
Fine Line

It is now 2am and Seunghyun has been gone the past three hours. Jiyong wakes up to his regular surroundings and cranes his neck to see that it is still dark outside. He feels the regular pain and entrapment...which is him bound tightly to the bed again. He figured that the good nurse decided to inject him again.


 Dara  stood outside of the door and waited for Dr. Choi to leave. It's a sick and twisted way of making some ones life miserable...waiting outside the ing door to torcher Jiyong. 

She did get her way when the coast was clear. To not seem suspicious she had  a half conversation with other nurses, but she purposely stood so that she could keep an eye on the door. After ten minutes she made her way into the room. Jiyong was just starting to get off of his third high, but Dara feels threatened when Jiyong could think for himself. She loves that he has to suffer and that she has him wrapped around her finger.

The pleas and cries drive her to want to do more to make life more demented.  Him even thinking that he could think for himself makes her crazy with insanity and worry. Though the man can't do anything, still she always has her guard up, and being a nurse practitioner helps her to always have sedatives on hand. She grabs his wrist and stabs the needle in his ivory skin. 

Instantly Jiyong feels that familiar pain rushing through his body. His muscles start to shut down and his eyes roll back and become heavy. Jiyong is once again a puppet to play with. He lifts his head and smirks. Dara leans close to the mans face and scowls at him. 

"The are you smirking at you little " She pushes his forehead with her index finger. Jiyong lets the gravity of the push take him into the mattress. The man is so high he can't feel the pain...instead he laughs. Dara gets infuriated and grabs Jiyong by the hospital gown and growls. "What is there to laugh at little ? I don't see anything funny about your state you sad piece of ." 

Jiyong tries to focus on the woman and furrows his brows. He smiles gently and this catches the nurse off guard. "I...have...a friend..." 

Dara scoffs and pushes the man back down on the bed. "You don't have . You can't have friends Jiyong. You will never have friends because you are crazy. Who would waste their time with an ugly like you. You deserve to get you nastly ... " 

The man who is above cloud 99(American phrase meaning that he is really really high.) barely even felt the hurt of the words. He simply just turned over in his bed. Dara clinched her fist and throws the man onto the floor. Jiyong starts to laugh hysterically so loud that you would think that something really was funny. 

"WHAT IS SO FUNNY!!" Dara stands over the man with her hands on her hips and kicks the man in his stomach. Jiyong coughs from the loss of air and then covers his stomach with his arms, but the nurse kicks again and again in the same spot. Being a nurse she purposely kicks him in the spots that won't rupture. After ten swift kicks, Jiyong already has coughed up blood. 

Jiyong just sees the whole situation as a wonderland...some kind of dream. The does taste the salty substance on his mouth but he has no idea where it came from or how it got there. He knows that he is on the ground and in a lot of pain...but has no idea where the pain is coming from. Dara smirks at the confusion and radios for her two body guards to put him to bed. 

One of the men walk into the room minutes later "...what did you do..." 

Dara crosses her arms "What that little deserved." The guard shrugged his shoulders and picked the man up over his shoulder. He throws the man with his blood stained hospital gown on the bed. The other guard comes in and doesn't question the situation and helps his co worker to strap Jiyong in his bed. 

Minutes later with arms, legs, torso, wrist and ankles Jiyong is properly bound to the bed. Dara walks up to the man and Jiyong's drugs clear a bit and he starts to feel the sharp pain in his stomach. "What did I do to you..." says the man weakly. The nurse comes up to his bed and whispers in his ear. " Your mear existence makes me sick. Count on it...everyday your life will be like this. Don't ever think that you will have friends. If I find out. *Punch* It will be worse than this..." 

The guards laugh at the patient helpless in the bed. " what is that smell" says one of the guards leaving with the others. Dara turns around " He is diaper....let him sit in it..." The three leave the room slamming the door with a thud. Jiyong is now in the company of the dim amber light peaking through the window. He looks at the tree that he loves so much and smiles gently before falling into an uncomfortable slumber. 


It's morning and it's another day at the hospital. Seunghyun wakes up from his screaming alarm and jumps out of bed to hit the shower. Today is a different day because he rearranged his patient schedules. Meaning that Jiyong is number one on his list for today. 

His ultimate goal is to beat Dara to the room. He wants to be the one to give him his nessesary meds he wants to be the first person he sees in the morning. Just to give the man something normal in his life is all that he wants and wishes for him. Seunghyun gets into the hot shower and quickly lathers him self to get clean. 

He looks over at the bathroom clock and rushes out of the shower to throw on some appropriate clothes. He runs to his door and puts on the nearest pair of shoes that didn't require bending over. He runs out the door with a slam and startles his neighbor Daesung in the process. 

"Woah you are up early..." 

Seunghyun turns red from embarrassment and bows "Sorry to startle you. I just wanted to get in the ward early today. " 

Daesung smiles "It's good to hear that you are eager to get to work. Normally for adult wards the Doctors don't come in early." 

"Yea, that is true. My last job I came in late most of the time, but the patients were pretty normal." Seunghyun trails off and looks at his watch. "Hey I gotta go." 

They both bow and part ways with a friendly smile. Seunghyun then darts down the long hallway past the childrens ward past the floor cafeteria that smelled oh so tempting...and then finally in front of the ward. He made it just in time! Seunghyun swipes his ID on the scanner and the door unlocks with a heavy click. 

The doctor wasted no time getting through the door to run into the pharmacy knowing that is where Dara is at the moment. He looks down the hallway and sees Dara with a tray of meds and knew that it was all for Jiyong. The nurse notices the rushing man down the hallway and notices that he is coming in her direction. He stops right in front of her and takes the tray from her hands. 

"What do you think that you are doing Dr. Choi. Don't you have patients right now." says Dara still gripping the other side of the tray. 

Seunghyun looks down at the woman. " I will be giving Jiyong his meds today. He is the first patient today." 

Dara rolls her eyes and lets go of the tray. She can't do anything really because in the rules of the hospital say that any doctor can give patient their drugs, (only) if they are the first patient of the day...and Jiyong is that person.  " What are you up do Dr. Choi?" Dara furrows her brows and Seunghyun smiles at her. "I'm simply doing my job...why don't you try doing yours Ne?" Seunghyun turns around and Dara scoffs in response as the doctor makes his way down the hallway. "You are messing with the wrong person Dr. Choi." 

Seunghyun smiles  and unlocks the door to his patient. He hoped that Jiyong had a good sleep since he stayed in the room until midnight...but that didn't happen. The doctor comes into a room smelling of blood and feces. He looks and sees Jiyong groaning and that there is dried blood on the corner of his mouth and notices a trial of blood on the floor. 

Jiyong hears only one set of foots steps today and figures that Dara has come back for more....but the foot steps where heavier. With more concern...he looks over to see Dr. Choi looking him over. 

Seunghyun has never seen such abuse in his life in one week. Yes, he has witnessed abuse at a hospital but nothing to this caliber. He placed the tray of drugs on a side table and rushed over to the bed. He doesn't say a word but frantically unstraps Jiyong from the bed. He lifts up Jiyong's gown and sees that he stomach is heavily bruised and that the marking are new. "Those s..." Seunghyun places the gown down and looks over at Jiyong. 

The innocent coffee eyes stare back at him in confusion. "...Why are you here..." says Jiyong weakly rubbing his stomach. 

"Jiyong...what happened..?" Seunghyun gets closer to the bed. "You can tell me." 

Jiyong remembers what the nurse said and shakes his head. "Nothing...I did this to myself..." Jiyong plays with the strings of his gown and Seunghyun knows that he is lying...simply because he is afraid. Seunghyun smiles weakly to not make the man nervous and walks to the other side of the room to get some cleaning supplies and a fresh diaper. He  lifts Jiyong so that he is sitting at the edge of the bed. He looks at the dried blood and starts to clean the side of his mouth. "You didn't do this to yourself...did you Jiyong" 

Jiyong looks down and studders "I...I...did...this..." 

Seunghyun lifts the younger ones chin and looks into his eyes. "You can tell me...please Jiyong...tell me who did this to you." Jiyong can hear the hurt in the doctors eyes but he can't tell him...he can't have friends. 

Jiyong looks away and speaks quietly hoping that the lie is not loud enough to be revealed "I told you...I did this to myself...they had to restrain me because I'm crazy...." 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "You are not crazy. It's just that no one has given you a chance."

"HOW THE DO YOU KNOW THAT I'M NOT CRAZY?! DON'T YOU SEE!!! I'M CRAZY! *punch* I'M CRAZY! *punch*" Seunghyun grabs the small fist to prevent him from doing any more harm to himself. "Stop it Jiyong!! Stop doing this to yourself. I know that you are hurt and I know that you feel that you have no one to talk to, but you need to open up to me so that I can help you. Remember I'm your friend."

Jiyong tears up "I don't have friends." Seunghyun gets saddened to the words. He just had a break through the other day and now things are back to square one. "You do have friends. Me. Let me be your friend again." Seunghyun takes the diaper and starts to undo Jiyong's diaper. Jiyong shakes his head. "stop...stop...STOPPPP!!!!!" 

He jumps from the bed and runs across the room. Seunghyun was getting too close to him and it scared him...simply because he has never been loved. The tiny figure stands in the corner of the room and throws his diaper full of feces at the doctor. Spilling the nasty substance all over the doctors coat and the floor. Seunghyun looks at the mess and gets sad. "Jiyong...don't be like this..." 

"AHHHHHHHH GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!! " Jiyong takes off his gown and he is now in his fully bruised and abused glory. Dr. Choi get s a good look at the man. His body is malnourished and you can see some of the bones...his skin has marks of grime and he can tell they don't even bath him regularly. Seunghyun finally makes eye contact with Jiyong and Jiyong feels vulnerable once again. "GET OUT!!" He stands and points at his body. "You can't help this! You can't stop this from happening! Stop WASTING MY TIIIIIMMMME. JUST GIVE ME MY DRUGS AND LEAVE!!!!" 

Jiyong glares at the man in his form and sees that he has not budged. He is expression less and his eyes are burning a hole on his body. Seunghyun then shakes his head. "I'm not leaving..." 

Jiyong looks back at the man. "Why..." 

"Because I'm not giving up on you like you have given up on yourself." 

Jiyong is taken back by the words. It is true that he has given up but he didn't think that anyone could really see how he really feels. tears start to fall down the mans cheeks and Seunghyun witness the second time the man has put his guard down. The doctor takes off his dirty coat and then picks up a sheet from the bed and walks over to Jiyong to place it around him. 

He wraps the sheet around like a toga and smiles at the younger one. Jiyong can do nothing but just look down...he is not sure what he is doing right now. "There now you have something on you Roman style." Seunghyun chuckles and leads the man over to the bed. Jiyong sits on the edge of the bed again and lets his legs dangle. 

Seunghyun goes over to the drugs dumps them all in the trash. Jiyong's eyes widen. "Wha wha are you doing...I have to take those everyday...or Nurse Dara will" "She won't do ." says Seunghyun smirking at the trash can. 

He then takes a chair near the bed and sits down to fish out some other drugs from his pocket. He takes Jiyongs hand and puts two pills in his hand. "What's this?" says Jiyong quietly. 

"One is a pain killer and the other is a antibiotic. That is all that you need for today." says Seunghyun with a smile. 

Jiyong is lost for words. All of his life in the hospital has been nothing but pills and injections all day. To go from taking more than ten a day to only two makes the man suspicious. "Only trip won't put me down..." 

Seunghyun pats the younger ones head. lightly " Aigo so much change ne?" he smiles at the younger and Jiyong fights to not smile. "It's okay to smile Jiyong. It's okay to laugh. Joy is a great thing to have. " 

Jiyong doesn't smile but he does take in the words to heart. Seunghyun then gets up from the chair and approaches the bed. "You sir...need a bath. When was the last time you had one?" 

"I don't remember...I'm high most of the baths" 

"Aish these bastards" says Seunghyun to himself "Well we have an hour let's give you a bath ne?" 

Jiyong turns red. "You are giving me a bath?" Seunghyun chuckles "I think that you are pretty capable of bathing your self. I will just make sure that you are safe and don't worry. I'm a doctor so I see people all the time. I'm going to run your water okay." 

Jiyong rolls over to take his pills. While Seunghyun goes to the private restroom to start his bath water. He turns on the water and makes sure that it is hot enough and looks around for something. "Asa!"  He finds in a random cabinet where there were toys and bubble bath for the tub. He knows that the toys are childish but the man never really had a childhood. 

He takes the bubble bath liquid and pours a lot into the tub. He watches as the tub turns into a foamy mess. He then places the random toys in the tub then followed by turning off the water. The tub looks like a lot of fun and he only hopes that Jiyong will have fun. He walks into the room and sees Jiyong eying the bath room. Seunghyun motions for the smaller man to come over. 

Jiyong gets off the bed and didn't expect to see a tub full of toys and bubbles. This makes Jiyong smile and tear up. " one has ev.ever done this for me..." Jiyong trails off and stands by the tub scared of jumping in and ruining the moment. 

Seunghyun unties the toga and Jiyong gets shy again. "Come now Jiyong. I change your diapers your body doesn't scare me. Now get in. Isn't it fun?!" says Seunghyun in a kid like tone. Jiyong slowly gets in the tub and emersses himself in the round tub. "Warm..." Jiyong closes his eyes and takes in the feeling of his first warm bath and suddenly all the pain fades away. 

Seunghyun watches at many first are happening and he is happy that the man has something normal. He walks out the room to grab the chair and pulls it by the tub to make sure Jiyong stays safe. He watches as Jiyong plays with the toys in the tub. Making pretend noises of cars and other characters. Seunghyun loves the sight and decided to play with him.

He takes a bear brick " I'm king Bearkong and I came to take over the bath tub rooooarr!" says Seunghyun in a husky voice, which earns a weird look from Jiyong. "What? I want to play too" says Dr. Choi slightly embarrassed. Jiyong laughs "You can play" and they both play "bearkong". This is the first time that he has seen Jiyong laugh and smile within the same minute.

Yea yea, Bear Kong is childish but for some reason Seunghyun feels that he has to be near Jiyong. Almost like he needs to protect him. He wants him to have a normal life...well as normal as normal can get in a hospital. He wants Jiyong to become independent and be able to finally leave the hospital. The past hour Jiyong has been nothing but a human being. He is not crazy. He didn't try to kill himself or harm the doctor. Yea, there was the outburst earlier but that was nothing but a human defending them selves from getting hurt. 

...and hurt is a word that Seunghyun wants to get rid of. 


Hey all, sorry that it has been a while. I just finished my last midterm today, so I can write again. I had to step away from the stories because grad school was starting to kick my Choi ! Aigo! Anyways, I'm freee yea! Comments are love  or really any feed back fuels me. Later!


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Youliiike #1
This is one of my favorite fiction ever! Seriously I love your stories
Wysmom #2
Chapter 20: Damn. I loved this story. As always, your the best.
Chapter 6: this chap make me speechless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a wonderfull story !!!!!
Gdrariri #4
Chapter 20: The best story line tht I read.. t.. it so so so awesome... cute. Funny sad .. u such a good author.. keep it up..
Chapter 18: oh my god, Jiyong saying "objection" was the cutest thing ever, i couldn't even read forward a good few minutes, i was just smiling like crazy. ^3^
Chapter 20: This was a really good story. I'm glad everything worked out in the end.
Chapter 11: So we're just not going to talk about why Dara feels so comfortable with her man other men in her presence? Oh...OK. These are some new aged sick erts...and Jiyong's parents are no better.
Chapter 14: I'm confused. Is jiyong crazy or not or he wasn't? And he was crazy bcs he was high? And when he wasn't he's actually normal?
Chapter 20: Omo this story was amazing. Something different, i wasnt expecting it to turn out like this. I liked this a lot, thou~! ^^ Gtop... <3 thank u fir awesome story, author nim~
Chapter 2: Very interesting ~! ^^ im curious what comes next °^^