Love is painful but the pain is beautiful

Love is painful but the pain is beautiful

Note: As always, sorry for the possible mistakes!

Now the truth is out...


Jiyong’s POV

“Calm down baby,” Seunghyun whispered into my ear.

With his soft whisper I realized that I was squeezing his hand more than necessary. I tried to relax and murmured, “Sorry.”

The day has come. Now I was face to face with my father, Mr. Lee. I was beyond nervous and even if Seunghyun is with me I felt like the breathing is getting harder minute by minute.

“Maybe… You wondered the most… where your mother is,” Mr. Lee started to conversation finally.

Yes I wonder but I could already guess what happened to her from Mr. Lee’s expression so I just nodded.

“We lost your mother soon after your birth, unfortunately.”

I never knew her like I never knew my father but…somehow I would really like to meet her, know her… A mother. She was my … mother after all. Then… She died soon after my birth. Maybe it was never her fault that I grew up alone. I don’t know … I swallowed hard; it feels like my throat was closed completely.

I just looked down and waited for him to go on.

“I would like to… talk about her with you, later. I would like you to know about her.”

I just nodded again without looking at him.

“Seunghyun… maybe you can remember, you were a child but you should know from you father that our family and Shin family were enemies.”

“Yes, I know this very well Mr. Lee,” answered Seunghyun.

Mr. Lee then turned and looked at me, “My older brother was killed by a Shin family member and then our endless war began. My father was obsessed to kill one of their family members and your mother was the one who got… killed,” he told the last word in whisper, it was like he lost his voice. The pain. The pain was all over his face. I can see this… clearly. The whole room was… blue.

I felt that something was burning in my chest and I uncontrollably touched my chest.

“Are you okay, baby?” Seunghyun asked caressing my back. I just nodded again because I couldn’t find my voice yet.

“I loved your mother, Minae. We fell in love and she got pregnant. I couldn’t tell this to my family so we decided to run away together. Then they found out. Shin family tried to hide Minae. But my family… was stronger. Since my father determinate to make them taste the same pain as us, he would kill Minae.”

When my tears finally reached to my lips and after tasting the salt I realized that I was crying. Suddenly I felt a strong and warm arm around my shoulder; Seunghyun was hugging me.

I sobbed and then looked into my father’s eyes, “You couldn’t protect her?” I whispered because I have already lost my voice.

His eyes were teary as well, “No, I couldn’t son, I am sorry.”

I sobbed again and tried to relax between Seunghyun’s arms but I was losing my control with each second past.

“She ran away with his family’s protection to Japan. We didn’t make any contact to protect her location. Meanwhile I was preparing our escape to USA. She was living her last weeks her pregnancy so soon he gave a birth to you. I also finished our escape plan and flew to Japan to get her. But it was too late…”

The room was spinning around me; I held tighter Seunghyun’s arms.

Mr. Lee wiped up his tears and offered me some tissue. Then he took a deep breath and went on.

“I received a phone call from her for the last time. She was saying that they were coming for her and it was too late. She could only inform me about you. She had already given you to an orphanage and she didn’t give further information to protect you. If no one knows where you are so you can be in safe.”

“She is… too brave.” I said without thinking.

Mr. Lee smiled bitterly, “Yes, she was. She was too brave and clever and full of love, just like you.”

I wanted to ask more questions about her. How was she looking like? Do I really remind her? But I couldn’t. I opened my mouth but nothing came. Maybe later.

I just swallowed hard and looked down at my hands.

“I tried to save her, I tried hard but when I arrived I just found her… dead.”

I couldn’t look at him. How can I? He lost the love of his life and the sadness that I was feeling to my unknown father and mother’s unfortunate story was eating me alive. If I look into his eyes, I know I would break.

“Then… I didn’t look for you, Jiyong; I have waited about 2 years to search for you. I have waited for everybody to forget about you and then my father also passed away and then there was no obstacle to find you. I only know your name: Jiyong. Yes, you mother gave your name, son.”

I suddenly looked at his face in shock. My name… was given by my real mother? Fresh tears formed into my eyes, “Really?” I asked.

“Yes, for years with your name in my tongue, I searched for you. But you know, giving any information was forbidden and my power in Japan was limited. So after a long search finally I found out that you moved to Korea. Then my other searching journey has begun. When I found you actually… yes, I ran a DNA test but as soon as I saw you, I knew that you were my son. You really resemble your beautiful mother.”

He got up from his seat and brought some pictures to me. I took the pictures from him with my trembling hands and tried to look at my mother through the blur of my tears.

Beautiful. There was only one word, so beautiful. She looks so young, so happy in the pictures. I can’t stop myself from looking at my mother who I never knew for my entire life.

For the first time in my life, I saw my mother. I just… adored this unfamiliar yet so familiar woman without even knowing her.

Yes, I dreamed about to have a mother when I was a child. But now… even if I never see her or touch her… even if I never call her mum… I actually learnt who my mother is.

For the first time in my life I missed my mother, so much.

Then I looked at the man in front of me. The man who was searching for me entire time while he was trying to bear losing her. Oh God. How come… he bears with this?

I turned and looked at Seunghyun. He was looking at me with his loving eyes. I slowly put my head on his chest still holding her pictures close to my heart.

He immediately wrapped his arms around me. His warm arms. My Seunghyun. I thought about losing him. I can’t even think about to breathe without him in this world.

“I just keep on living with the hope to find you Jiyong. I just live for you. It is a little late but… I finally found you, my biggest love’s baby. You are, Jiyong,” told me Mr. Lee as if he felt what I was thinking.

So he just lived with the hope to find me. When there is so much evil in this world… My mother actually tried to protect me. Their love was so strong that they fight with the evil but they lost. So in the end… I lost my mother too.

Why? Why? Why are people so against love? Why they are destroying everything that is beautiful? Why my mother had to die because of … hatred… revenge…

Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my head. My eyes were closed but I know for sure that it was not Seunghyun’s hand.

“Please, don’t cry anymore Jiyong, I can’t stand to see tears on your eyes,” he said softly while he was caressing my hair.

It was not that bad. It was nice, actually. My father’s hand on my head.

I have a father.

Seunghyun’s POV

That night he cried so hard that I even thought about to call a doctor to calm him down. I tried my best but I couldn’t comfort him. I just couldn’t… His sobs and tears were eating me alive. I started to beg him to stop. He just kept saying, “I will be alright,” but he kept crying.

His tiny shoulders were shaking with sobs and his eyes were all swollen and red from crying nonstop. First I let him to cry freely, he needed this too but know… I was getting worried because I couldn’t stop him.

Hurting. My head was hurting. My mind was hurting at this side of him. Then I started to cry too. That was the moment he stopped crying.

He buried his wet face into my chest and his hands were caressing my back. Slowly his sobs were disappeared. He slowly raised his head and looked at me. Then he touched my tears.

“I am sorry, to make you sad,” he whispered.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly and started to rock our bodies.

“Silly… you don’t need to apologize,” I said while I was burying my nose into his neck.

“Then don’t cry.”

“If you stop, I will stop.”

“I will stop.”

I laughed lightly and brushed my nose to his.

“You feel better?” I asked.

He nodded, “A lot better. Sad but better.”

I moved him on my lap and I squeezed him tighter, “Soon it will alright, baby.”

He moved his head higher to my shoulder and started to play with the hair on my nape. His hot breathe was on my neck. I kissed his forehead and we stayed like this for a while.

“She looks… so pretty and so happy… This really broke my heart. I would like to know her,” he suddenly spoke softly against my neck, his lips slightly brushing my neck.

“I wish you could… But I guess it’s our destiny; I also never had a chance to meet my mother.”

“How was your mother? Did you see her pictures?”

“Yes, I saw. My dad always told about her while I was growing up. He really tried hard to get me know her better.”

He sighed. Now his fingers were travelling over my jawline, “I want to know about her more. I want to know about… him, too.”

“It’s a good idea,” I said kissing his fingertips.

We were still sitting at the floor. He slowly lay down and put his head on my lap.

“I want to see your childhood pictures!” he suddenly said.

“Maybe one day.”


“No way.”

“Why not?” he said rising his head and looking at me with a cute pout.

“I was an ugly child.”

“No way!” he shouted and changed his position to sit.

I laughed.

“Really, I don’t like these old pictures.”

“But… it is okay for me to see them.”

I laughed again, “So you decide it by yourself?”

“Yes. I am… your mate. Your life mate. You should let me see them!”

I caressed his puffy eyes and then his cheek.

“If you give me a kiss then maybe I can show you, wifey.”

“Ah! I am not a wife!”

“You said that you are my life mate!”

He came closer to me and sat on my lap and buried his face on my shoulder.

“Mate, not a wife,” he murmured.

“I am just kidding baby,” I said and kissed his head.

“No kiss for you.”

“Then no pictures for you,” I said jokingly.

He looked up at me, “You can’t do this to me,” he complained with a pout.

“I have already done,” I said putting my forehead on his.

He sighed. Then pecked me quickly on the lips.

“Now it is time for the pictures!” he said happily jumping to his feet.

“Pictures? Where is my kiss?”

“I did!”

“You did? I didn’t feel anything.”

“Ah! You are cheating!”

“Am I the one who is cheating? No way little man, you are the one who is cheating!”

I also jumped to my feet and grabbed his wrist quickly. Without even he could realize I captured his lips with mine.

I buried my finger into his soft locks and pressed his little head to kiss him deeper. His hands found my back; he was caressing my back softly. His butterfly touches... He even looks like a butterfly. My butterfly.

“Now you can see the pictures,” I said after we broke from our kiss.

He smiled lazily at me, “I am feeling a little… dizzy.”

As soon as he said these words he closed his eyes and put his head on my shoulder, “The room is… turning.”

I supported him holding his waist. He was now barely standing; clinging on me. I took him into my arms and carried him to bed.

I put him down on the bed and caressed his hair, “Did you take your medicine?”

He nodded, still eyes closed.

“But you barely eat today…” I sighed.

He didn’t eat much today and really had hard times. Even crying that much took his energy, I know it.

I ordered dinner to our room. He should definitely eat.

Should I take him to hospital first? I bet he wouldn’t like it but I am worried. Oh this boy… What will I do with this tiny boy?

He slowly tried to sit up and I helped him.

“I am okay, I guess I just felt dizzy because I am hungry,” he said smiling at me.

“Really? You are hungry?”

“Yes, please let’s eat something!”

I held his hand and took him to the balcony of our room. I ordered them to prepare the dinner at the balcony. I put a sweater on his shoulder because the weather was a little chilly.

He ate well and now I could relax. I know I treated him like a child even a baby but I can’t change this. He is my treasure; my only comfort. I should protect him, I will protect him.

He looked at me smiling, “Now take me to somewhere to have some ice cream!”

“We can have it here baby, you are tired.”

“No, take me to the Han river, please.”

I sighed. He was so cute to say no.

I stood up and took his hand, “Okay but only an ice cream and we will be back.”


He came closer to me and stood right under my chin, “Only an ice cream because we still have pictures to look,” he said smirking and then he kissed my chin.

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Chapter 12 is almost done! I will update soon ^^


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Chapter 25: I really love this story and u’ve done a very amazing job! Thank you so much for this precious story!! <3
Danees #2
Chapter 25: Reread this! I love this story. Thank you!!
hashimocca #3
Chapter 25: I like this story.. even for me who like the angst and more drama but all i can say is two thumbs up auhtor-nim... good job.. i guess you are a very kind author since you never tease your reader with the story... i mean i love this story.. how romantic they are but i think there still need a bit conflict.. since what i learn from school that it's one the condition of novel.. but still this is great... love it so much
mitadinasty #4
Chapter 25: I read this fic twice already. Omg! I can't even be bored of this. You amazed me author nim. Thanks for writing this :-D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 25: I read this fic twice already. Omg! I can't even be bored of this. You are amazed me author nim. Thanks for writing this :-D
Danees #6
Chapter 25: Oh indeed I like this story. Thank you for make happen and share it here with us.
Chapter 25: This is beautiful. Sooo beautiful . I love how sweet seunghyun are . And i love how pure jiyong's love . I love everything!
I think this was actually my very first time to come back and visit this story and read it again. It was just as heartfelt and touching the second time around and just like the first time I read your story I loved going on this journey with Seunghyun and Jiyong and watching them grow and their love blossom into something so pure and beautiful ^^
HunieMineNahLuluis #9
Chapter 25: Hosh i raed it in one go and when am done its already 2 o'clock in middel of the night(or morning?)
It just soo beautiful and am really love how you wited it cus english is not ma leangue too soo its really easy read Ur fanfic :D keep writi g Author-nim
Chapter 25: Thank you for writing such a lovely story.
I loved all the rough love. Seeeyness and most of all the manliness of tabi.
The fluffy parts were amazing and so were the gentle and rough way they made love ajsjdjdjfkfk
I wish u wrote a thousand more chaps
Thank youuuu