Love is painful but the pain is beautiful

Love is painful but the pain is beautiful


Note: Sorry for the mistakes. I hope you like this chapter. Comments are loved! So much! ^__^

Seunghyun’s POV

“Can I stay here tonight?”

There he was again, in front of my door, soaked with rain and making me shocked. Feels like déjà vu.

I just sent him to the bathroom without saying too much word and gave him clean clothes to wear.

I made some coffee and then sat down on the couch watching the rain drops on window.

It has been a week since we saw each other. After that disastrous night… okay okay maybe we can call that night as “unfortunate”. Anyway, after that night we didn’t see each other. Boy was surely running away from me. I can’t blame him; he is just too young and inexperienced. At least I know that he doesn’t hate me. I am glad that he didn’t run away from my loft screaming, he just said that he was complicated and needed time so there is hope. I just have to show some patient and be gentle with the boy. But… argh this is killing me! Se7en was right, it is hard to deal with young people. Yeah yeah sometimes I become very inpatient because I really want him so bad … He is so pretty…Prettiest among all the girls and boys I had. He is so cute. He smells so wonderful. I can’t even be angry at his behaviors. On that night, he swore and laughed at my face. Yes I was shocked at first but then I laughed along with him. What could I do? Is there a possibility that he can be cuter? He is unique. And I want him to be mine unique boy.

Yes, sometimes it feels like a torture because you are hungry and the meal that you love the most is in front of you and you even can’t have a bite. But it is better in this way because I can’t live without seeing him so I will wait as much as he needs. He came to me again tonight and this is proof that he has some affection for me. So it is worth to wait because I really don’t want to use force on him, I want him to naturally come to me. Because I need him to… love me.

“Can you listen to this song and tell me what you think?”

I startled with the boy’s voice and turned to him.

He was already making himself comfortable on the couch with his hair still wet.

“You should dry your hair.” I said in a stern voice. I didn’t plan to sound like this but it has just happened, I just tend to behave him like a child most of the time.

“Ok! You just listen to this song, ok?” he said smiling and held out his headphones to me.

I put them on and he started a song from his I-pod and then he left to dry his hair.


Yeah, finally I realize that I’m nothing without you

I was so wrong, forgive me

파도처럼 부숴진 내 맘

바람처럼 흔들리는 내 맘… (Leave, Yeah, finally I realize, that I’m nothing without you, I was so wrong, forgive me, Like the tides my heart is broken, Like the wind my heart is shaking…) [Haru Haru]”

I have to admit it. Song was so good. I am not the interested in music but I really love this song. Especially the lyrics.

When the song finished he already returned to living room. Now his blonde locks were on air with static electric. I can’t help it and smiled. I tried to put them in shape when he sat down near me.

I don’t put myself back from touching him because I want him to get used to it. When he accepts to become my lover, I know the worst part will start. Because he doesn’t get used to a man’s touch in that way so I need to help him.

“What do you think about the song?” he suddenly asked.

“I am not good with music, boy but I will bring it to a man who is very good with music, okay?” I said as if I am not interested in. Because I really don’t trust my poor music taste so I don’t want to encourage the boy.

“That’s great but I just want to know what you think.” He said bending his neck to his side a little and looking like a little cat.

“Just give me the song, okay?” I said.

He reached to my hands and held them coming closer to me.

“Seunghyun…I just want you to listen it. I don’t want anything from you.”

I gently took out my right hand from his grip and put it on his face slightly his cheek.

“I said that I would help you, right? And I just want to help you.”

He blushed and then he nodded. Slowly he got up escaping from my touch and made his way to his bag and took out his iphone.

“I also keep it on my phone, I will send the song to your phone.”

I just nodded and then went to the kitchen and returned with two cups of coffee.  We silently sat on the couch and drank our coffee while listening the rain.

“Thank you.” suddenly said Jiyong, more like he whispered.

“For what?”

“For everything you did and… everything you are doing.”

I smiled at him.

“You don’t need to thank for anything. Besides, you already thanked me many times.”

“But the only thing I can do is to say thanks and this is not enough….” He said bending his head down.

I gently held his chin and rose his head gently and looked into his eyes.

“I don’t want you to do anything or say thank you. How many times do I have to repeat this, Jiyong?”

He escaped his eyes from me.

“I know but…I don’t feel comfortable. There must be something. Please tell me. How can I repay?”

I sighed deeply.

“Jiyong, I just want you to finish your school and achieve your dreams. That is enough for me. Please forget about this payback thing. Okay?”

He nodded but didn’t look at my face. I just smiled and ruffled his hair.

“You can go to bed if you want. You seem really sleepy.”

“And you? Will you use the couch again?”

“Yes, I can’t let you sleep here.”

“Ahhh… you are really a gentleman but Seunghyun…You can sleep with me on the bed. You know, it is really a big bed…” he said blushing.

Oh God…He looks so cute. And this move… was so brave.

“Are you sure?”

He nodded and stood up. Then he grabbed the cups from the coffee table and put them inside the dishwasher. I made my way to the bedroom.

I turned my back to him because I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. But I suddenly felt fingers on my neck. He was playing the hair on my nape. This boy… He already knew that I like him and he is doing this? I wonder if he is aware of what he is doing to me.

“Seunghyun…” he whispered.


“Do you ever… fall in love?”

I really don’t like this question but I replied anyway.


“How is it… being in love?”

“Painful and the most beautiful feeling in the world.”

“It is… hard then.”

“Yes, it is.”

“How can I understand that I am in love?”

This was getting dangerous. Not yet baby, you are not ready to fall in love with me. It is too early for you… and for us.

“You will understand it once you are in love Jiyong, don’t worry.”

Jiyong’s POV

When I opened my eyes, I was face to face with Seunghyun. First thing to see when I open my eyes was his handsome face and this was really a great feeling. I smiled to myself. I realized that my smile was getting wider as I examine his features.

My god… Adonis. He is really the most handsome guy I have ever seen. It was really a good opportunity to look at his face as much as I want since his eyes were closed. I still don’t used to his eyes, it is still hard to look into his eyes.

That night… I also had a good opportunity. Since he confessed then I could confess too, it would be easier but… What would I confess? I still don’t know what the meaning of my feelings is… What could I say to him? It is hard with a man. I have never been with a man. Argh… everything is so hard and complicated.

At least…When he said he wanted to keep seeing me whatever my decision was I could say, “I would like to keep seeing you too.” *sigh* Yes I am complicated but I just can’t stand to be apart from him. I never received this kind of a love from anyone. Yes, Taeyang and I love each other, care about each other but this man… The way he cares about me, protects me…is so different and I feel so safe and relaxed when I am around him. And I am slowly becoming addicted to this feeling.

Today was Sunday so I can prepare breakfast for him! At least I can do this since I spend the night at his house. I am torturing him, right? *sigh* But I can’t live without seeing him.

I slowly got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. Since I often stay here now I had a toothbrush and razor here. I brushed my teeth and then I shaved. You know... I don’t have so much beard but I hate to see even one strand on my face.

I slowly closed the door from my behind not to wake Seunghyun up and before I couldn’t make my way to the kitchen I saw someone sitting on the couch looking directly at me.

“Oh.. Finally someone is awake, I am waiting here for almost an hour.”

Middle aged, handsome man talked to me with a very calm and cute way. I was shocked and froze at my spot but I could think that I should immediately wake Seunghyun up.

I just shouted, “Seunghyun!”

“Hey kiddo, don’t be afraid…”

The stranger tried to speak but I couldn’t listen to him. I was panicked.

“Seunghyun! There is someone here!” I shouted again, informing this time so he could be prepared.

Suddenly bedroom door was opened with a long bang! And Seunghyun threw himself in front of me with a gun in his hand.

“Dad?” he said in shock.

“Good morning Seunghyun.”

Dad? Choi dad? Really?

Seunghyun slowly made his way to one of the armchair and threw himself on it. He was still sleepy.

“Dad…What were you thinking? Why didn’t you call before you came or just simply knock the door? Do you want to kill Jiyong? Can’t you see how frightened he is?”

“I didn’t know you have a company.” He said smiling at me.

Suddenly I forgot about the fear I had earlier, this is Choi dad! So interesting!

I bowed 90 degrees in front of him, “Hello Choi dad, I am Kwon Jiyong!”

They both burst into laughing. Yah! What now?

“He just loves making names.” Said Seunghyun then I realized. Ahhh.. I don’t even realize people finding it funny that I am making names.

“I was about to make breakfast! Would you like to join us?” I asked without even looking at Seunghyun because I don’t know what his reaction would be so I simply chose to avoid him. Haha!

I want to know more about Seunghyun’s father! I am just so curious! I can’t miss this chance.

“I can’t stay this time young man, but you can maybe bring me some coffee.” He asked me politely and then smiled. Just like his son.

I just nodded and walked to the kitchen. I started to preparing the coffee while I was  listening to them. Yah! Don’t think bad about me, they were not hiding their conversation. They knew that I can hear them. Anyway, first Seunghyun tried to explain who I am. It was funny, I can say. Haha.

“Mansion is ready, by the way. You can move in.” said Choi dad.

Mansion? What mansion? Seunghyun is going to move?

“Yes yes…but I will stay here at this loft for a while.” Answered my Seunhgyun.

My Seunhgyun? What I am thinking! Oh God. I am not good.

“It will be safer for YOU.”

Choi dad talked plural. YOU: Seunghyun and “who” ?

With the word “YOU” I looked at their direction and our eyes met with Choi dad. It feels … so strange. The way he talked looking at me.

“I know dad but like I said, I will stay here for while.”

I was about to give them coffees but Choi dad stood up and came closer to me.

“Take good care of him, Jiyong.” He said and ruffled my hair.

I looked at Seunghyun but it seems like he didn’t hear. I was just standing there in shock with two cups of coffee in my hands. And I bet I was as red as a tomato.

What the hell was just happened? I bet that Choi dad knew about me before and this morning’s incident was an excuse to see me!

What was going on???

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Chapter 12 is almost done! I will update soon ^^


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Chapter 25: I really love this story and u’ve done a very amazing job! Thank you so much for this precious story!! <3
Danees #2
Chapter 25: Reread this! I love this story. Thank you!!
hashimocca #3
Chapter 25: I like this story.. even for me who like the angst and more drama but all i can say is two thumbs up auhtor-nim... good job.. i guess you are a very kind author since you never tease your reader with the story... i mean i love this story.. how romantic they are but i think there still need a bit conflict.. since what i learn from school that it's one the condition of novel.. but still this is great... love it so much
mitadinasty #4
Chapter 25: I read this fic twice already. Omg! I can't even be bored of this. You amazed me author nim. Thanks for writing this :-D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 25: I read this fic twice already. Omg! I can't even be bored of this. You are amazed me author nim. Thanks for writing this :-D
Danees #6
Chapter 25: Oh indeed I like this story. Thank you for make happen and share it here with us.
Chapter 25: This is beautiful. Sooo beautiful . I love how sweet seunghyun are . And i love how pure jiyong's love . I love everything!
I think this was actually my very first time to come back and visit this story and read it again. It was just as heartfelt and touching the second time around and just like the first time I read your story I loved going on this journey with Seunghyun and Jiyong and watching them grow and their love blossom into something so pure and beautiful ^^
HunieMineNahLuluis #9
Chapter 25: Hosh i raed it in one go and when am done its already 2 o'clock in middel of the night(or morning?)
It just soo beautiful and am really love how you wited it cus english is not ma leangue too soo its really easy read Ur fanfic :D keep writi g Author-nim
Chapter 25: Thank you for writing such a lovely story.
I loved all the rough love. Seeeyness and most of all the manliness of tabi.
The fluffy parts were amazing and so were the gentle and rough way they made love ajsjdjdjfkfk
I wish u wrote a thousand more chaps
Thank youuuu