He Helped Me

You Are Different

Kris and Seohyun's relationship keep growing without their notice.

Seohyun's classmates, of course the boys, very like to prank te girls, like EXO M used to with her. They have new prank now (Seohyun's classmates, not EXO M) nd it is: Throw the basketball to the girls and after that say sorry as if it was an accident. Seohyun is very scare and get away from them. But if you hide from something, it'll come later, we can't stop or control it. One day...

_Yah yah~ That's Seohyun!

_Yeah~ Let's test our new prank on her, it won't hurt anyone right?

_Good idea bro! Let's do it!

And one of them throw the ball. Seohyun saw it but her body is too weak to move and she is too surprise to hide from that ball so she keep standing there and look at it. When it come nearer, the only thing she think about is Kris and she raise her hands up to prevent the ball.

A loud sound was heard but she didn't feel any injure, she look up and saw a familiar firgure-Kris.


_Seohyun, are you ok?

_I..I'm fine. Wait, are you ok oppa?

_Sure! Who do you think i am? A giant dude but only the look is kind of healthy and the body's not? I am in the team, i was hit a million times!

_Yeah, right!

Seohyun smiles and Kris feels that his heart is going to explode. He turn around and scold the boys:

_Yah! Why did you do that? She might get hurt!

_We...We sorry hyung, we won't do that again hyung.

They said and ran away because Kris's scary eyes.

_Did you see that Seohyun? Everyone is scare me!

_But the girls like you! They always watch you!

_But from a distance, Seohyun ah~

_So you should smile more! Wait!

Seohyun remember somthing and Kris slightly, slowly go away.

_Oppa, did you do the homeworks yet?

_What homeworks?

_Oppa, have you practice smiling in front of the mirror yet?

Seohyun slowly says but her voice like the knife to him.

_I...I did it one time and it was like demon so i didn't do it anymore.

Kris says in a low tone.

_Oppa!!!!!!!!!! You have to do it!!!!!!!!!!! REGULARY!!!!!!!!!

_NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT"S SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seohyun chase Kris aroud the shool yard.

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melaniepark #1
Chapter 9: is the story just ended??? :O
melaniepark #2
Chapter 9: is the story just ended??? :O
Chapter 9: he found her... and she is right next to him
Chapter 8: that leave me wonder what her intend is too???
tinhnghichbe #5
Chapter 8: How can ur sister older than u by 4 months?
i thought it has to be at least 9 months
Chapter 6: She Loves him :D Kris you should Confest to her,^_^ so cute When she Taught him how to smile :D SEOKRIS!! Hwaiting update soon :3
Chapter 6: i hope kris can confess to her soon before it's too late..maybe luhan love her too that's why....i like your story..
update soon!!^_^
Chapter 5: lol, I really thought she liked Luhan. I mean, wasn't it always that nice girls like bad boys? Then I was like "Oh, Kris was also a bad boy."
Goodness XD SEOKRIS <3
Chapter 5: She loves him but doesn't tell him the truth. T_T
Chapter 5: Kris... Just follow your heart and confess!!!!
Can't wait for next chappie!!! Update soon!!!^^