Shadows revealed

Fine Line

Doctor Kwon has had  enough of augments from his largest share holder and head doctor. He is hearing two different stories and he doesn't want any trouble. He just wants Jiyong out of this. The only time he wants to hear his name is to approve his death. The older men are now seated. The tension is still in the room but they are not yelling at each other for once. 

Doctor Yang furrows his brows. I have to be straight forward. "What are your intentions with Jiyong..." 

Doctor Kwon takes a sip of his tea. "It's simple. Jiyong is in a place where he needs to be. He is simply getting treated." 

"He is getting treated? It's more like he is getting treated to prepare for death." 

"Doctor Yang!" The Head Doctor rises up from his chair. "How can you imply such things. You make it seem like I'm some devil." 

"You are the one who said it, but that's the best description of yourself I have heard yet." says a sarcastic Yang.

Doctor Kwon sits up in his chair and the room is quiet again. It is taking a lot of the the men to keep calm in front of Mrs. Kwon. The whole time she is sitting in the same attitude and watches as they talk about her son. "What do you think about all of this Mrs. Kwon." asked Yang. 

She looks over at him. "I agree with my husband. Jiyong needs to be here." 

"Jiyong deserves a better life" 

"We will decide on what's best for our son." 

"Son now he is your son" says Yang with a tone that Doctor Kwon displeases. "You will not talk to my wife that way." 

"How can I all are just evil and I can't believe that I gave...millions...millions to this hospital..." He throws his hands up. "For this...for insanity..." 

The Head Doctor shifts in his seat. "What do you want Yang, just what do you want? You have never vocalized about anything else and now you want to of all things defend this patient? Jiyong said it himself. He is the one that did it." 

"Oh yea...well let's have him go through a kit (A kit is literally a kit that they do on a patient that has been . They take DNA,look at the abuse thoroughly, and take pictures of the entrance and they send everything to the lab to get results. Most victims in real life are too embarrassed or too scared to go through the process). Let's let other doctors decide if he is doing this himself or not." 

Doctor Park gets mad. "We don't need to bring anyone else into this." 

"Oh you think I won't. I can shut down this whole place in seconds. Shall I call my banker to take back my stocks?" He pulls out his phone and Doctor Kwon furrows his brows. "Are you serious?...with all the years that we have worked together." 

"And I regret it everyday now that I know what is going on between the cracks." 

"What do you want Yang just what do you want." Doctor Kwon finally starts to realize that the good doctor is not bluffing and he will mess things up. Doctor Yang has the highest stock which makes him almost the owner of the hospital. The only thing that makes him not the owner is the Sur name of Kwon. 

"I Just want Jiyong out of this...I want him to be freed. It's that simple." 

"I can't allow that. He can't handle it." 

"How do you know that..."

It's true he wouldn't know. His dad wasn't even there for this first word. What makes him think that he can think like a father. "I don't..." Doctor Kwon finally confesses. "Still I refuse to let him leave unless Dr. Park says it is okay." 

Dr. Park smirks and stands. "JIyong is in no shape to be let out into the public." 

Yang stands up and walks over to the man. He looks him up and down and growls. "What is it? Scared that he will reveal that you have been abusing him. Is it you rapping him?" 

"DR. YANG!" Yells the head doctor. His face is red and his fist are curled up into a ball. "What are you going to do? Hit me? Go ahead?" The doctor leans in. "I will sue you too and take you all down." 

Doctor Kwon is just overwhelmed with all that is going on "You are crazy" 

Dr. Yang is getting on his last nerve. "Neeee. Ne I have gone crazy because of all of you mother ers." He then points to Dr. Park. "And do you think that I'm that stupid. I know that Seungri did this to Jiyong." 

"I don't know what you are talking about." 

"Shall we bring this to court..." 

"Is it true..." Mrs. Kwon looks Dr. Park in the face. "Is it true that your son is Jiyong?" Dr. Park glares at Yang and then relaxes his features to tell another bear faced lie. "No he wouldn't do such a thing." 


"Seunghyun is the one that him" 


"Alright that's enough. You have no evidence that Jiyong is or that he has improved. Jiyong is staying here till the day he dies. I never want to hear about that bastard again! " 

Dr Yang smirks. "Who do you think you are talking to...didn't you hear me clearly. If you won't meet our demands I'm going to be very vocal. See you in court and if you have half a brain you will pretend that Seunghyun is not fired say he quit and give him full benefits. As for the stock...lock for another person to help run your hell hole...Just do it. Let Jiyong go." 

"What the hell. I should be asking who do you think you are trying to give me orders." 

"See you in court." Those four words were the last words Yang said before he left the room. He walks out of the office and out of the CEO suite to meet  Seunghyun, Bae, and Dong Wook eagerly waiting. Dong Wook is the first to see him. "What happened Dr. Yang?" 

"We are going to court...let's get this circus started." 

They all turn around when they hear foot steps behind them. They all get wide eyes and notice that it's Jiyong. Seunghyun runs over to him. "Jiyong ah. How how did you get over here..." 

Jiyong furrows his brows. "Sorry...when you left me again I saw the door wasn't all the way closed...I waited for a nurse to leave the ward and I caught the door before the nurse in the booth noticed me...I know I did wrong...I'm sorry..." 

Seunghyun pulls the smaller man into his arms. "It's okay Yongie. You just worried me seeing you here..."  He releases the hug and looks at the man still in his hospital gown. He looks into his eyes and sees that he is still high but still able to function. Jiyong amazes everyone on how he got over here unnoticed with a psych ward band on his wrist and a hospital gown exposing his star warz underwear. Seunghyun takes off his lab coat and puts it around Jiyong. Doctor Yang chuckles. "Well we have another doctor on our hands." 

Jiyong chuckles. "It's too late for me to go to school..I have missed out on everything.." 

"Aiigooo I didn't mean it that way son. You can go to any college in Seoul and I will pay for it" 

Jiyong lights up "Really?...wait...I can't..." He holds out his hand showing the band that marks him like cattle. "I can't leave here" 

Dong Wook then speaks. "We will do everything that we can. Don't worry." Jiyong then gets distracted. "Is this where my parents are?" He continues to look around the area and then stares at the big black doors. Seunghyun's heart starts to drop knowing that his parents don't have the same curiosity about their son. No one answers the question and Jiyong ask again. "Tell this my dad 's office..." 

Doctor Yang slowly nods his head. "Ne..." 

Jiyong then gets wide eyes. "I must see them..." He starts to walk in that direction and Seunghyun blocks him. Jiyong is confused. "Why are you blocking me...I just want to see them..." The truth is that they don't want to see him. They don't even care. Jiyong then tries again. "Let me see them." He pushes again and still fails. Everyone around does nothing and it's for Jiyongs state of sanity that he doesn't go and see his parents. Blocking him is probably the best thing they can do in his life. 

Jiyong may struggle but he still has the upper hand on escaping. Especially getting restrained everyday...but those are moves of the past which are now present. He contorts his body in such a way that no one could stop him. Jiyong runs through the doors of the office with the four men behind them. Jiyong looks around the office while he is running. He then sees the doors that he's been looking for. He runs to the doors and bust in. 

Doctor Kwon and Mrs. Kwon are still in the same position and they have not seen their son in years. They don't even recognize him. Mrs. Kwon freaks out. "What is he doing here! Call security." Jiyong then makes a face. "Mom it's me...It's me Jiyong." She shakes her head. Jiyong then looks at his father. "'s me..." The four men finally get into the office that Jiyong swiftly locked on his way in. Seunghyun looks as Jiyong stares at his father with confusion. 

Jiyong steps closer to the man but he steps back. "Why are you being like this..." 

Dr. Kwon takes a look at his son. He sees the marks the abuse everything. Mrs. Kwon can see his exposed back and all she can do is cover . Jiyong is still standing there. He doesn't know what to do. "I'm your son. Dad...please..."

"I don't have a son." He then looks at the winded men " Get him out of what you want with him...he's yours..." He then turns around and ignores his son to attend to his shocked. wife. Seunghyun then runs up to Jiyong and takes him into an embrace. "Let's go okay..." 

They all walk out of the office and this time they make sure to get Jiyong far away to make sure he doesn't make a run for it again. "YoungBae is confused. "So what does this mean?" 

Yang breathes out and puts his hands on his hips. "It means that Jiyong is free. I think that they finally saw what we are talking least they knew what was best for their son..." 

Jiyong is still in Seunghyuns arms quietly crying into his shoulder. He then looks at Yang with red eyes. "I don't have a father I don't have a mother...those are not the parents I expected...I thought that they had me here because they at least cared for me...but he step away from me..." More tears roll down his face. "They stepped away..." Seunghyun cups Jiyong's face and wipes the tears away with his thumbs. "We care for you Jiyong. I love you with all my heart. You are free now my love."

Jiyong shakes his head. " Where will I go I have no clothes no food no job nothing...I'm just a bum..." 

Seunghyun then chuckles "You will live with me. I will take care of you." Jiyong looks into his eyes. "You will take care of me..." All of the men witness how much the doctor cares for Jiyong. They all realize that he is in good hands. "What about your job hyung?" ask YoungBae. "I don't want to ruin the moment, but you don't have a job right now..." 

Reality comes back to mind and Seunghyun sighs. "Oh yea..."  It took him long enough to find this job. Yang then chimes in. "You are still a general practice doctor at heart. You can come and work at my new clinic in Gangnam I'm also looking for a couple nurses..." He looks at YoungBae. Seunghyun smiles. "Really sir you will give us all jobs?" 

"Ne and you can run it Seunghyun Shi." 

"Alright!" YoungBae yells and he pulls out his phone to text his girlfriend and Daesung. Yang then makes a serious face. "Jiyong may be free at the moment but he is still the property of Korea. We still have to go to court. His release is just temporary. " Dong Wook nods. "Ne...sorry guys but we still have a long road ahead of us. We still have to prove that Jiyong is fit to live permanently in society and that he was and abused by Seungri." 

Jiyong starts to look nervous. "Don't worry Jiyong we will win this case. I'm one of the best lawyers in Korea. I dig...people don't like that. That's where i win." 

Jiyong pouts. "Well what I have to stay here until then?" 

Seunghyun grabs Jiyong's hand "No we go to pack your room. You are coming home with me." They all smile at the excited Seunghyun holding hands with the person that he loves. 


They pack all of Jiyong's thing which is not much and YoungBae, Cherin, and Daesung pack their rooms as well to get ready to leave the hospital for good. Dara of course had to find a reason to walk by their rooms. Cherin got fed up and decided to keep a watch outside the door. Cherin just has one of those looks that could scare the devil if she gets mad enough. 

Seunghyun finally load his last box on their shared cart and they make their way to the elevator for their last trip. Seunghyun takes a backpack and slips it on a now fully clothed Jiyong. "What is this?" 

"My toys..." Seunghyun makes an embarrassed face. "I like to collect toys..." 

Jiyong has never had toys "That's cool" he puts a hand behind him to feel the backpack and feels many pointy toys. "Are they warriors?" 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "Far from it...they are bear bricks and robots..." 

"Bear bricks?" 

"We will Google it later baby" 

YoungBae and Cherin both smirk at the pet name. "Oooooouuuu baby. So sweet Seunghyun Oppa" YoungBae gives Seunghyun a playful shove and winks at him. Jiyong watches but has no idea what the gestures mean. He is so innocent and still so new to the world. The confines of the hospital is nothing compared to what you can experience in life. 

They make it over to Daesungs car and he unlocks it. "Alrighty let's load up." One by one they put a box into the car and find creative ways to put boxes on top of other boxes. They finally figure things out with just enough space for them all to fit in. Cherin has to sit on YoungBae's lap but neither of course have a problem with it. 

Daesung drops off YoungBae and Cherin first since they share an apartment together. They help them put boxes away and then wave goodbye. The last stop Daesung goes to Seunghyuns apartment which has been neglected for a while. They make it over to the place and Seunghyun is welcomed with a flood of junk mail. His bills are paid online so everything was still running when he flicked on the switch. Jiyong gets wide eyed to the apartment which he has never been in before. He walks over to the living room and goes to the window to find a beautiful tree. Seunghyun puts down the last box and Daesung smiles. "See ya soon hyung" Seunghyun closes the door and walks over to Jiyong. 

"Like the view?" 

Jiyong nods still looking at the tree. Seunghyun chuckles and takes the backpack off the smaller man. "Oh, I forgot that was still on me." He scratches the back of his head. "Are you hungry?" Jiyong nods and Seunghyun goes to his kitchen and flicks on another light. He digs through the cabinets and finds nothing but old Burger King packets of ketchup. "Well for s sake..." Seunghyun murmurs closing another cabinet. Jiyong comes into the kitchen and stops at the tile. "What's wrong Hyung?" 

"We have no food...we need to go to the convience store..." 

"Convience store...?" Jiyong makes a puzzled face and Seunghyun furrows his brows. "Those ers" He says to himself "Ne, Yongie you will love it. There is many things that you need and it's just convient" Jiyong laughs a bit at the enthusiasm. "Well let's go." He runs over to the door and slips on his shoes. Seunghyun follows behind and puts on his shoes. They leave out the door hand and hand and Jiyong is full of smiles. 

Seunghyun can't help but stare the whole short walk to the store. He doesn't think that he has ever seen the man smile before. He loves him so much as he watches Jiyong grin with his pale skin against the amber lights. They finally make it to Han's Convience store and they both walk in with the door making a ding sound almost scaring Jiyong. Seunghyun still holding his lovers hand leads them over to the food aisle. "So what do you want my love?" Jiyong points to the ramen...which is the cheapest thing in the entire place.

"You can get something else...that's just ramen." 

"I like it because it has a shrimp on the packet." Jiyong grins and reaches out for the packet of ramen. The doctor was going to tell him there is really no shrimp, just sodium, but he doesn't want to ruin the moment... Seunghyun chuckles. "Well if that's what you want, you shall get it. We will do the major shopping in a couple days anyways." Seunghyun releases his hand from Jiyong's "I will be right back I need to grab a basket. Jiyong nods his head as he continues to fascinate over how they get that shrimp in the ramen. He then starts to look around for his lover. In Jiyong's mind it has been too long. He can't see him. He peaks his head over the aisle but he is too short. He can't find him... "Seunghyun..." Jiyong calls quietly. "Seunghyun.." Still no answer. Jiyong starts to panic and  he takes a packet of ramen and swats down hugging his knees. "Where are you..." Jiyong wraps his hands tighter almost trembling with fear. 

Seunghyun comes back seconds later and his drops the basket to the ground to come to his boyfriend. "Jiyong! What's wrong? What's the matter?" He pulls the man up to his feet and Jiyong still has his head down. "I called didn't answer...I thought you left me..." Seunghyun then mentally kicks himself. He can't leave JIyong like he did. He can easily get abandonment issues if Dr. Choi doesn't watch out. He pulls Jiyong into a hug. "I will never leave you" He releases the hug and kisses Jiyong on the lips making the man blush "Never ever" 

Jiyong then starts to feel better. "I trust you"  He holds out the shrimp ramen. "I got you a packet too." Seunghyun ruffles Jiyong's hair. "Awe thank you baby. " Seunghyun takes the packet and places it in the basket now back in his hand. He picks up a couple more packets and takes it up to the counter. They make their transaction and they leave the store. 

Seunghyun the whole way back makes sure to hold Jiyong's hand. For now Jiyong needs to know that no one is going to leave him and that he is loved. Seunghyun will make sure to take care of him. Even if it's for the rest of his life because things are only beginning for the two. The court still has not made a verdict because the case does not exist yet. Dong Wook is working on preparing the case. Seunghyun only hopes that they can see the real they can let Jiyong free.

Seunghyun opens the door to his apartment and lets Jiyong in first. They go to the kitchen and they takes the items out of the bags. Jiyong watches as Seunghyun puts everything away. He closes the cabinet and leans against the counter. "Jiyong...what happened at the convience store...I'm sorry. I will never do that again. It pained me to see you in such a state." 

Jiyong starts to fiddle with his fingers. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scare you..." 

"Jiyong you did nothing's my fault. I shouldn't have done that..." He walks over to Jiyong and caresses his cheek gently "I love you. You know that right. I will never leave you." Jiyong nods into the hand and smiles. "Ne...I love you too." Seunghyun smiles back "Good. Well come on baby. Let's get you settled in so we can see what we need to buy for you" 

"You have to buy me more things?...this hoodie is fine..." Jiyong doesn't get the concept of clothes and that you need more than one outfit. "Ne you need more clothes than what you have. You can't wear my hoodies forever. Plus it doesn't fit." He tugs at the loose clothing and Jiyong pouts. "I like it. It smells like you" 

"Why smell that when you can get the real thing." Seunghyun smirks and points to himself. 

Jiyong blushes. "Hyunnie..." 

 "Ne, baby?" Jiyong pouts and then Seunghyun tosses Jiyong some night clothes. "Here change into this it also smells like me" He chuckles and Jiyong blushes and runs into the bathroom. He is head over heels. No one can take his Jiyong.


Hey happy? No phone throwing today right keke^_^ Thank you all for reading. I loved the comments from the last chapter how people were mad and they literally threw their phones down. I love how you all get into the story and that shows that I'm doing something right.  Thank you again! Please leave your feed back. With out you all I have nothing. Comment and Upvotes are love. :)


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Youliiike #1
This is one of my favorite fiction ever! Seriously I love your stories
Wysmom #2
Chapter 20: Damn. I loved this story. As always, your the best.
Chapter 6: this chap make me speechless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a wonderfull story !!!!!
Gdrariri #4
Chapter 20: The best story line tht I read.. t.. it so so so awesome... cute. Funny sad .. u such a good author.. keep it up..
Chapter 18: oh my god, Jiyong saying "objection" was the cutest thing ever, i couldn't even read forward a good few minutes, i was just smiling like crazy. ^3^
Chapter 20: This was a really good story. I'm glad everything worked out in the end.
Chapter 11: So we're just not going to talk about why Dara feels so comfortable with her man other men in her presence? Oh...OK. These are some new aged sick erts...and Jiyong's parents are no better.
Chapter 14: I'm confused. Is jiyong crazy or not or he wasn't? And he was crazy bcs he was high? And when he wasn't he's actually normal?
Chapter 20: Omo this story was amazing. Something different, i wasnt expecting it to turn out like this. I liked this a lot, thou~! ^^ Gtop... <3 thank u fir awesome story, author nim~
Chapter 2: Very interesting ~! ^^ im curious what comes next °^^