
Corner to Corner Graphic Reviews



First look: The quality is very good and HQ, that is my favorite part of your poster.  My first glance of the poster; I was impressed, but not about the whole poster.  I only like the upper half of the poster.  The middle and bottom does not really connect with the overall poster.  I think it could have been a lot better with the color usage and textures you used.  The flow of the colors in your poster doesn’t mesh well with one another, the upper half of the poster has calm/warm colors like brown but once you look at the middle of the poster it suddenly turns into a red and black area while the lower part of your poster is purple/blue.  The flow of the colors in your poster could be a lot better.  The colors were the only thing that threw me off.  All in all I think it’s a good poster but it could be better if you changed some things here and there.   (8/10)

Photos: The photos were well chosen; they’re HQ and do help set the mood of the poster.  I really like TOP’s photo, he has a natural expression but his eyes shows danger/panic.  I really like how he expressed his emotions with his eyes.  The OC’s photo is good; but there has got to be a better photo that can better fit the mood/theme.  She looks a bit too calm compared to TOP, and I feel that her composition is very weird, she’s looking up so her face and her angel is a bit strange to me.  It would be nice if you rotated her a bit so that her chin wouldn’t be pointed up so high.  But really, I think it would look a lot better if you chose a photo with the female’s face turned similar to TOP’s.  (8.7/15)

Mood/theme: Looking at the poster I can see that the mood/theme is action.  I can’t seem to find angst in the poster.  The plane and lightening really brings out the mood of the poster.  The colors however do throw me off a bit, like I said before.  It would be nice if the posters’ main color was a shade of purple like the stock photo OR if the poster was brown throughout.   (15/15)

Blending/Cropping: The blending is good; I don’t have much to say about it, just that the textures you used could have been blended better with the poster.  For example the black splashes you used could be placed lower so it won’t block TOP’s neck, making him look like a flying head.  The black splashes could have been a different mode so it wouldn’t be so dark.  The blending of the characters are really good, just need a bit more touch up with the blending of your resources. (9/10)

Resources: There are a couple of textures that I spot.  The coloring is nice, as in the skin tones of your characters.  The OC is a bit lighter but it’s not that noticeable.  Your resources are nice but they weren’t wisly used.  Like I stated above, the black texture you used for the poster covered too much of the characters, and it is a bit too dark which steals the spotlight from the characters.  Characters should always be the focal point, but in your case the focal point in this poster was the dark blob in the center of the poster.  The red splash doesn’t really work for me either, it seems really out of place, its placed on top of the OC’s neck which makes her look as if she exploded…I don’t really think the splashes you used were appealing.  I think the poster would look better without them.  (15/20)

Composition: The composition is okay.  If the canvas was a bit longer I think the poster would look better, if the canvas was longer the title would be down lower which will give the character’s more space.  I feel that the characters don’t really have much room, because the title and texture is overlapping them.  If the plane stock was down lower the title would be lower and the texture would be lower to give the characters more breathing room.  Looking at the poster I believe if the title was more to the right it would be more appealing because the composition of the poster is solely in the center which gives the center too much attention and gives the right and left side of the poster too much negative space.  It would be nice if there was more flow in the composition. (6/10)
Fonts: The font choice is good; the color however is too bright.  The shade of white is overpowering, why not use a darker color?  Maybe a light gray or a darker shade of gray?  Using the eyedrop tool would also help a lot with the font colors!  (3/5)

Quality: The quality is good; I wouldn’t mind using the poster if it was given to me.  It seems like a lot of time was put into the poster, it looks nice but it could always be better.  From the looks of it, you seem to know what you’re doing!  The poster is good; if some adjustments were made it would be a very nice piece. (14/15)

Side Comments: Sorry for the long wait, I’ve been busy with school OTL.  I hope this review helps a little, I repeat myself a lot so I hope it doesn’t get annoying.  Thank you for requesting from me!



TOTAL: 72.7



Reminder: Since I took my time reviewing your work, please take your time to leave me feedback!  I want long and helpful feedbacks so I can be a better reviewer for future requestors!  And remember the score given does not matter as much as the tips given.

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teaquiIa #1
would you like to be an affies? c:
a graphic review shop, `( gleaming sunset; www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/243077
star_x #2
Nope.i dont want to change my graphic.^^ just take ur time ok.
Chapter 8: Thank you for taking the time to review my graphic! I agree with everything you said. Originally, I had desaturated Yuri and put a layer I filled with a light shade of blue on top of everything, and set the blend mode to "Color" (or "Hue", I forgot o.o) to kinda integrate the poster, but looking back, it does make it look dull and monotone. I can't download fonts on my computer for some reason, but I'm sure I definitely could've made a better choice with the typography.
Again, thank you for reviewing this graphic! I'll definitely take your comments and suggestions into account for my future posters.
Chapter 5: Thank you so much!~ ^^
Yay, I got higher! :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for the honest review ^^ I might post it on my portfolio and I'll definitely request again
I requested ^__^
requested for a review~
take your time :)
I'm really sorry to say this, but is there any way I could change the graphic being reviewed? If you haven't started already, that is. It's just that I feel like I've somewhat improved, and I myself have caught a lot of mistakes in the graphic I requested for (like the girl's body being transparent LOL)
So if it's okay, could I change the graphic?

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the review ^^
I feel that your review is spot on. Since this is an older design that I did, as i look back at it I find that I didn't really do a good job at it. I was kinda ignorant at the details I guess. I hope I improved in the next graphic that I request from you :]
Chapter 4: Are you still taking requests or are you spots full?