Chapter 5

The red strings of the so called fate

It was a two story house. It looked old and dirtied like if it hadn't been lived in for years. The ground Guk walked on was muddy because it had rained earlier. Yongguk reached the house's front gate and it opnened with a loud creak that made it obvious the place was deserted. Inside the house everything looked neat in its place, except for the excess of cobwebs. He checked the kitchen, dinning room and living room but found nothing usefull. Then he decided to go upstairs even though it was breaking an entry in the first place, but not if the house was abandoned he thought.

The hallway walls were covered with photos from whatt Yongguk guessed were family members. What scared him was the fact that everyone's eyes were dranded. A shiver ran down his spine but kept walking until he reached a room at the end of the hall.

The door was wide open. Inside stood a worn out dresser and a simple bed. No windows, nor anything that could help you escape that small room except the door you came in through. He inspected the drawer and found a pile of opened letters. 

Slowly he picked some up; they were addressed to "Marzipan". For a moment he thought that might be the girls name but decided not to jump to conclusions.

When he opened it, it read the following: 




                       They're going after him. It was all your doing. Do something about it. You know what might happen 
                        if he disappears or realizes the power he holds. He's not originally one of us." 


After reading, he heard the floor boards creak. His heart drummed rapidly inside his chest and raised his eyes from the letter to the hall. His mouth went dry and his eyes were opened wide with fright. 

A little girl stood a few centimeters away from the doorway. Her eyes were bloodshot, her hair short and disheveled. The once white dress she was wearing, was now darkened and dirtied with dirt and other substances Yongguk couldn't make out. Her skin was also dirty making her look like a homeless person. Slowly she tilted her head to the side. 

"You've come back haven't you?"

"Her voice seemed to echo thorugh the hall.

"Did you come back to play?"

Yongguk was frozen in his place but he managed to speak.

"Who are you?"

"I promise to be good, Oppa"

"Do you live here?" 

"We'll be together soon" 

"What are you talking about?"

This time the girl didn't talk, instead she stared at something behind Yongguk, making this one look behind him. He looked at the hall again, for he saw nothing behind him, but the girl was gone. The only thing that remained were her footprints from where she stood earlier. He then realized that he should probably get out of that house.

He ran quickly down the stairs and when he was about to open the door, out of the corner of his eye, he saw to his right what seemed like a kids room. 

He turned his head to get a better look. The minty green from the walls was faded, toys where all over the place covered in dust and...a broken porcelain doll...


"Yongguk feel like at home, alright? Get Marzipan to show you around and I'll show you where you and Yonggnam will be sleeping" 

"Lilly is that you?" a husky voice resonated through the house. "Henry, dear, come here to greet the children". Lilly, or also the nanny, went to get, who Yongguk concluded as, her husband. 

Marzipan took Yongguk's hand in hers but the boy shoved her hand away in annoyance. She understood the message and went inside a room net to the house's entrance. Yongguk and his siblings following behind. The rooms walls were a fresh minty green.

"This is where all the toys are" she explained, breaking the silence that had been lingering since leaving Yongguk's home. Guk had throwed a tauntrum before leaving, saying how it was all Marzipan's fault. Lilly told Yongguk's mother not to feel burdened because it was normal that he was attached to his parents.

Marzipan had tried to make it up to him throughout the ride to nanny's house, but all she got from him were grunts and huffs, so she let it go. Now she was giving it another try but to no avail.

She picked up a pretty porcelain doll, her eyes shined whike holding it. 

"This is Marcy, one of mt favorite dolls. Isn't she pretty?" she asked, her face lighting up with happiness.

"She's very beautiful" Yongguk's sister complimented.

"Eh...she's alright, a bit creepy" said Yongnam eyeing it a bit.

"It's ugly like you" said Yongguk scowling while looking at the doll.

Yongguks sister nudged him in the ribs lightly and told him to apologize. This one refused to do so with the doll staring at him.

"You need to apologize to Marcy, not me" Marzipan said. Yongguk moved forward and grabbed the dolss hand and pulled it towards himself. Protectively, Marzipan puller her doll in the opposite direction trying to protect her precious doll. 

"Yah! Yongguk! Let go!" cried out his sister.

"She wants me to apologize to the doll directly, doesn't she?" he defended himself.

For a split second Marzipan and Yongguk played tug-o-war with the doll, putting the doll's "life" at risk.

"Let...go!" Marzipan struggled.

And as she asked, Yongguk let go.


Marzipans eyes portrayed sadness. As Yongguk let go, Marzipan lost her balance making the doll fall to the ground.

Unfortunately, the doll's fate went down the drain. Half of her face broke into little porcelain pieces.

Yongguk's sister grabbed his arm. "Bang Yongguk, you have crossed the line this time" she scolded.

Lilly came to check what the ruckus was about. She saw Yongguk's sister and him arguing in a corner, and her daughter silently weeping next to the broken porcelain doll. Nanny took Marzipan to her room, said it would all be alright and that it was only an accident. 

Before leaving the minty room entirely, Yongguk turned around to look at the borken doll shoved at the corner of a top shelf.


Yongguk blinked a few times then rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. His vision had become blury and he didn't know why but the doll seemed familiar. Also, he didnt know why he was having these random images of people he felt like he didn't really knew. Somehow he felt the visions were linked to him somehow but the only connection he had with these unknown memories was the fact that the boy in his vision was called exactly like him. He didn't even recognize the rest of the people. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and finally got out of the house.



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Can't seem to find inspiration. Plus, can someone make a poster for me?


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Chapter 5: Heol! Yongguk, what did you do?? It's scary to imagine the house also the little girl DX
Good job btw, Author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 4: It's like horror chapter~ >,<
Ah, I forgot, this is mystery~ XD
Chapter 3: Yeah, it's short Author-nim T^T
Please wake up girl~ D;
Chapter 2: Hmm *thinking* How about "At My Tree House". It doesn't even make sense = =a
Sometimes, when you made chapter's title, your readers will know the story. It's okay without title or make title that's not related too much. From the story feed, I could make a poster for you~ <3
And don't update when you're studying, Author-nim~ I felt so bad as a reader >,<
Chapter 1: Author-nim, your las log in was Oct 30th last year. Are you okay?
Omona~ Yongguk!
Hi, Author-nim~ Lucky you to find me or lucky me to find you because I like to give a comment. Nice to meet you~ ^^
wordless-expressions #7
Eliane, I'm going to kill you when I see you!!! Please~ that little time you're not in tumblr, try to get inspiration!!! Fighting!!! <3 you know I love you!!!
Ps: I'll let you guess who I am.... Hehehe
amanda13 #8
Chapter 5: Very mysterious ^^ , new reader here , purple eyes ? Wow that's very very unique , Update soon ^^