You Are Different
15 years ago......................................................... Little 5 years old Kris was one of the brightest kids in the full-of-mansion place. He grew up in 5 years that full of love and protect of his parents. He always smile and happy until one day, the day that bring his smile forever (or not). He had just came back from school, then, he heard his father's angry voice "15 YEARS BRING UP HIM AND NOW YOU TOLD ME THAT HE ISN'T MY CHILD? WHAT KIND OF WOMEN ARE YOU?" "Please, he might hear you, he might be home this time" "I don't want to hear you. The only thing i want to hear from you is waht will you do with him?" "Let's just keep him, he's handsome, and he's smart, he can make a lot of money!" "I thought you love him?" "He was just a mistake of mine, nothing more. I just wanted to fill in the mother's responsible and bring him up with you" "I'll keep him but just because i love him" "Whatever, i don't care about him and you". Since that day, he knew that his mother no longer love him anymore so he just play with his father at least to keep some of his smile. 5 years after, his father died, he live in the cruel mansion with his cold and evil 'mother' that just keep him for money. When she have a new lover, she left him alone in the big mansion to start her new life. He live in the loneliness and the pitifulness of the others, even the maids. Now, he is a man 20 years old, handsome, successful and alone. He lived with no smile for along time and his cold yet hand some face make most children and mature people. Everyone consider him as a bad person and that make his good side loosen. Sometimes he want to help people but his mind keep remind him that he is a bad one. He got in the gangster group for his handsome and intelligent. His mission in that group is date everygirl they want him to date and then broke up with them. All that must happen in the same day. He often feel bad of himself but the girls keep liking him. Today, there's a new girl move to the school and she is really beautiful. Maybe the most beautiful girl he ever seen. He like her but those EXO M friends, especially Luhan like her too. And if they like someone, they'll bully that one. He don't want to involve so he just stand out of the 'fun'. And one last important thing, her name is SEOHYUN.
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melaniepark #1
Chapter 9: is the story just ended??? :O
melaniepark #2
Chapter 9: is the story just ended??? :O
Chapter 9: he found her... and she is right next to him
Chapter 8: that leave me wonder what her intend is too???
tinhnghichbe #5
Chapter 8: How can ur sister older than u by 4 months?
i thought it has to be at least 9 months
Chapter 6: She Loves him :D Kris you should Confest to her,^_^ so cute When she Taught him how to smile :D SEOKRIS!! Hwaiting update soon :3
Chapter 6: i hope kris can confess to her soon before it's too late..maybe luhan love her too that's why....i like your story..
update soon!!^_^
Chapter 5: lol, I really thought she liked Luhan. I mean, wasn't it always that nice girls like bad boys? Then I was like "Oh, Kris was also a bad boy."
Goodness XD SEOKRIS <3
Chapter 5: She loves him but doesn't tell him the truth. T_T
Chapter 5: Kris... Just follow your heart and confess!!!!
Can't wait for next chappie!!! Update soon!!!^^