Chapter 2

Before Time Runs Out

Once they finished lunch, the boys spent about a good hour or two getting their stuff ready as each one had a packback for their spare clothes and essentials. Through it didn't help that some wanted to bring extra things but other members persuaded them not to. The only member who was allowed to bring an extra item to carry was Zitao who as able to carry his wushu stick behind his back.

In truth, leaving the dorms was harded than they expected since they were in a multimillion dollar company that would of course have securty from left to right. This also includes the fact that there's a crazy amount of fans outside the building just to see other idols walking in and out the building at all times. Somehow, one way or another through Zitao's wushu, Lu Han's and Jongdae's smarts and Jongin's sneakiness, they were able to leave through the company building without being spotted by any security and fans at all. They decided to travel through Seoul by foot in order not to cause an annoyance if they rode on the bus. As soon as the stepped out of the city streets of the capital, they were met with woods that surely anyone can get lost in.

Through Jongdae's advice that if the group headed straight through the southwest direction, they might be able to find the mansion, they all decided to go through the forest.The walk was as normal as it got with Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Minseok running as they walked. Jongin casually walked though he was hiding his excitement. Lu Han and Sehun was having a silent walk but found it comfortable. Zitao kept talking nonsense to Wu Fan as Jongdae and Yixing talked about random things. The only normal ones were Junmyeon and Kyungsoo who carried out a decent conversation.

Through out a while though, some of the members started becoming frustrated that they haven't seen a single building in sight.

"Hey Jongdae! Didn't you say that the mansion was pretty close from here!?" questioned Jongin with an irritated look.

"It's around here! The only problem is that it's hidden in the woods!" answered Jongdae as he turned his head to the younger.

"Hidden my !" spat back the dancing machine. In truth everyone did start getting frustrated about this.

"Hey guys! I think we found it!!" yelled Chanyeol since he was ahead of thr group along with Baekhyun. Everyone looked at each other before running to catch up where they were at. Once they reached them, their expressions were all of shock as they saw a large mansion just a few meters from them in a clear open area. Although the outside looked very clean and actually new, they're more concerned about with what's inside the building itself.

"S-so guys, are we all r-ready to head in there?" asked Yixing as he stumbled a bit on his words.

"You're actually the last person I would expect for you to feel nervous about this," commented Junmyeon as he noticed the other male's stuttering.

In truth, a few members felt very uneasy to the point that they felt like they wanted to back out of this mystery solving case. However knowing those who aren't afraid or believe that it's not real, they'll probably talk them into entering the large intimidating mansion anyway.

Lu Han observed at the mansion in full detail of the outside. He found it hard to believe that the mansion was actually in good condition on the outside. He looked up higher where the windows were and noticed that they all we're all dark, probably indicating that no one is inside at the moment. However, before he was about to get into the conversation again with the group, he spotted a dark shadow in one of the lower windows through his peripheral vision. As soon as he saw it, he jumped up in fright though he made no sound of fear to attract attention to the others. 

However, Sehun caught the elder shaken up a bit by something.

"Is something wrong, Lu Han hyung?" questioned the maknae quietly so others wouldn't hear them. Lu Han quickly turned his head to the other to face him before shaking his head at the question.

"I-I'm fine, really," mumbled the elder with a small smile though he still carried a nervious aura around him.

"Alright then guys, let's get on with this so we can go back to the dorms soon," Jongin has he started walking forward followed by everyone else in tow. They weren't actually surprised to know that the door was unlocked since no one has been living here for who knows how long. Though once they were inside, they were actually surprised to find the front hallway that goes straight forward, left and right all lit up with light. They all looked around to see that everything around the hallway was neatly kept in order.

"Wow, I wonder who used to live here?" questioned Minseok as they continued to look around. They knew that everything felt too quiet but they ignored it since they all knew that the house held no residents, right?

"I wonder how many floors there is considering how big it is?" also questioned Baekhyun.

"Maybe we all should go split up and check it ou--" Jongdae was cut off when they hear a crash on the right side of the hallway. Everyone jumped at the sound, confused of why they heard it.

"Or maybe someone should go check out what happened over there," suggested Chanyeol as he laughed nervously.

"I'll go with Zitao to check. Another group should go check that first door before the one at the end of the hallway since we came from the right," answered Wu Fan as he waved off to the members and he and Zitao made their way to the door at the end of the hall.

"We'll go check that other door, right Yixing?" asked Junmyeon as he started making his way down the hall with Yixing soon following behind as well. Everyone else decided to wait for their return before they decide to split up to check out the other floors.

Wu Fan and Zitao we're surprised to find the door opened but decided to enter anyway. Once they entered, they finally saw that it was kitchen and a dining room. The two looked around until Zitao spotted something,

"Duizhang, I thing I found why there was a crash. Here's a broken plate on the floor," explained the maknae as the elder made his way over to look as well.

"How do you think it fell though?" questioned Wu Fan in thought.

"It might have been too close to the end of the countertop," answered the wushu boy.

"Yeah but how do you think it got there in the first place?" asked the elder again. From that the two ended up deep at thought of the endless possibilities.

Meanwhile with Junmyeon and Yixing, they we're able to open their door as and find out that the room was a library. The two walked around keeping an eye on the books that were neatly placed on the shelves. However though, there was a certain book that caught Junmyeon's eye.

"Hey, Yixing, look at this book," called out the elder as the brunette approached him.

"What is it?" questioned Yixing as the looked at the red book that was about slightly thicker than the average novel.

"I don't really know but look, a picture of the mansion is inside here," answered the elder as the two decided to skim through the pages of the book. As they kept reading, they started to feel nervous before their eyes widened and Junmyeon ended up dropping the book.

"No way, this can't be true. You mean this is really th--"

"HYUNGS!!!" the two jumped as they heard the sound of Kyungsoo's voice in full volume, which was very rare. They quickly ran out the library and headed back to the entrance and saw everyone minus Zitao and Wu Fan standing with either horrified looks or nervous auras around them.

"What is it?" questioned Yixing as they saw the members in their current state though he might have guess what had happened.

Kyungsoo turned to the two with his eyes larger than usual with much fear while holding the doorknob, "They door won't open at all. We tried what we could but we can't get it to budge at all. We're locked in!!"



Hehehe there you go guys. I leave you all with a cliffhanger there. What do you think what'll happen next? Well you'll just have to find out till tomorrow. Good night eveyone!!

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Sorry guys for no updates! Doing last minute stuff for school grades. I'll try to update ASAP


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Chapter 11: It's been a while, I hope you are alright. Take care and I hope you update this story soon <3
Chapter 11: I wonder whats downstairs o.o

I hope you update soon!!! :D
Chapter 10: Update soon xD
Chapter 10: Update update :3 I uped it ;)
Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: O: So scary i wonder whats going to happen!! I hope you update again soon!! ♥♥
Chapter 9: Ohgod let them be safe..... Please update soon~ ^-^
AncientWriting #8
Chapter 9: :O Who's the MONSTER?!
Chapter 8: Wow! I love this story so much! ^^ <3 Please update it soon!!
Chapter 8: I love this story! Please update soon >.<