it has always been YOU

Sighing, the young man slowly picked himself up from the floor, ignoring the stares that nearly burnt through his skin. Cursing himself for daydreaming to the point where he forgot to pay attention to where he was walking. A small red bruise already starting to appear on his forehead, he slowly dragged himself to his group of friends that had only noticed his disappearance when he collided with the wall. 

Hyukjae absently smiled to his friends as they gave him weird smiles, this had never happened before. Communicating with their eyes, he assured his friends that he was fine and swiftly they made a bee line towards their classroom. School had always been dull, however he had found colour and unpredictability within those four walls through his loyal and unique friends. What he couldnt understand was why he was feeling like this, why he couldnt control his own mind and thoughts.

The culprit for these unusual traits was none other than the Lee Donghae. Being best friends with him caused Hyukjae to be even more confused, how could he spend so much time thinking about the latter. More important how could someone that had been beside him through the years suddenly have this effect on him. The feeling Hyukjae had whenever Donghae smiled caused his heart to do what no other heart had done before. Not only making it jump and skip a few beats, it somehow managed to mimick what Hyukjae only ever felt from dancing. Full freedom, like he was soaring through space without any challenges, it was like all time had stopped, just so he could admire the beauty. 

Daydreaming once again, Hyukjae failed to realise the cause of his thoughts entering the classroom. Frowning because he received no reaction from Hyukjae, Donghae placed his face centimeters from the latter waiting impatiently. 

Hyukjae's Pov 

Big eyes brought me back to reality making me topple of my seat. Flustered i screamed at Donghae "YAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING????"

Donghae blinked his eyes cutely, innocence shining through them as he replied "You didn't say good morning to me" his lips starting to form a pout he continued "you didn't even realise i had arrived"

Silently i told myself to calm down and concentrate, i picked myself up and replied "i was going to....before you rudely startled me!"

Thankfully the bell rung, saving me from Donghae's quizzical eyes, knowing that i couldn't avoid them forever at least i had some time to prepare. 

Donghae's Pov

That was weird, he isn't the type to zone out, i wonder what is wrong with him, i guess i will ask him later. 

I wonder what he was thinking about, he seems to be thinking a lot these days, was it something i did? 


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little-butterfly #1
Chapter 5: nice fic author-ssi.. but chapters are too short :(