I Did It For You

What is Right? What is Wrong?

Dongho's POV

"Why'd you break-up with her? I thought things were going good?!" Kevin yells upset.

Looking at him I let out a long sigh. "She made the group. I talked to them, told them I was just curious, and being my adorable self, I found out...Hyung she told me something." Kevin and Kiseop gave me questioning looks, sighing I continue. "She told me that in a choice between anything and me it'd be me she'd choose."

"So you just broke up with her?" Kibum asks disappointed, I know all my hyungs are disappointed, I know that they are, I am in myself, but I couldn't be selfish, not about her.

"She'd give up all the hard work and time she's put into trying to make it!" I yell. "How could I take that?! I love her too much to ask her to just to give everything up like that. I'd love for more than anything for us to stay together, but debuting idols can't date." I say quietly, looking out the window of the car. "She finds out today."

"Dongho..."Alexander says smiling at me sadly. "Maybe you could explain to her later?"

I let out a bitter laugh. "As if Jiyong would let me near her. I left her crying, I didn't even give her a real reason." The more I think about it the more guilty I feel, the more I want to call her and explain everything, the more I just want everything to go back to normal.

"Come on why don't you just try explaining it to him." Soohyun asks me patting my back.

Shaking my head I look at them. "Jiyong hates me, and he'll hate me even more now after what I've done to Jung-ah."

"Maybe just give it some time." Eli says looking around, standing up I walk out of the dorm, I need some fresh air.

Leaving without a word, but maybe they got it. I just need to think, I need to get over all this, get my head past it. Jung-Ah I miss you already, is that strange? It wasn't too long ago, only a few hours and yet I feel like it's been forever since I last saw you. It'll seem like even longer until I see you next.

Walking through the park I stare at the bench I left her at, the place where I destroyed each other. I love you, I feel like I'm barely breathing, I feel like I made a huge mistake...maybe I did.

Please understand that I did this so you could live up to everything you're able to, to reach the top, be happy without me.

"Why?" Turning to look I see Jiyong standing there glaring at me, "Why did you dump her?" Sighing I wait for him to explode and to just beat the out of me, like all the times he said he would. "I promised Jung-ah I wouldn't. So why?"

Letting out a breath I look down at my shoes, dirty the ones Jung-ah bought me. "She made the group. Debuting idols can't date."

"So?" Jiyong scoffs out, obviously he doesn't remember what she told him all those months ago, then again because of me she told him a lot of things, I drove a wedge between their brother-sister-relationship.

Looking at him I feel the power 'G-Dragon' stare down, gulping I explain. "I love your sister." I tell him first, rolling his eyes I continue. "She told me that in a choice between me and you, she'd pick me, then she told me in a choice between me and anything it'd be me." His face washes over with realization. "I couldn't let her let this kind of chance go."

"You'd let her move on?" He asks me, eyeing me now, not quite as scary but still terrifying standing in front of the older brother of the girl I love.

Nodding my head I let out a deep breath. "I'd let her forget me if that's what she wanted, I'd disappear, I'd let her do anything just as long as she's happy."

"You know she told me you cared for her, but I never bought it until now." Jiyong says sitting on leaning on a tree near-by. "You took good care of my little sister."

I shake my head 'no'. "If I had this whole mess wouldn't be happening." Trying to organize my thoughts I feel like running past him and to the apartment they share, for now. "Don't let her know."

"As if I'd want her to get back with you." Jiyong says turning back walking away. "But I won't stop her if that's want she wants." He says before walking down the path, hat on, glasses, scarf the whole nine yards. Turning to head back to my own dorm, keeping my head down and not meeting anyones gaze I feel my heart shatter a little bit more with each step.

Explaining why Dongho did it (:

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holyjongin #1
wow rly like this one! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 6: Awesome story you got here
Sounds really interesting! Gained a new reader here~
it's very unique that you named her "J-Dragon" and i really can imagined her look alike GD but in girl version.<br />
Even though you put a quick ending, it's a nice story :)
The ending was so cute =)
wow...<br />
I love your writing style. <br />
it was a really cute but sad story <3<br />
great job :D
YouandMe #7
aw it ended :(<br />
this is cute ^^
This is very cute :3 It's saddening that you ended it so soon though.
update soon!^^
YukiMary #10
Good for them!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update sooN~~ ^^