
Corner to Corner Graphic Reviews


First look: It’s a colorful poster!  I honestly don’t have much to say about the first impression, when I saw the poster; it did not attract my attention.  It’s not that great, to put it bluntly.  The poster is really plain and it could use more creativity and something more to make the poster look better.  It really gave me a bad impression.  When looking at your graphics there could be a lot of improvements made.  The poster was all over the place, with the colors and sparkles and the patterns on the bg of the poster. (2/10)

Photos: The photos go well with the mood/theme you chose.  The photos are HQ except, Yongguk’s, his is a quality is a bit lower compared to the rest.  His skin tone is also a red tint while the others are a natural skin tone.  It would be nice if you used a different photo of his or find a better quality one.  The photos you chose were nice but it would be better if you did not crop off their bodies, you only used their heads on the poster which isn’t really appealing.  You know how to choose photos but you do not know how to use them properly. (8/15)

Mood/theme: Yes the poster does show cute/happy/romance.  The colorful poster helped set the mood.  You got the mood/theme down but you could do a lot more to help set the mood/theme, as in adding some flowers/hearts ect.  But you nailed this section! (15/15)

Blending/Cropping: Your cropping is okay.  The characters are cut out but it’s not really clean.  I can see some sloppy parts.  The BAP guy’s face isn’t cropped cleanly; the side of his face seems to be cut off some.   (8/10)

Resources: Hmm, looking at your poster I don’t see any PSDs being used.  I don’t think you used any; you didn’t use any curves or any tools on ps.  I can only spot about two textures.  I don’t see any problems with your textures but I do really dislike the texture you used for the text section, I don’t think you used it correctly.  If you used the texture on the guys, it would have been better.  The texture you chose for your BG isn’t appealing to me.  Maybe next time try a solid colored texture because all the words and designs are a bit distracting.  It would look better if you used a light blue bg with stripes or a pattern! This section needs more work. (8/20)

Composition: The composition could be a lot better.  The placements of the guys are okay but it would be better if they were not slanted.  They should be straight and should be placed on top of one another.  The title’s placement is appropriate. (8/10)

Fonts: The font is okay, but the color does not match the overall poster or the color scheme.  The font color should be a pinker or blue font if you want the font to match your poster.  The subtexts are bad, the bold text does not match the poster whatsoever, try to use a simple font like Georgia for credits next time.   (3/5)

Quality: To be blunt the poster is not really appealing to me, there could have been more to the poster, it’s a bit simple and more creativity could have been put into it.  There is no color scheme so it looks a bit messy.  The outline of the characters makes them look really LQ.  It would be nice if you used a psd to enhance the colors of your characters.  I see that you had an idea for this poster but I believe your idea could have gone above and beyond. (4/15)

Side Comments: So here is your review, I apologize for the long wait; please do not feel discouraged with this review!  I just really want to help you improve.  Next time try to be more creative and use more textures to help enhance your poster.  You can do much better.  

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teaquiIa #1
would you like to be an affies? c:
a graphic review shop, `( gleaming sunset;
star_x #2
Nope.i dont want to change my graphic.^^ just take ur time ok.
Chapter 8: Thank you for taking the time to review my graphic! I agree with everything you said. Originally, I had desaturated Yuri and put a layer I filled with a light shade of blue on top of everything, and set the blend mode to "Color" (or "Hue", I forgot o.o) to kinda integrate the poster, but looking back, it does make it look dull and monotone. I can't download fonts on my computer for some reason, but I'm sure I definitely could've made a better choice with the typography.
Again, thank you for reviewing this graphic! I'll definitely take your comments and suggestions into account for my future posters.
Chapter 5: Thank you so much!~ ^^
Yay, I got higher! :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for the honest review ^^ I might post it on my portfolio and I'll definitely request again
I requested ^__^
requested for a review~
take your time :)
I'm really sorry to say this, but is there any way I could change the graphic being reviewed? If you haven't started already, that is. It's just that I feel like I've somewhat improved, and I myself have caught a lot of mistakes in the graphic I requested for (like the girl's body being transparent LOL)
So if it's okay, could I change the graphic?

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the review ^^
I feel that your review is spot on. Since this is an older design that I did, as i look back at it I find that I didn't really do a good job at it. I was kinda ignorant at the details I guess. I hope I improved in the next graphic that I request from you :]
Chapter 4: Are you still taking requests or are you spots full?