Chapter 2

The red strings of the so called fate


 A few seconds passed and the ambulance arrived. They said that she was actually still breathing, by surpsise. The paramedics rushed off to the ER with the girls body.
Everyone had a questioning look on their face.
Who was she?
How did Yongguk appeared in the middle of the street during a fansign event, when he was supposed to be resting in the dorms because of the flu?

Many questions and up until now, no answers. Manager Kang hurridly came up to the shock stricken young man and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What just happened here?" the manager interogated. Yongguk faced him with a lost look. He didn't know anything, all he knew was that tthe girl in the ER knew him somehow and he didn't know her. That made his stomach flip with anxiety.

Manager Kang patted the young man's cheek. "Let's go to the hospital to check her condition, it's the least we could do since we're somewhat guilty" he said with a simpathetic look. Yongguk, Manager Kang and the rest of B.A.P got in their van and drived off to the hospital. On the way, no one said anything, the lack of noise made the soft humming of the van's engine stand out, making Yongguk drowsy until his eyes closed into a restless sleep...



"Yongguk-ah! Where are you?"

Voices could be heard at a distance. Yongguk looked at the house form behind the big tree in his backyard.
He didn't want to come out of his hiding place. His mother and father were going away for two weeks and they were going to leave him, his brother and his sister with the nanny. The nanny though, had a daughter he still had not met and he really wasn't interested to do so, either.
In fact, he didn't want his parents to leave at all and the only way to stop them was to hide.

Yongguk, knowing his cover would be blown soon, ran off to the woods and towards the tree house that was close by. When moving in to the house he now lived in, he discovered that place and never told anyone for these kinds of situations. He was very sure no one would find him there. The voices coming from the house died down as he went deeper into the woods. 

As soon as he was in the tree house, he played with his car toys and soldier figures. 
He heard the rusttling of leaves and shot his head up worried. How could they have found him so fast?

He looked down to see a gril about his age looking up at the tree house, her eyes filled with amusement. "Excuse me...are you Bang Yongguk?" she asked in a soft voice. "Who wants to know?" "Th-They're looking for you" she stuttered.


"Your parents I mean" she explained. Guk snickered and furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't feel like going to them" he said in a bratty way. The young girl looked at him with an amused look. "Ummuni!" she shouted looking over her shoulder. "Yah! Stop that!" he shouted back at her. Looking back at him she shrugged her shoulders and ran back to the house. 

"Yah! Where are you going?" he shouted again, but this time the one to answer him wasn't the gilr but his mother. "Bang Yongguk. Where on earth have you been? What is this...nevermind that now. Are you aware that your father and I have to leave soon? I need to introduce you to nanny's family quisckly, come on now" Yongguk's mother said, motioning with a hand to go down. 

"I said I don't want to" he argued.

"You better come down here right now before I get you myself, and we both know which one is the better option" his mother said in an authoritative voice, enough to get the boy to obey.

After a few minutes Yongguk gave in, making his mother smile at her success. She gently placed a hand on his back, leading him towards the house. Once again he saw the girl and decided to tell her a few things for blowing up his cover, but his mother beat him to it. "Yongguk-ah, I want you to meet nanny's daugh-" "Thanks to you I'll have to leave my house" interrupted Yongguk while taking a good look at her.

To his disappintment she was pretty, fair ski and jet black hair that reached her lower back. What astonished him most was the fact that she had purple eyes. "I'm sorry, I was just asked to help out" she justified. 

"Seems like you already know each other" his mother said enthusiastically. Annoyed by this, guk decided that he would hate this girl no matter how pretty she was.

"I don't know her, mother. I don't know ugly people" he insisted, making the girl's eyes look sad.


"Yongguk we're here" a voice called from afar.

"Yongguk wake up" the voice sounded closer.

Once agian he felt hands shake him awake but these weren't tiny. He oppened his eyes to see Daehyun in front of his face.
"Were here at the hospital hyung. Come on" he rushed.


A/N: I finally posted it, as you can see, when I write a dream or something of the sort I will place "~~~o~~~" this symbol. 
Hope you guys like it. No off I go to write the 3rd chapter. Also, I'mm not creative with titles so they will be called chapter for now, unless
you have a good idea for a title that fits the chapter and I will gladly consider it ^^~ 

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Can't seem to find inspiration. Plus, can someone make a poster for me?


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Chapter 5: Heol! Yongguk, what did you do?? It's scary to imagine the house also the little girl DX
Good job btw, Author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 4: It's like horror chapter~ >,<
Ah, I forgot, this is mystery~ XD
Chapter 3: Yeah, it's short Author-nim T^T
Please wake up girl~ D;
Chapter 2: Hmm *thinking* How about "At My Tree House". It doesn't even make sense = =a
Sometimes, when you made chapter's title, your readers will know the story. It's okay without title or make title that's not related too much. From the story feed, I could make a poster for you~ <3
And don't update when you're studying, Author-nim~ I felt so bad as a reader >,<
Chapter 1: Author-nim, your las log in was Oct 30th last year. Are you okay?
Omona~ Yongguk!
Hi, Author-nim~ Lucky you to find me or lucky me to find you because I like to give a comment. Nice to meet you~ ^^
wordless-expressions #7
Eliane, I'm going to kill you when I see you!!! Please~ that little time you're not in tumblr, try to get inspiration!!! Fighting!!! <3 you know I love you!!!
Ps: I'll let you guess who I am.... Hehehe
amanda13 #8
Chapter 5: Very mysterious ^^ , new reader here , purple eyes ? Wow that's very very unique , Update soon ^^