it has always been YOU

Hyukjae's Pov

It has been two weeks since i confessed to Donghae, however i still haven't gotten a response from him. Every morning i wait for him outside school, asking him constantly to be my boyfriend....but he just shakes his head and walks away from me. Even though he acts the same...i can tell he is trying to avoid me. Sigh, was i being to forceful? maybe i should leave him alone for now, finals are coming up and i really need to study!!!

Focus Lee Hyukjae! I must get into SM university, its been my dream eversince i could remember. The most prestigious University, which only takes the top 5% of all entrants. What did i want to study you may ask? well...I know its a tough path to pursue, but i have always wanted to be a doctor. For some reason it just seems interesting and full of surprises...and once i have set my mind on something i must have it at all costs. 

This is exactly why i can't give up on Donghae....I will make him mine.... after these exams


Donghae's Pov

Arrrghhhhhhhhhhhh Hyukjae!!!! Why are you doing this to me now??? Wait....where is he? normally he waits for me at the school gates...hmmm thats why i felt so weird this morning, hmmmm maybe he is giving up?

No no no, i must concentrate, the finals are coming up next week, i must do well....

wahhh sooo many words that are suddenly muddling up...why is it sooo hard???

No-one's pov

From any spectator, seeing Donghae mutter and hit himself unconciously as he sat in a pile of paper and textbooks was an incredibly cute sight. To no surprise, Jessica stood behind the bookstand admiring that cute creature as he struggled with all the studying that had suddenly piled up infront of him. 

Jessica's pov

Wahh...Hae is sooo cute, do you like my nickname for him? Haeeeeee, doen't it suit him??? Should i approach him? but i dont want to disturb him, cos these exams are so important to him. But maybe i could help him....


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little-butterfly #1
Chapter 5: nice fic author-ssi.. but chapters are too short :(