Christmas Sweaters

Fine Line

It's Christmas Eve and Jiyong and Seunghyun are tackling the craziness of holiday shoppers. Jiyong surprisingly was okay with the people running every where in the department story. Seunghyun feels little by little Jiyong is starting to trust his surroundings. He still does keep a firm grip on his boyfriends hand.

They go to the mens section and Seunghyun allows Jiyong to pick out what he wants to wear. Jiyong took the older man around and he was attracted to many t shirts and sweaters with crazy prints on them. He was not the greatest at matching but he was happy. Seunghyun just let him get what he wanted simply because he never really had the chance to choose in life. Jiyong then finds a Christmas sweater with a Santa and his elfs. The man runs to the sweater and lights up. "I want this too." Seunghyun looks at the sweater and it is by far the most festive that he has seen in a while. 

He rub his lovers hand. "Of course you can get it too." Jiyong picks one up and then picks up another. He puts his head down and shyly hands it to Seunghyun. "Here you take one too...we can wear them tomorrow for the party" 

Seunghyun smiles and takes it. "Why is that Yongie?" 

Jiyong blushes "Because..." 

Seunghyun squeezes his hand playfully "Because??" He like to play with the man. 

"Because they can be couple sweaters." Jiyong blushes even redder.

Seunghyun chuckles. "Aigo you are so cute. Of course we can wear these tomorrow. Everybody will love them." 

"Really? You will do it?" 

":Ne because I love you I will wear anything you want" Jiyong smiles and leans up to kiss his boyfriend. Seunghyun blushes a bit to the display of public affection. "Oh did I do are red.." 

"No did just fine. I get shy too. What you did was really sweet." 

Jiyong smiles again and the two continue to the checkout counter. The lady hands them their receipt after they pay and they leave the store still hand and hand. They take a taxi back to the apartment and Jiyong helps his lover take everything up stairs. They went to the grocery store before so it's only Jiiyong's things being lugged into the living room. Seunghyun take the liberty of cutting off all the tags while Jiyong watches a comedy show on the TV. 

Not that Jiyong is a little kid Seunghyun still monitors what he watches. Modern TV can be traumatizing to someone who is not use to it. So for Jiyong's own good. Kids shows and anything that is light is okay for him to watch. Seunghyun gets up from the sofa and Jiyong gets up too. "Aigo baby relax. I'm going to the closet." Jiyong smiles. "I wanna go with you." 

"Okay love." They both go to the closet and Seunghyun starts to move clothes around and take some out and put some in drawers. Jiyong watches as the man make a lot of space. Seunghyun then takes all the new clothes and starts to add them to the closet. Jiyong watches as he is starting to become apart of Seunghyun's life. "Hyunnie...this is so nice.." He puts  a hand on a sweater." Seunghyun takes the man into a back hug. "See you are getting all settled in so fast ne?" Jiyong nods and Seunghyun places a sweet kiss on his lovers neck. He releases the hug to come in with some pajamas. 

Jiyong lights up. "These are the same pattern." 

"Ne they are couple jammies. Since you like matching I figured you wouldn't mind matching for bed." 

Jiyong hugs the jammies and runs to the bathroom to change. He then comes out with his crazy patterned clothes and runs to the bed to his lover. "Hyunnie we match...this makes me happy." Jiyong grins. "I'm glad that you are happy. Let's go to bed it's Christmas tomorrow."  Seunghyun loves these moments that are so innocent. He wants Jiyong to learn what love really is...which is taking time and not rushing things. Christmas will be eventful and he can't wait.


Seunghyun neals on Jiyong's side of the bed. He smiles as his lover sleeps peacefully. He walks out the room and starts to set up for their Christmas party. He wants everything to be perfect and he wants Jiyong to have a great time. The house you could say it's over done but for Jiyong it would be heaven. All the red and green around the apartment makes things very vibrant and festive. 

The doctor then goes back into the room. He goes to his dresser and pulls out a box. He walks over to Jiyong and sits at the edge of the bed. He then takes a hand and rubs his lovers shoulder. "Yongie...wake up" Jiyong slowly opens his eyes and smiles sleepily when he sees the one he loves. "I love you hyunnie." Seunghyun can't help but grin at the sweetness. "Marry Christmas baby. Did you sleep well." 

"Ne." Jiyong sit up on the bed and notices the box. "What is that hyunnie?" Seunghyun smiles and hands the box to him. "Open it and find out." Jiyong opens the medium sized box to reveal a platinum bracelet. Jiyong looks down and sees the word "Yours". "It's beautiful hyunnie. I will wear it always." Seunghyun takes the bracelet out of the box and helps him put it on. The older  then shows his right hand with the same bracelet that says "Mine". Jiyong lights up "Couple bracelets." 

"Ne Yongie. This represents our bond. Later I will give you something that will show a different bond." Jiyong makes a confused face and Seunghyun ruffles the mans hair. "Don't worry about it.  Now get ready baby. I'm wearing my sweater you should put yours on too." Jiyong gets out of the bed and runs to the bathroom. He takes a quick shower and brushes his teeth. He throws on his outfit for the day and comes out to meet his lover. "We look nice matching"  Seunghyun chuckles. He loves how Jiyong gets fascinated by the most interesting things. Jiyong has been watching dramas lately and that is where Seunghyun thinks Jiyong got the whole couple concept from. 

The door bell rings and Jiyong runs to the door. Seunghyun looks at the camera and sees Bae and Cherin. He presses the button and the two come in with a bottle of non alcoholic champagne. "Merry Christmas everyone!" The couple shouts and Jiyong walks up to hug them both. Bae looks at the two and grins. "Couple sweaters?" 

Seunghyun grins "Ne Jiyong wanted to match today and he has the best taste." Cherin giggles and hugs Jiyong again. "Merry Christmas my sweet man. Here you go." She hands him a box and Jiyong gets excited but doesn't know how to open it. He has never seen wrapped presents. Seunghyun comes to his boyfriends aid and helps him to open the box. The box opens to reveal a nice pair of Nike shoes. They are really colorful and they would go well with the man's wardrobe. "I like it. Thank you!" Jiyong smiles and runs into the bed room. He then hands the couple a card.

The couple looks at the card and sees that it's home made. "Aw Jiyong you made this for us man?" Jiyong grins "Ne I learned from the crafts channel." He says proudly and Seunghyun can't help but chuckle. They open the card and see a hand written notes. "Thank you for being so kind to me. I hope that we can be friends a long time. I love you both!" The note is short and truly sweet. Cherin walks over with glossy eyes. "Oh you by far are the sweetest. Thank you." YoungBae gives Jiyong a hug too and Seunghyun loves the moment. He takes out his camera and tells them to get together. They all smile and the picture is taken. Seunghyun then sends it to the printer. 

YoungBae claps at the fancy camera. "Well done man. I like that camera. I need one of those." Cherin scoffs. "YOu barely use the one we have now..." YoungBae laughs. "I do too use it." Cherin laughs "You used it for one day then you put it in our closet...when was that..oh yea back in 2010." Seunghyun laughs. "" 

Jiyong goes to the cabinet "Hey are you two hungry...we brought shrimp ramen." YoungBae smiles "I would love some." Seunghyun gave the guest a heads up about Jiyong's obsession with ramen. The door bell rings again and Daesung and his Uncle Dr. Yang are the last ones to come. Seunghyun figured that the party need to be small and familiar so four guest was enough. Seunghyun opens the door and bows. "Dr. Yang please come in...and Hey Dae." The two walk in and Jiyong walks over to the doctor and does a bow and waves at the younger. "Hi Daesung!" 

Daesung smiles brightly "Hey hyung" Jiyong smiles "You like me as your hyung?" 

"Ne we are all brothers here. I like my hyungs." 


They all conversate and Seunghyun helps to make sure everyone is comfortable. He brings food and drinks over so that they don't have to go back and forth from the kitchen. They talk about all thing except for what happened at the hospital. For every ones sanity they want to forget what happened at the hospital. Jiyong is so happy at the moment...really none of them want to take that away on such a special day. 

Daesung then hands Jiyong a gift card. "Hyung I forgot to give you this the other day...but since it's Christmas...perfect timing." Jiyong looks at the card and sees it's for the superstore not far from them. It has everything from clothes to food all in one location. Jiyong and Seunghyun have been there earlier so they  both know the place very well now. Jiyong takes the card and turns to his boyfriend. "Hyunnie we can buy lots of shrimp ramen with this. " Seunghyun chuckles. "Anything you want baby.. It's your card." 

Dr. Yang chuckles. "Aigo now that is someone who knows how to live."

"I'm alive right now" Jiyong his head to the side.

"It's a figure of speech baby"

"Figure of speech...speech has figures." 

"Don't worry about it baby" Seunghyun smiles at his boyfriend and Jiyong lets it go. They all continue to have fun and conversate. Jiyong makes sure to hand Daesung and Dr. Yang his cards. Of course they were touched by his writing and the craftsman ship. Jiyong is such a kind hearted person and it breaks every ones heart that he was mistreated for so long. He missed out on so much to the point that everything is new. 

Well now he is wearing a couple sweater and couple bracelet with his lover. He wouldn't trade anything for this moment...well maybe for shrimp ramen but he is so happy he can't take it. 

Ten o'clock falls and the guest start to leave. They all say their goodbyes and they each leave with a smile on their faces. Seunghyun closes the door and turns back to his lover. He walks up and kisses him passionately taking the lips in his. He releases the kisses and smiles at the doe eyes. "Did you have fun baby?" 

"Ne...everyone liked my cards....oh wait..." Jiyong runs into the bedroom and comes back out with a card. He hands it to Seunghyun and smiles. "Merry Christmas." Seunghyun is touched at the moment. He had no idea he made him one too. He opens the card and find a longer note in his. "Hyunnie. Thank you for loving me. Thank you giving me a chance at life. I don't know where I would be if you were not with me this past year. I truly feel that you are my hero. Thank you from saving me from myself. I hope to always be with you. I love you" 

Seunghyun looks at his lover with glossy eyes and notices his nervous lover. "Come here you." He holds out his hands and Jiyong runs into them. They hold a sweet embrace and they look at the tree to watch all six twinkles against the bare walls. Peace is the theme of the night and Jiyong doesn't mind it at all. 

Hey all another fluffy cloud. I actually did write this on Christmas but didn't proof read it yet. I wanted to give another fluff chapter to ease the storm a bit. Plus it's still the holidays. Trust the drama will come in prepared all and thank you for reading. I enjoy all of your comments. Please leave your feedback and upvotes. Love!

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Youliiike #1
This is one of my favorite fiction ever! Seriously I love your stories
Wysmom #2
Chapter 20: Damn. I loved this story. As always, your the best.
Chapter 6: this chap make me speechless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a wonderfull story !!!!!
Gdrariri #4
Chapter 20: The best story line tht I read.. t.. it so so so awesome... cute. Funny sad .. u such a good author.. keep it up..
Chapter 18: oh my god, Jiyong saying "objection" was the cutest thing ever, i couldn't even read forward a good few minutes, i was just smiling like crazy. ^3^
Chapter 20: This was a really good story. I'm glad everything worked out in the end.
Chapter 11: So we're just not going to talk about why Dara feels so comfortable with her man other men in her presence? Oh...OK. These are some new aged sick erts...and Jiyong's parents are no better.
Chapter 14: I'm confused. Is jiyong crazy or not or he wasn't? And he was crazy bcs he was high? And when he wasn't he's actually normal?
Chapter 20: Omo this story was amazing. Something different, i wasnt expecting it to turn out like this. I liked this a lot, thou~! ^^ Gtop... <3 thank u fir awesome story, author nim~
Chapter 2: Very interesting ~! ^^ im curious what comes next °^^