Chapter 7

Before Time Runs Out

"Do you think the monster was actually trying to protect it?" questioned Chanyeol as the two exited the room with their things and headed back to entrance again.

"It's quite possible. Maybe it'll unlock one of the doors on this floor," answered Baekhyun. He tried to keep his stare away from the taller male but his eyes kept turning back to the bandages on Chanyeol's arm. The elder felt guilty for letting his friend have such a serious injury in their midst for survival. However for Chanyeol, he didn't seem to mind or really care about it. He thought that as long as he isn't dead yet he's alright for now.

They decided to try the doors from the 1st floor and turning out unfortunately, none of them would open. The duo was really in a dumbstruck state.

"Now what do we do?" questioned Baekhyun as he finally looked at the younger with no hesitation.

"That key must be from another floor. We really don't have anymore business here for now. Let's go see if the key opens to one of the doors on the second floor," suggested Chanyeol. The two came into an agreement and decided to walk up the stairs to the next floor of the large mansion.

"Now that I'm wondering, isn't Jongdae and Minseok up on the second floor?" asked the younger as the arrived up to the next level of the mansion.

"I'm pretty sure. Let's hope that they haven't encountered our scary little friend. They may not even have weapons," replied back Baekhyun as they started to try out different doors with the small key. The second floor was different than the first one first one really. The stairs lasted from one end of the floor and traveled down the hallway onto rounding the corner which lead to a secon hallway which leads to a door at the end of the hallway. The last door, of course, leads to the stars of the next floor.

The duo decided to try using the key on the first hallway, but unfortunately, the key didn't fit into any of the doors of that hallway. Baekhyun gulped at the fact that he started to get worried some about the situation. To make matters worse, they haven't seen any signs of Jongdae or Minseok whatsoever. However though, he tried as best as he can to calm his nerves and fears. He didn't want to make any similar mistakes as last time like with Chanyeol.

They start their next attempts with the next hallway. As they go on through the hallway, the were surprised when the third door of that hallway was able to unlock with the key. As much they would've liked to celebrate though, they decided to be serious under the circumstances of their situation.

With a signal of just nodding to each other, they open the door. Once they open it, they look around the surroundings and see it to be just an average room. However, they can't help but hear strange noises in the room itself.

"We sound probably lock the door in case the monster is actually on this floor and tries to find us," suggested Chanyeol. Baekhyun responded and he closed the door and locked it.

The two split up to different sides of the room in order for them to cover ground faster and find any clues to the whereabouts of the book any vital information that they would need. 

As Baekhyun reached the end of one side, he saw something moving from his side vision. He turned his head and saw something shaking in the corner of the room. He questioned as he slowly approached whatever it was in the corner. Even though he hesitated, he still decided to poke at it to see what it was. The next thing he knew...he was being attacked!

"!" yelled the elder as he quickly pulled out his weapon to defend himself from the surprise attack. He kept swinging as he kept hearing clashes of metal against metal. He was so focused on protecting himself that he didn't ever hear Chanyeol's cries. He looked straight at whoever was attacking him and his eyes widen at the realization. However it was too late:

The weapon passed though his defense and pierced through his shoulder.

Baekhyun couldn't ever register much of what happened after that. All he could hear was the sound of Chanyeol calling out to him before he started yelling at Jongdae. 


"Jongdae hyung, what the hell were you thinking!?" yelled the younger like a madman as he caught Baekhyun before the elder could fall on the floor. Jongdae was trembling in fear.

"I-I'm sorry!! I didn't know that you guys came up here. I was trying to hide from the monster!" responded back the elder who lowered his own sword and hung his head in deep regret.

"We can worry about that later. Just find a small white bottle in Baekhyun's bag and some bandages," ordered the younger as he had then brunette in his arms. Jongdae simply nodded before he quickly went through Baekhyun's bag and got the required materials. He approached the taller and handed him the bottle and bandages. Chanyeol only nodded as he lowered Baekhyun's jacket to reveal his wounded shoulder. He then proceeded to do what Baekhyun did to him with his own wounds back on the first floor. Jongdae watched in amazement from the fast cure of Baekhyun's injuries before Chanyeol wrapped it up and placed the jacket back in place.

"Hyung, are you okay?" questioned the younger as he shook the elder softly to help him recover from his state of shock. Chanyeol and Jongdae sighed in relief as Baekhyun started blinking and looked at the two member.

"Baekhyun-ssi, I am so sorry. I-I didn't know that you guys entered. I was trying to protect myself from the monster that was after us," explained once again the elder. However, Baekhyun smiled lightly at the elder.

"Don't worry yourself much about it, Jongdae, I can understand that you were trying to defend yourself. However, what happened and where's Minseok hyung?" replied back Baekhyun.

"We'll the thing was, Minseok and I were walking around and only this room and the room he's at are the only ones that were open. Then when we were going to go somewhere else, the monster came and tried to attack us and Minseok decided that we split up so the monster could've go after both of us. So he went to one room and I went to this one to hide. He told me to go find him once we are the sure the monster left. As to how I got the sword, it was already here when I came to hide," explained Jongdae as much as could muster before he was out of breath.

"I can see where you two are coming from but wouldn't it be easier I--"

Chanyeol was cut off by the sound of the door being knocked loudly and the doorknob twisting frantically.

"Do you think it's Minseok?" questioned Baekhyun.

"But we agreed that I would go and find him," replied Jongdae in confusion.

"Then it must be the monster," commented Chanyeol in anger.

The door kept being knocked on frantically before it suddenly stopped. The trio looked at the door with much confusion.

"I saw we go out there and try to kill the monster," suggested Chanyeol with Baekhyun nodding in agreement. Jongdae looked at them in surprised.

"But aren't you guys afraid that the monster is going to kill you?" asked the elder in surprise.

"The thing is through, we've already faced the monster once. Jongdae, I think it's your turn to come and help us beat this thing," replied Baekhyun with a smile on his face. Jongdae was surprised at the answer and hesitated. However, he finally nodded in agreement and held on to his weapon.

"Alright guys, let's kill this thing," replied Chanyeol with the who elders nodding in agreement. He finally then proceeded with unlocking and opening the door.



Hey guys! Long time no update. I'm so sorry, I've getting so caught up with school at the moment. Oh and I'm updating this through my iPad that I just got today. I feel so happy! So with that, I'll try to update as quickly as possible. Oh and I kind of forgot if Chen's older than Chanyeol and Baekhyun so if anyone can comment if that's right or not, I would appreciate that so that if I'm wrong, I could correct later. Thanks guys for subbing and for commenting!!

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Sorry guys for no updates! Doing last minute stuff for school grades. I'll try to update ASAP


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Chapter 11: It's been a while, I hope you are alright. Take care and I hope you update this story soon <3
Chapter 11: I wonder whats downstairs o.o

I hope you update soon!!! :D
Chapter 10: Update soon xD
Chapter 10: Update update :3 I uped it ;)
Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: O: So scary i wonder whats going to happen!! I hope you update again soon!! ♥♥
Chapter 9: Ohgod let them be safe..... Please update soon~ ^-^
AncientWriting #8
Chapter 9: :O Who's the MONSTER?!
Chapter 8: Wow! I love this story so much! ^^ <3 Please update it soon!!
Chapter 8: I love this story! Please update soon >.<