
Corner to Corner Graphic Reviews





First look: My first look at the poster I wasn’t really impressed, the poster is a bit on the LQ side and it’s a bit bright while the center of the poster is BAM, dark in your face kind of feel.  The characters are also very different from one another, the curves are very different.  The OC is bright, almost as if she was a ghost while Jinyoung is darker compared to her.  I honestly believe you could do a lot better.  The poster also gave me a cold winter feel which doesn’t revolve around the story correct?  I don’t know, but this poster gives me more negative impression than a positive impression. (4.5/10)

Photos: The photos used in the poster are okay.  The expressions shown are of sadness and they match each other’s expression.  The expressions are good and they do connect with the mood/theme but the quality isn’t so great.  Jinyoung looks pixelated and so does the OC.  Maybe it’s because you sharpened them but it’s a bit too much.  The stock photo you chose is nice but does it have anything to do with the story?  Stock photos are only used to help set the theme of the story; it would make a lot of sense if the story took place on a road, or if it revolved around it somehow, the tree is a distraction.  On the right side of the poster you can see branches which is a little odd, especially the composition of it, catches my off guard.  Going back to the photo selection of the two characters, I stated before that the curves of the two photos are very different.  Jinyoung is really dark while the OC is bright and light, it would be wise to change her curves and make her a bit darker to match with Jinyoung.  (9/15)

Mood/theme: Yes, I think you did a good job with the mood/theme.  First glance at the poster, I knew it was a romance/angst poster.  I like that you made the angst poster light, because most angst posters are usually dark so it’s a nice change.  It’s bright but maybe too bright, next time try to add some curves to it so the characters won’t look so pale and sick.  (15/15)

Blending/Cropping: The blending of the two characters is good but not clean.  If you look closely, the tops of their heads are slightly gone, you blended too much.  Make sure that when you use the lasso tool to blend, don’t make the area too close to the characters.  And also the blending of the two bodies could be done better, blend the OC’s shoulder with Jinyoung so it won’t look so weird.  The blending overall needs just a bit more work, but it’s better than most I’ve seen! (7.5/10)

Resources: I can see about two textures?  One is bohek and the other is the redish texture.  I don’t see any problems with the resources you used.  BUT it would be great if you used some curves and color selection to bring out the black and reds in the poster, but it’s just a suggestion!   (18/20)

Composition: Composition is good, characters are in the center and they’re the focal point, title is clearly seen and stock photo is places nicely excluding the branches.  I really like the placement of the sub texts it looks nice, and adds movement to your poster! (10/10)

Fonts: Usually bold fonts wouldn’t really work for angst posters but I think it looks nice.  It would look even better If you used motion blur to add some effect to the font to make it stand out a bit more, other than that its fine.  I also really like the simplicity of the subtext, its small and very simple!  I like the boldness of the last four words.  Looks good! (5/5)

Quality: The quality could be a lot better.  Like I said before, the poster is on the LQ side because of the over sharpened photos.  The color movement is not so great.  Try to equal out the brightness and darkness of your posters.  If the top half of the poster is too bright then add some dark textures to cover that up or use layer mask and color it and change the mode of the mask.  Try to balance it out so it won’t be so overwhelming.  If I was the requestor I wouldn’t mind using it if some adjustments were made. (9/15)

Side Comments: Okay here is your long awaited review, I hope it helped you some.  I tried my best to help you on the sections you wanted most help on!  I think your poster is nice just take the tips I gave you and improve it bit by bit.





Reminder: Since I took my time reviewing your work, please take your time to leave me feedback!  I want long and helpful feedbacks so I can be a better reviewer for future requestors!

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teaquiIa #1
would you like to be an affies? c:
a graphic review shop, `( gleaming sunset; www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/243077
star_x #2
Nope.i dont want to change my graphic.^^ just take ur time ok.
Chapter 8: Thank you for taking the time to review my graphic! I agree with everything you said. Originally, I had desaturated Yuri and put a layer I filled with a light shade of blue on top of everything, and set the blend mode to "Color" (or "Hue", I forgot o.o) to kinda integrate the poster, but looking back, it does make it look dull and monotone. I can't download fonts on my computer for some reason, but I'm sure I definitely could've made a better choice with the typography.
Again, thank you for reviewing this graphic! I'll definitely take your comments and suggestions into account for my future posters.
Chapter 5: Thank you so much!~ ^^
Yay, I got higher! :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for the honest review ^^ I might post it on my portfolio and I'll definitely request again
I requested ^__^
requested for a review~
take your time :)
I'm really sorry to say this, but is there any way I could change the graphic being reviewed? If you haven't started already, that is. It's just that I feel like I've somewhat improved, and I myself have caught a lot of mistakes in the graphic I requested for (like the girl's body being transparent LOL)
So if it's okay, could I change the graphic?

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the review ^^
I feel that your review is spot on. Since this is an older design that I did, as i look back at it I find that I didn't really do a good job at it. I was kinda ignorant at the details I guess. I hope I improved in the next graphic that I request from you :]
Chapter 4: Are you still taking requests or are you spots full?