Chapter 4

The red strings of the so called fate


Night came and Yongguk woke up from the nap he was taking. He carefully made his way to the front door. "Where are you going?" Himchan asked, surprising Yongguk. "Just going to take some fresh air, that's all" "Manager Kang doesn't want anymore drama flying around for the press to hear, it's best if you stay indoors for the time being".

A silence passed between the two men. 

Yongguk pleaded with his eyes and Himchan sighed. "Make it quick Bang, I don't want to be responsible for any more gossips that might happen if the paparazzi catch you" he gave in. Guk gave him a gummy smile and head out the door.

The fall/winter air blowed softly against his face. He breathed it in and the cold burned the inside of his nostrils. Yongguk furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance and coveres his mouth & nose with both his hands. Slowly, he breathed in and out, nose covered, regaining the warmth in his nose that had been taken away a few seconds ago.

He looked up at the already blackened sky, the stars barely visible. He thought back at the time when he used to live in the more rural area. He didn't know how much he missed it until now. All because he was only following his dreams; he felt happy though. Having his dream come true should've made him happy enough...enough to not miss his family so much. 

Reality catched up to him and his initial purpose to find out where the girl lived popped back in his head. He put his hoodie over his head and got in a taxi. During the ride he kept his head low as to not be recognized. "Sir, this places is practically abandoned except from town folks. You sure this is the place you're headed to?" the driver asked.

Looking around from inside the car, it really looked like it was abandoned. The town the adress directed to was small and it didn't show any sings that it had much activity. No cars, and the buildings looked old. The driver went furthen in the town and into the woods. When approaching the house the car stopped. "What's wrong? Go on." "This is as far as I go on son". When Bang insisted on the reason the driver only shook his head. At that moment Yongguk decided not to pursue the matter because he had the feeling that if he found out the reason he would back down from finding out about the girl.

The taxi driver drove away as fast as he could as soon as Yongguk have him the money. Nowing the desperation the driver had to get out of there sent shivers down Yongguks spine but this only made him move forward to go inspect the house.


A/N: Yay! Chapter 4! Are you guys happy it's longer? :D
Gonna write and describe the house in the next one. Anticipate 
what's coming next ^^~ 

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Can't seem to find inspiration. Plus, can someone make a poster for me?


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Chapter 5: Heol! Yongguk, what did you do?? It's scary to imagine the house also the little girl DX
Good job btw, Author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 4: It's like horror chapter~ >,<
Ah, I forgot, this is mystery~ XD
Chapter 3: Yeah, it's short Author-nim T^T
Please wake up girl~ D;
Chapter 2: Hmm *thinking* How about "At My Tree House". It doesn't even make sense = =a
Sometimes, when you made chapter's title, your readers will know the story. It's okay without title or make title that's not related too much. From the story feed, I could make a poster for you~ <3
And don't update when you're studying, Author-nim~ I felt so bad as a reader >,<
Chapter 1: Author-nim, your las log in was Oct 30th last year. Are you okay?
Omona~ Yongguk!
Hi, Author-nim~ Lucky you to find me or lucky me to find you because I like to give a comment. Nice to meet you~ ^^
wordless-expressions #7
Eliane, I'm going to kill you when I see you!!! Please~ that little time you're not in tumblr, try to get inspiration!!! Fighting!!! <3 you know I love you!!!
Ps: I'll let you guess who I am.... Hehehe
amanda13 #8
Chapter 5: Very mysterious ^^ , new reader here , purple eyes ? Wow that's very very unique , Update soon ^^