Chapter 5

Before Time Runs Out

Baekhyun looked like a fish out of water as he stood at a stare off against the large creature infront of the duo.

He really did admit that the was afraid.

Very afraid.


It hasn't even been that long since the group have been trapt in this mansion and they ended up meeting face to face with the beast.

However, before Baekhyun could even move or utter a word. Something happened that he didn't expect.

The creature stepped back as it quickly opened the door of the room behind it. Its red demonic eyes was piercing through Baekhyun's terrified brown orbs before it stepped inside the room and disappeared as it closed the door.

Baekhyun stood there what felt like an eternity. He couldn't shake off the cold, dark and menicing look that he was given too. It wasn't until Chanyeol cleared his throat that brought the elder back to reality.

"I saw we should go in there and face while it's in hiding," said Chanyeol with a change in the tone of his voice. It wasn't his usual happy and positive voice but more of a cold and serious tone. This actually frightened Baekyun a bit as he only heard the happy virus sound like that one time.

The taller approached the door cautiously incase it were to open again and the monster would come out and surprise attack the duo. However, as he reached the doorknob and turned it, he found out that the door was surpisingly lock. Chanyeol sighed in frustration.

"Now what?" questioned the giant looking at the frightened Baekhyun who was shifting his eyes too avoid looking at the taller. It wasn't until Baekhyun spotted a door near where Chanyeol was standing from.

"Let's check in there," answered the elder in a small voice. Chanyeol looked at the direction of the other door and went up to it to open it. He entered the room with Baekhyun in tow and the two were surprised when they stepped inside. Apparently the room turned out to be the restroom. It was completely clean and spotless as if it was never used before.

Something that caught the elder's eye was a small stack of coins on top of the toilet. He raised his brow in question as he couldn't comprehend why there would be strange coins on top of the toilet in the first place. No matter of the fact, Baekhyun grabbed them and observed them anyway. He noticed to see that the coins looked like older Korean currency but he still didn't understand why out of all places that it would be in the restroom.

"Hyung, there's a note on the mirror," chirped Chanyeol as he took the note off and looked at what it was saying. The elder approached the giant and observed the note as well.

'Need health? Insert the coins into the facility and take what you need. Good luck.'

Baekhyun frowned at the note. Why would a random note with strange instructions be on the restroom mirror in the first place?

"I think I get it hyung," said Chanyeol as he took two coins from the elder's hand and dropped them into the toilet. Baekhyun raised a brow in question at what the happy virus was doing. The giant simply ignored him and flushed the toilet. Before Baekhyun could questioned what the other was doing, there was a rumbling around the room. Chanyeol stood back next to Baekhyun and right before their eyes, a large shelf full of various items appeared from the wall.

'Okay, this is just getting very strange,' thought the elder as the other looked through the shelves and grabbed of items for emergency situations. There was one thing that caught Baekhyun's eye though.

It was a key.

"Do you think this will open the door where the monster's hiding at?" questioned Chanyeol. Baekhyun could only shrug as he didn't even know the answer himself. The giant separated the stuff and placed them in both bags. Once after word with the key in hand, the two left the room and looked at the one door once more. They stood there for a while before Baekhyun decided to snatch the key and insert it. He twisted it and found that the key was the right one and there was click to the knob.

Chanyeol looked at the elder with a now worried look, "Are ready to face this monster, hyung?"

In truth, Baekhyun didn't even know himself if he was ready to attack this creature but he knew that the members' lives were all at stake as long as this creature was alive. He didn't want to disappoint anyone and knew that he had to save them, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

He looked back at Chanyeol and nodded with a sure expression, "Yes, I'm ready to go kill this thing. Let's try our hardest." 

With those final words, the two opened the door and entered the dark room before them.



Yeah guys, this was a filler chapter and my last update for tonight. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm sleepy right now. Anyway, time to head to bed. Good night everyone!

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Sorry guys for no updates! Doing last minute stuff for school grades. I'll try to update ASAP


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Chapter 11: It's been a while, I hope you are alright. Take care and I hope you update this story soon <3
Chapter 11: I wonder whats downstairs o.o

I hope you update soon!!! :D
Chapter 10: Update soon xD
Chapter 10: Update update :3 I uped it ;)
Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: O: So scary i wonder whats going to happen!! I hope you update again soon!! ♥♥
Chapter 9: Ohgod let them be safe..... Please update soon~ ^-^
AncientWriting #8
Chapter 9: :O Who's the MONSTER?!
Chapter 8: Wow! I love this story so much! ^^ <3 Please update it soon!!
Chapter 8: I love this story! Please update soon >.<