What do you want to do

350 degrees

   Baro held onto his golden crown as the wind rushed past him. He was sitting in a tree overlooking the cool lake below , leaving his grand castle out of sight and out of mind . It was a serene place to be full of peace and nature. He didn't notice at first, but there was someone swimming around in the water. After brushing his bangs out of his line of vision and squinting he saw a familiar face. With his hair drenched and upper body glistening in the sunlight Sandeul had come into view before dissapearing under the water once again. When Baro climbed down to leave without being noticed Sandeul appeared infront of him with a brilliant smile. Baro felt his heart start to beat so loud he was sure it was audible to anyone around, he was completely speechless all his thoughts drowned out by the elders presence. Sandeul took his crown and tried it on " Does your castle have a pool?" Baro just nodded and stared at him wanting to desperately confess his love, capture those lips and make him his .Sandeul got closer and whispered in his ear "Don't worry i'll always be by your side"....The dream didn't make any sense. He woke up an hour ago and was still thinking about it. He questioned his sanity thinking it can't be normal for someone to just stay so still for that long. Baro covered his face with a pillow thinking: Why can't all these thoughts just GO AWAY it was torture . He also needed a destraction from his project so maybe he'll spend the day with his mom for once.

  Sandeul on the other hand was studying hard and trying to get an idea for his project. He had been reading fairy tales and was now watching disney movies . There were so many to choose from . Would picking a princess story be taking the easy way out? come on you can't deny a classic. He didn't care how it would seem to his class picking something as girly as Sleeping Beauty, the story stood out to him and he wanted to get a good grade on this. Now how can they inspire three meals? This probably meant an appetizer, main course and dessert , but he was still clueless as to what to do . how do you portray the spell, the prince, the dragon and everything in rice! Sandeul wasn't going to change his fairy tale and knew there was someone who wouldn't mind helping him.

   Baro usually wouldn't offer to go shopping with his mom unless bribed, but he was desperate to get out of the house. In a way he was a lot like his mother when it came to things like this. They always had a unique style , loved shoes, and couldn't be without accescories, for baro it was hats and his mom had purses. They had been in and out of stores for hours, him carrying his moms shopping bags while she added more to them. She could tell he wasn't himself as he wore an expressionless face while staring off into space ."Try this on" She caled out flinging a thong at him and then dying of laughter at his expression. "UMMA stop being so freaking rediculous all the time that's not funy!" Baro was not a happy camper. "Then why am i laughing? " she countered seeing if she could get her  son back to normal . Her laughter was contagious " Let's just get you some shoes so we can please go home" Baro brushed off the unmentionables and exited the store. "That's my boy" his umma thought going to the last store and told baro to get whatever he wanted.

  It didn't take Baro long to find a really nice pair of shoes he liked so he just had to wait for his mom if she even limits herself to only one pair. He sat at her bench and tried them on thinking how the tiresome day was definitely worth it. He didn't even want to take them off "Those are nice,but mines are better" she sang loving teasing her little chipmunk. She held up a gorgeous dazzling shoe with a transparent heel that resembled a hour glass since it looked like glass with glitter trapped inside. "Those are pretty" was all he said not going to give her the satisfaction. One of the salesman brought over the pair in her size and told her she was lucky it was the last in stock. "In other words these shoes were made for me"She announced happily trying them on and strutting around in the store. Baro thought she resembled Cinderella wearing glass slippers, maybe that will be his fairy tale "Umma why do you wear such tall shoes?". She walked back to him and placed the perfect prince charming hat that matched his shoes on his head " If i didn't i wouldn't have been able to reach this now would i?" She was taller than him now. " Thank you fairy god mother!" He exclaimed hugging her "No need to thank me just pose" She started to act as if the mirror had a hidden camera and he did the same . Now he knows where he gets it from and with that they went home .

   Sandeul didn't know when the right time was to call Baro so he did it on impulse . "Hey Baro is it okay if you can come over?" he hoped it wouldn't be a bother, he was so lonely. Baro answered the phone when he settled all the bags inside " Oh hey Sandeul um you mean now? i'll ask my mom " just when he thought he'd escape he's pulled back in along with the thoughts crashing back into his head. He asked his mom who was too tired to say no. Sandeul proceeded to tell him how to get to his house the shortest way he could.The whole way Baro thought about how it would be alone with him like in the music room , he started to think about turning back. The elder had opened the door already and pulled him inside "Is it cold today? the house was really nice like out of a magazine yet comfortable "Not really, nice place" Baro complimented feeling so alien. He stiffened as Sandeul took his coat off to put it in the closet "Mi casa es tu casa~" he said in spanish suprising Baro. "You speak spanish?" he asked making him turn red " Not reallly That's the only thing i know besides Hola which everyone knows and Te Amo . I found the spanish channel when i was bored channel surfing it's just like korean dramas except sassier....i was really bored okay". Baro laughed at how silly Sandeul is ,but it was replaced with the fact that he had just said i love you in spanish- Baro had to mentally slap himself into the friend zone. "Oh so why did you ask me to come over? Not that i mind ,but i never was invited her before so i was just wondering.." Sandeul puffed out his cheeks at the sound of having to do work." I was wondering if you could help me with the project and i know its against the rules and i already get you in trouble as it already is , but i need some type of idea so please?" He asked cutely. Baro would have preferred a confession, but wouldn't mind helping him anyways since he was just irresistable who could say no "Where do we start?".  

    Sandeul happily led Baro to his bedroom full of scattered papers , books, and a laptop. He sat down on his bed while baro took a seat in the desk chair. " So you're doing sleeping beauty?" He asked looking through the mess of notes . Sandeul nodded "I always liked the story and call me a girl , but i always wondered what it's like to be awoken by a kiss even if it sounds cheesy" That last part hung in Baros mind like a banner."You said it not me" He teased in recovery " I called you here to help not judge me!" the duck pouted hugging a pillow in defense. " Hmm the appetizer should have a relaxing spice that make people sleepy like lavender or chamomile which is usually put in tea, you must be creative. what happens next?". Sandeul thinks back to the story " Then the fairies help prince Philip escape the castle that's surrounded by thorns. Baro no one is going to want to eat thorns " He says with a serious face. "Also i don't know where they sell baby dragons or what a kiss taste like for the dessert. This is so hard " he whined. If only you would let me show you omg Baro what are you saying focus "you have to think less literal like the thorns can be something crunchy with some type of noodles. Luckilly you are good at dessert so insead of getting real black market dragons from hogwarts you psycho just make something sweet out of like dragon fruit".Sandeul tried to capture all of Baros words with his pen " Wow you really know your stuff i bet yours will be the very best out of the entire class!" Baro loved being praised by him so much hecould set it as his ringtone "So what do you want to do now?". "You pick a movie and i'll go make some popcorn" and with that Sandeul was gone.

   Baro took this chance to text his mom that he was going to stay in these ways she was less princess and more peter pan seeing as she tries to act young.The popcorn fight was inevitable when Sandeul came back into the room they had missed the first 10 minutes of the movie and were now lost. They decided to enjoy the time with eachother and movie. When they finished the popcorn Sandeul went to put the bowl away and sat back behind baro who was laying down on his bed. Baro tried not to be in his way seeing as he was glued to the screen, but he still felt weird and moved around. "Ya stop moving before you break my laptop! i'm not kidding you'll be buying me a new one " deullie was annoyed "I'm sorry it's just.." He tried to fix the computer screen to how it was, but Sandeul snatched his hands away and held them down at his sides .

   Now Baro definetly couldn't focus on the movie, the way he held him was making him go crazy and the idea to just turn around and be all over sandeul passed through his mind. He wondered if sandeul knew the effect he had on him and was happy that baro was getting as red as an apple, but he didn't want to anger him by checking so he just watched the movie. When it finishes he looks back to see Sandeul off in dreamland fast asleep. He closes the computer and starts to get up to sleep on the couch when he still feels sandeuls hands now lightly holding onto Baros hands,that gesture meant the world to him- seeing sandeul still holding on to him made him feel like he had everything he could ask for. Instead of pulling away He lays in his embrace and falls asleep with him. To be able to sleep like that with Sandeul was a dream on it's own.


The Cell phone in Baros pocket woke him up, it was a text from his mom.


The early bird catches the worm~ if your not hear soon i won't save you breakfast . you can bring your friend if you want<3

 He didn't want to wake sandeul because he looked so sweet and at peace. The Banner was still in Baros mind "I always wanted to know what it's like to be awoken by a kiss" he considered it. Would it kill their friendship? would he freak out? maybe he'll return the feelings or never speak to him again or best of all not even notice. Everything told him No that it was a bad idea, but his heart begged yes. He brushed his cheek with his thumb before leaning in to peck him softly on the lips before dropping his hand and turning away . Seeing as he didnt respond maybe baro wasnt the prince charming he needed . It was probably best this way, he still didn't want to leave him alone it would usually be the very last thing on his mind, but he had to escape the painful reality and he almost did too. "Baro" Sandeul said rubbing his face and sitting up under his blanket. Baro held his breathe and turned around to face him.


Sorry if this took to long my computer doesn't work anymore so i have to use my brother's. Hope this is a good length for this chapter and they finally kiss ^^ i hope you all heard B1a4s new album In the wind i love it and named the chapter after one of the songs. well i hope you enjoy it and a big thanks to my subscribers both old and new i reallly hope you like it so please comment! <3


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Chapter 8: This was really cuteee ... Thanks so much for writing and sharing! <33
I enjoyed reading this!!
Chapter 8: I love your story authornim ! ^_^ . so cute! .hope u make another BaDeul soon.
Chapter 3: so fluffy ! kyaahhhhh
Chapter 2: ahw !! so love this chappie ! .soo cute ! ^_^ .. good job authornim !
Cranberriesluvsleo #6
Nice story xD
kaykaygirl #7
Chapter 6: So sweet!! Baro`s mom sounds awesome. Thank you for updating!
BaDeulcutie #8
Chapter 6: Uwaaa finally update...update soon... ^^
Mrducky #9
Chapter 5: <3 <3 <3 <3 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 <3 <3 <3