Beautiful target~

350 degrees

        Baro doubted anyone felt the same way he did about sandeul, if he felt bad than so did Baro. That’s why he didn’t hesitate to go straight out the door to find him. He didn’t get far seeing as right outside the door there he was sitting against the wall crying into his arms.  It hurt him to see him like this “Sandeul Uljimayo please tell me what’s wrong?” Baro wanted nothing more than to see his ducky smile.  He looked up, but didn’t face him as if his own eyes were bad luck “ The reason I was so late to school today was, because I refused to leave my mothers side at the hospital all morning. The only reason I came was because she promised she’d be better by the time I get home from school and she didn’t want me missing school even if I’m already late. I forgot to get a note so I had to run an extra twenty laps in gym causing me to be even more late to home economics, but since I’m fat and ugly it’s okay to assume I don’t have any real problems besides making friends right? Oh that poor pie never had a chance no wonder coconuts look like scared faces”. Baro hugged him so tight, it was like he was trying to squeeze out all the bad feelings “ I’m sorry you’ve been having such a terrible day deullie , but you can’t actually believe that nonsense? You are freaking perfect ok and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying”. Sandeul finally looked up, why would he call him perfect? He felt far from it. He hadn’t expected anyone to care or say something like that“ Thanks Baro you’re a good friend and did you just call me deullie?” this made Baro want to hide his face embarrassed  that he let it slip“Nope you must be hearing things” that made sandeul smile, deullie~ like sandeullie it has a nice ring to it “ Whatever you say” he walked away leaving Baro red.

          You would think they became closer after that, but they saw each other even less now. Sandeul would be the first out of the classroom, didn’t show up to lunch and wouldn’t hangout with Baro for even five minutes. Baro wondered if the nickname had weird him out and if he was pouting wherever he was. He always called him that in his head because of how cute he is but he wouldn’t dare tell him that, how did he even get into his head? Must have been the second he laid his eyes on him. Maybe he just needs his space and Baro would give it to him .  It was a few days before the end of the month when after class Sandeul took his hand  without warning and dragged him up two flights of stairs to the music room. Baro took a seat completely out of breath yet relieved he wasn’t being ignored and felt a smile tug at his lips at the realization they held hands. Sandeul had been using all his free time to practice for the school talent show ever since he found out there was going to be one. He held a microphone “ I didn’t know you could sing?” Baro asked a bit surprised. “well I’ll let you be the judge of that okay so let me know if I’m any good  I want to try out for the talent show and I’d rather hear that I from you ” His nerves usually weren’t  this consistent  so he just tried to shake it off calming his heart beat and Baro listened intently feeling spescial. Sandeul began singing the Lyrics to Crush and it almost brought tears to Baros eyes. The duck had no idea what he was saying and the effect the words had on him- they tore him apart, Is it really that bad that he wanted to just stay in denial for as long as he can and believe that it wasn’t just him and that they were sandeuls true feelings straight from the heart instead of just passionately sung lyrics to a song from the soul.

          So what do you think?” Sandeul asked an unresponsive Baro a little too eager for a response “Earth to Baro? Hellooo? Ya squirrel I know you can hear me !” he was now rocking his chair back and forth now desperate for an opinion now. Baro would have fallen if he wasn’t holding on to Sandeuls blazer for dear life, he used it to pull himself forward “Could have just pinched me”.  The singer just shrugged “sorry you spaced out on me. So how was I?” “Well all I remember hearing is quack quack quack some power vocals here and there” His face had gone completely serious and it scared Baro “I was just joking you sing like an angel and I’m sure you’ll knock em’ dead”. Sandeul was happier with this response yet still mad about the joke so he plucked Baro “Thanks and don’t say something like that again if you want to keep your squirrel teeth!” He snapped making Baro gasp “Did this ugly duckling just threaten me ?” Sandeul stuck out his tongue playfully “Wait what did you just call me?” Baro was laughing before getting chased around the music room. It was fun until he was finally caught  causing the two crashed into some  cymbals and Sandeul pinned Baro down claiming victory “ You were saying Alvin and the chipmunks?”  He really felt accomplished being on top like he was king of the hill or something. It was short lived sadly because Baro had flipped him over so that he was on top now. “ Daffy duck you are despicable” He imitated the cartoon character mocking Sandeul who lays with a grumpy face. “Why can’t you be mine deullie” he thought.  It took him almost a minute to realize how awkward their position was and when he did he stood up immediately pulling him up with him. “I should come here more often” He thought aloud “Cheater” Sandeul claimed and they both started laughing.

        At the beginning of February their teacher announce their first project would be assigned. Each student had to make a three course meal depicting a fairy tale. Everyone else was excited and spent the rest of the class planning and drawing up their ideas. Sandeul found it harder than it seemed and tried to focus while Baro was lost in his thoughts. The most important thing a fairy tale consists of is a happy ending right? What will it take for the squirrel prince to get his?


I really tried so please do comment <3  i'm sorry if it seems short i'll try to make the next chapter a long one ^^ hope the hurricane wasn't cruel to any of you~

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Chapter 8: This was really cuteee ... Thanks so much for writing and sharing! <33
I enjoyed reading this!!
Chapter 8: I love your story authornim ! ^_^ . so cute! .hope u make another BaDeul soon.
Chapter 3: so fluffy ! kyaahhhhh
Chapter 2: ahw !! so love this chappie ! .soo cute ! ^_^ .. good job authornim !
Cranberriesluvsleo #6
Nice story xD
kaykaygirl #7
Chapter 6: So sweet!! Baro`s mom sounds awesome. Thank you for updating!
BaDeulcutie #8
Chapter 6: Uwaaa finally update...update soon... ^^
Mrducky #9
Chapter 5: <3 <3 <3 <3 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 <3 <3 <3