
Fine Line


Hello! Another update! Thanks to all who read this fic. Please leave feedback and a upvote to help me attract more readers:) Love!


Dong Wook really has a lot to do dealing with Jiyong's case. The Kwons are pretty powerful in the medical world and they always have the slimiest lawyers to defend them. Time after time cases that should have some sort of sentence gets brushed over. Deals happen in the background and people some how get richer the next day. It's crazy how money can really throw people despite their cases. What makes things sad the money that is given to them is half of what they actually get. 
This why Dong Wook is a lawyer. He hates that people get cheated and baited everyday. Mal practice doctors normally take bribes and covers for high level clients. Dong Wook is the complete opposite. He will bring anyone down...even if he is defending that person. Justice is a strong word in his family coming from a line of lawyers dating back to monarchy. 
Dong Wook works for his own practice in Seoul. He works in a nice building and he has a secretary. He likes to keep things small and not too big. In this business you don't want too many people near cases that he takes on.
The office is really simple. There is a reception area then there is Dong Wooks office behind a glass door. It's the later hours so he has already sent home his secretary. He starts to pack his suit case but stops when he hears his door open. 
"What are you doing here?" Dong Wook stands up from his desk with a frown. 
The person comes in the office and just stands "I'm sick of this...I can't do this anymore." 
"Cant do what Head Nurse Dara?" 
She clenches her fingers and takes in a deep breath. "I just did what they said...I didn't know things would turn out like this." 
Dong Wook raises an eyebrow and he knows that is starting to hit the fan on her end. Fear always comes when the fearless think it doesn't exsist. "So what do you have to tell me?" 
Dara then comes to take a seat in one of the leather chairs. Dong Wook sit across from her and pulls over his tape recorder. He flicks the switch and Dara looks over at the bright red light. "Relax. This is just lawyer protocol. Take your time...it must have been hard coming here." 
Dara likes that he is not judging but commending her. It makes it easy to just speak her mind. "Dr. Park...Seungri...they control the whole unit. When I first started working for the ward believe it or not I was nice....I followed the rules...I trusted. When Dr. Park became the Head doctor things changed. At first he asked me to watch Jiyong. He was wild but he was nothing too crazy because he was younger and not as strong. One day Dr. Park asked me to go to the medical closet and get more tranquilizers for patient 4335 which is code for JIyong. I didn't think of it and I gave it to him...then he told me to inject him...the first time it was hard but the more and more I did it....it became easy...I don't know why but I liked to see him struggle...I like the feeling of control..." Dara looks down at her hands and then back at the recorder she starts to get up. "I don't know what I'm doing...I need to...Oh gosh.." She puts her head in her hands. 
Dong Wook pats her shoulder "It's okay...you coming here is a big step and this is going to help your sentence..." Dara sits back in the chair again. She takes a couple of breaths and continues. "Well a year after Dr. Park was on the ward his son Seungri came on as a nurse. To make a story short one thing lead to another and we hooked up...then we became a couple. Seungri...Seungri...well...he expressed that he was bi ual...he complained that he missed ...I wouldn't give it to him...I was so infatuated with him I was willing to do anything to make him happy...One day Seungri went into Jiyong's room with out me knowing. When I went in to give Jiyong his drugs...I saw it...he him...Jiyong was so high he didn't know what was going on...I was mad...I didn't know what to do with myself...still I let him keep doing it...then he wanted me to add more drugs....we were getting so deep I there was no going back....When head doctor found out he wanted to cover it up. To do that he went to the Kwons and told him that they needed to up his dosage. They wanted him so high that he could not function the Kwons didn't object because that's the way they like their son...a vegetable. They wanted him quiet and I had to do it...they threatened my job my whole career...the control they had over me I felt I couldn't move...Last night I had it...I wanted to confess. I can't have this bad blood in my body any more..."
Dara looks down at her lap. Dong Wook stops the recorder and stands up to put it in his desk drawer. "You really helped this case Dara. Because of this confession Jiyong will be free." 
"Now I will be the snitch...the person who couldn't keep their mouth shut.." 
"No you will be the person who saved a life. You are doing Jiyong such a favor. He deserves a normal life and I think that you see that too....I know you do...we have known each other for years. I knew that this was all going on but I needed evidence...and you brought it." 
"Do you think that they will ever forgive me...Seunghyun, Jiyong, YoungBae...you think I have a chance at forgiveness?" She makes a face of desperation. You can literally see the lack of sleep and fear in her eyes. Dong Wook shakes his head. "I can't tell you that Dara. That is something that I can't judge. From the outside looking in it might take some time." 
Dara makes a little smile. "I will make things right. Whether it takes 20 years or more." She looks in Dong Wooks eyes and she smiles. "I have missed that smile..." 
Dara looks down. "You have..?" 
"When you left college I thought that I would never see you again...when I got to the hospital as Yang's lawyer I saw you were taken...The kind hearted Dara I remembered changed...and was cold....right now... this is the Dara that I know."  Dong Wook comes around the desk with his brief case. Dara stands up and walks out the door with the lawyer. They walk out of the office and Dong Wook closes the door behind him. He bows. "Thank you again Dara...do not talk to Seungri or Dr. Park. If they call you call me here." He hands her a card. She looks the card over and nods as she puts the hard paper in her pocket. 
The two leave their separate ways down the sidewalks of Seoul. Dong Wook probably has the best piece of evidence he has ever came across. It is not often people come and just confess. When he faces the judge the other side will have nothing to counter him on. He has the case in his hands and has full control. 
Back at the apartment Jiyong is watching his crafts channel. He is trying to learn how to make a collage. It is a very difficult and messy task. He pretty much cut up all the magazines in the house. He used almost all the paper in the printer taking random pictures of him and Seunghyun together. The older doesn't mind the expensive mess. He actually is sitting with Jiyong in the chaos as well. He took the job of cutting up everything that JIyong wants. 
"Noooo hyunnie that doesn't go there...." JIyong takes the picture off the card board backing and places it next to another picture. Seunghyun and crafts just don't mix.
"Sorry baby...I will just keep cutting..." He continues to cut out random letters. Jiyong leans over to his boyfriend and kisses his shoulder shyly. Seunghyun stop all motion and looks over at his sweet boyfriend. The coffee eyes just stare and his mouth smiles a delightful grin. "Why are you so beautiful." 
Jiyong blushes but doesn't turn away. "You make me feel beautiful." 
Seunghyun pinches his lovers cheek lightly. 'Aww baby really?" Jiyong nods and kisses his shoulder again. "You are the best hyunnie ever." 
"Thanks baby" Seunghyun kisses the top of Jiyong's hair. They stop all movements when they hear a knock at the door. It's 8pm so the both are curious to who it could be. Seunghyun stands up "Stay here baby it's late..." Jiyong nods and Seunghyun walks over to the door. He presses the screen button and he sees that it's lawyer Choi. He opens the door and Dong Wook walks in. "Sorry I came at this late hour...but I have news. I just got a confession that will make this a winning case." 
Jiyong lights up to the words and runs over to take his boyfriends hand. He looks at his hyung and grins. "We can win? I can be really free?" 
"Well don't get too excited yet but this confession tells all the details of what happened. This is something that will hurt the Kwons and Dr.. Park. We will receive justice I just know it! I was so excited I just had to come here and tell you" 
Seunghyun is speechless. He has to know. "Who gave the confession?" 
"You be too shocked...Dara" 
Jiyong makes a face. "Da da da Dara...Head nurse Dara confessed...?" Seunghyun and Jiyong are just confused. This is the last person they would think defend them. Seunghyun is just confused. "How...what...well how did this happen?? Did she finally get a soul?" 
Dong Wook Chuckles. "She came in and you could see in her eyes that she was sick of everything. Turns out that she was just a puppet the whole time. Still it's no excuse to what she did, but it does help to explain her relationships." 
Seunghyun can't believe it. "Well I can say that I'm speechless..." 
Jiyong remembers this woman well. She has made his life miserable and now she wants to play the good . Jiyong furrows his brows. "I can't forgive her....I can't forgive that ...she has made my life a living hell...I have been ed, beat, beat up, bruised, mal nourished, over dosed daily...this is not going to make me feel sorry for her...she is still a ...I hate her....I ha ha hate her..." Jiyong starts to tear up. This is good news but this has made him confused. It's hard enough learning to trust in this new world. He doesn't know what her intentions are. 
Dong Wook sees that he should take his leave. He bows and quietly leaves. When the door closes Seunghyun pulls Jiyong into an embrace. "Baby don't cry...this is good news...you will be free." JIyong looks up with puffy eyes. "But who knows why she did it...what if something happens again...what if... I don't know but I don't like this feeling..." 
Seunghyun rubs Jiyong's back tenderly and coos sweet words to him. "I love you...nothing is ever going to happen when you are with me." Jiyong then starts to calm down. He rest is head on his boyfriends chest and takes comfort in the steady heartbeat. "I love you too..." He sniffles. Seunghyun lifts Jiyong's chin and places a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you so much." He kisses him again. 
Jiyong smiles. "I love you too my hyunnie bear" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I'm your hyunnie bear now?" 
"Because you are so sweet to me and you are cozy. You make me feel like a human for the first time in my life. You are patient and kind and wise...I just always want to be around you." 
"Well I will always be here baby. You are mine." He steals a kiss and releases the hug. "How about we finish our collage?" Jiyong chuckles..the man knows just what to say to make him happy. "Ne hyunnie bear." 
The couple goes back to their spot and they continue to make a beautiful collage of art. Seunghyun loves how creative Jiyong is. When he buys them a house in the future he wants Jiyong to have his own crafts room where he can be creative and free. He found that these crafts are a release for him. He puts his thoughts into his work. When he's happy he is happy. 
The couple finishes the collage and sets it out to dry. Jiyong and Seunghyun are now in the kitchen attempting to bake brownies. Jiyong saw some on a drama and he wanted to recreate them. They put a fruit filling in the blender along with chocolate sauce. The blender turns on...but the top is still off. "Jiyong! Watch out..." The fruit and chocolate sauce fly right into the younger ones face. Seunghyun comes up to turn off the blender and looks at the mess then back at his boyfriend. "Are you okay Yongie." Jiyong sticks out his tongue and some chocolate off his upper lip. "Ne...this is tasty...sorry hyunnie bunny" 
"It's okay baby." He steps up to his boyfriend and his cheek and places a kiss on his freckle. "I think that these will be good brownies. First let's clean this up." 
Dr. Yang pulls out his cell phone he goes through his address book and presses the person under the name Bastard. 
"Well this is unexpected...the do you want..." 
"Looks like this war will be an easy one." Yang chuckles on the other line. He can hear Dr. Park growl on the other end. "What the are you talking about. You can't win this case you have no evidence." 
"No evidence...that's not true anymore." 
"What are you talking about!?"
Yang laughs again. "You will see." He hangs up the phone. Leaving the other in pure confusion.
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Youliiike #1
This is one of my favorite fiction ever! Seriously I love your stories
Wysmom #2
Chapter 20: Damn. I loved this story. As always, your the best.
Chapter 6: this chap make me speechless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a wonderfull story !!!!!
Gdrariri #4
Chapter 20: The best story line tht I read.. t.. it so so so awesome... cute. Funny sad .. u such a good author.. keep it up..
Chapter 18: oh my god, Jiyong saying "objection" was the cutest thing ever, i couldn't even read forward a good few minutes, i was just smiling like crazy. ^3^
Chapter 20: This was a really good story. I'm glad everything worked out in the end.
Chapter 11: So we're just not going to talk about why Dara feels so comfortable with her man other men in her presence? Oh...OK. These are some new aged sick erts...and Jiyong's parents are no better.
Chapter 14: I'm confused. Is jiyong crazy or not or he wasn't? And he was crazy bcs he was high? And when he wasn't he's actually normal?
Chapter 20: Omo this story was amazing. Something different, i wasnt expecting it to turn out like this. I liked this a lot, thou~! ^^ Gtop... <3 thank u fir awesome story, author nim~
Chapter 2: Very interesting ~! ^^ im curious what comes next °^^