theme.  Yes it’s important to make your characters visible but you could always be creative!  But anyways my point, the photo you chose doesn’t really match the poster but it’s understandable.  (10/15)

Mood/theme: The poster does not really give me an angst feel; it gives me more of a horror feel because of the red and the photos you chose.  If you kept the B&W color scheme it would be better.  The B&W color you chose to use for the poster does represent the mood/theme but the hint of red made the poster turn into a horror poster.  Next time it would be best to just stick with B&W for angst poster.  (10/15)

Blending/Cropping: The blending of the second photo is clever, I really like it.  I don’t see anything bad with this section.  (10/10)

Resources: The textures you used is good but I stated above that it would be better if you used the texture to help the poster’s movement.  In this case, you used your resource incorrectly.  Honestly there is no right or wrong way to use a texture but I believe the bg texture was used incorrectly.  It should be used to enhance the poster’s quality rather than it being the bg of your poster.  You could have used a plain black bg.  Aside from the bg texture, I see that you used some grainy/scratch B&W texture which is great!  Your texture usage is okay, but can be improved.  You certainly do know which textures to use though!  (16/20)

Composition: I believe the composition is too centered which gives your poster no movement.  Since your poster only has one character its fine if it’s in the middle but you could do much more than this.  You could have cropped him and placed him in different places, its okay to duplicate one photo and place them in more than one place.  The placement of the text is good. (8.5/10)

Fonts: The title font is good, the sub texts is good.  The credit font can use more work.  Its always better to use a simple font.  (5/5)

Quality: The poster is pretty and simple!  I like the poster, it’s a pretty poster but there could be a lot more done to the poster.  Don’t limit yourself.  I believe there could have been more creativity to the poster.  There’s nothing wrong with simple posters but for this specific poster I believe you could have done more. Even though the poster is simple, the quality is still very good and clean! (12.5/15)

Side Comments: Okay here is your review!  I really like this poster but I wish there was more creativity put into it.  You could do so much more than what you did for this poster.  I hope this review helped some.

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teaquiIa #1
would you like to be an affies? c:
a graphic review shop, `( gleaming sunset;
star_x #2
Nope.i dont want to change my graphic.^^ just take ur time ok.
Chapter 8: Thank you for taking the time to review my graphic! I agree with everything you said. Originally, I had desaturated Yuri and put a layer I filled with a light shade of blue on top of everything, and set the blend mode to "Color" (or "Hue", I forgot o.o) to kinda integrate the poster, but looking back, it does make it look dull and monotone. I can't download fonts on my computer for some reason, but I'm sure I definitely could've made a better choice with the typography.
Again, thank you for reviewing this graphic! I'll definitely take your comments and suggestions into account for my future posters.
Chapter 5: Thank you so much!~ ^^
Yay, I got higher! :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for the honest review ^^ I might post it on my portfolio and I'll definitely request again
I requested ^__^
requested for a review~
take your time :)
I'm really sorry to say this, but is there any way I could change the graphic being reviewed? If you haven't started already, that is. It's just that I feel like I've somewhat improved, and I myself have caught a lot of mistakes in the graphic I requested for (like the girl's body being transparent LOL)
So if it's okay, could I change the graphic?

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the review ^^
I feel that your review is spot on. Since this is an older design that I did, as i look back at it I find that I didn't really do a good job at it. I was kinda ignorant at the details I guess. I hope I improved in the next graphic that I request from you :]
Chapter 4: Are you still taking requests or are you spots full?