it has always been YOU

Hyukjae's pov

Dinner passed in a blur, before i knew it i was in my room staring into thin air, thinking about the many ways i could court Donghae. Noticing my brother i sensed that he wanted something so i looked directly at him with questioning eyes. 

"What's wrong?" i asked

"Shouldn't i be the one asking?" he replied with scrutinising eyes. I was taken aback at first, when had my brother ever cared about me?

"Nothing much why?" i responded

"Well, i just... oh never mind, i thought you needed some advice, and since i am older i thought you wanted to speak to me" continuing he said "but i guess not, whatever...bye?" i was shocked my brother actually wanted to help me???? Maybe i should ask him....maybe he could help me to understand these feelings...

"WAITTTTTTT" i screamed, as he had already reached my door "wait, can i ask you a question?"

Slowy he turned around grinning, it was then i realised that he had planned this, and i had stupidly fell for it, hope this turns out well...

"What is it?" he asked, gentler this time actually showing his concern making me suddenly feel more confident about conversing about my feelings. 

"Well...." i slowly started "well??? hurry up i don't want to die before you tell me!" there, that was the brother i knew

"How do you...you know....knowifyoulikesomeone?" i blurted out, stupid nerves i didn't even same his name and i am already feeling nervous

"what?? love???...do you like someone??"

"well i was just wondering how you know....like with your girlfriend..."

"ooooh my little brother is in loveeeeeee" he teased me making smooching sounds and gigling like he was five

"argh, i knew i shouldn't have asked you!!!!!"

"ok ok ok...seriously? you will just know"

"is that all the advice you have for me???" i nearly screamed....after all that he didn't actually have anything constructive to tell me??? Well, being with Donghae feel right, even if it is just standing next to him. Even if it is wrong, i guess i still want him, even if i can't i will make him mine...i WILL! Punching the air i grinned happily only to hear my brother snicker. oh yeah i forgot that he was still here with me.

"I'm guessing you made up your mind?" he smirked at me

"yep thanks bro!" i smiled to him "now get out of here!"

"geez what a grateful brother i have" he mumbled as i forcefully pushed him out of my bedroom. Waving at him i sincerly said " thank you" in my heart. 

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little-butterfly #1
Chapter 5: nice fic author-ssi.. but chapters are too short :(