Love is painful but the pain is beautiful

Love is painful but the pain is beautiful

Note: As always, sorry for the possible mistakes!

I am so so sorry for the late update, please forgive me!


Seunghyun’s POV

I have never been good at organizing events but I am determinate to do this for my Jiyong and I will do it for sure. My beautiful angel deserves the best things and I will try my best to make him live the wonderful things in this world.

First step was to prepare a congratulation party. I don’t have any intention to let go his first success of his song without a celebration.

Taeyang, Seungri and Mr. Lee were the easy part; I reached them easily. Taeyang then also helped me to arrange Jiyong’s close friends from their band and from school. The biggest surprise will be the performance of the group; they will sing Jiyong’s song.

It was Saturday and Jiyong worked all day at the studio. I picked him up in the evening and first, I took him out to dinner. While we were having our dinner, guests were coming to our house. We arranged the garden for the party. I was messaging with Se7en during the dinner and waiting for his approval to take Jiyong to home. Jiyong himself never suspect anything; he was talking nonstop while we were eating.

When we entered the garden the band started to play Jiyong’s song. You should see his adorable face! He was beyond shock. His cute little mouth was hanging open while his eyes were getting teary.

His hand that was holding mine was now squeezing my hand tightly. He just stood frozen and watched the band sing his song live. I just watched him. Then he slowly turned to me and wrapped his arms around my neck without saying a word.

I hugged him back and whispered into his ear, “Hey… I did this to make you happy my beautiful prince, please don’t cry.”

He tightened his arms around my neck, “I know… I can’t help it, I love you so much.”

“I love you too my baby.”

Finally we got apart from each other and then I saw dad, Se7en, Taeyang, Seungri and Mr. Lee also came close to us to congratulate Jiyong.

Jiyong was flying without wings; I can see this. Me? I am also beyond happy to see my precious baby happy like this.

Now I live for Jiyong; to love him, to protect him, to make him happy. He is my reason to live; to breathe. He is my strength to wake up in the mornings and sleep without nightmares at nights.

I watched him talk and laugh along with his friends and Seungri with a smile on my face. Mr. Lee and dad were also chatting at another corner of the garden. We are really became such a big family.

Suddenly a glass of scotch appeared in front of my eyes.

“I am glad that you didn’t listen to my advice about Jiyong,” said Se7en smiling at me.

Then I looked my brother’s face with a smile on my face, “I listened actually… But faith really wanted us to be together.”

“He is a miracle boy.”

“Yes, my miracle.”

My miracle. My cure. My happiness. My everything.

At the end of the night only Jiyong, me and a bottle of wine stayed up at the garden. We occupied the swing again sitting side by side with his head on my shoulder.

“Thank you so much,” said suddenly Jiyong breaking our silence.

I put a kiss on his forehead, “You know there is nothing to thank. You deserve the best in this world, baby.”

“You always say this but… Still, thank you. This night was so meaningful for me and… you made this night possible.”

I took him into my arms and he buried his little face into my chest. I really love it when he does this; hiding his face to my chest. My heart beats faster when I feel the warmness of his head on my chest. I started to his soft locks.

“I also wanted to give you a gift.”

“Seunghyun…. You gave the best gift I have ever had and maybe… I have ever will… My song became number 1 and loved by millions now.”

“How many times do I have to repeat this, you stubborn cat? This is your success, not mine.”

He raised his head up and looked at my face, “I don’t care how many times you repeat, I couldn’t do it without you.”

I just sighed and ruffled his hair. Then I reached to my jacket that I took off earlier and I found the little gift box in my pocket.

I know he is not into money; I never buy expensive gifts to him- except from clothes. I know he likes different and meaningful things, like himself.

“I really… don’t have any talent Jiyong you know this. But I wanted to give you a special gift.”

“Seunghyun….” He started but I put my finger on his beautiful lips and silenced him.

I showed him my left wrist; the bracelet he gave me was near my watch.

“You gave me this as a thank you gift before and you made it by yourself. This is the most precious thing I have ever got. You maybe notice, I never take it off.”

He smiled looking and my wrist and nodded.

“I would like to give you something like this so… I found a designer. Then we designed a bracelet for you; only for you. It is a special design. Then I made the bracelet with the help of the designer as a gift for you.”

Jiyong’s chin was slightly shaking. I know I pushed his limits tonight. My baby is so sensitive and even if I made these things to make him happy, he ended up crying.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and sobbed.

“Thank you,” he whispered between his sobs.

Oh baby, this is just the beginning.

After a while he straightened up and tried to dry his tears. I helped him with a napkin.

“Now, Mr. Choi Seunghyun. Let’s see your masterpiece then!” he shouted happily.

I have to admit it; I love his sudden changing moods.

I put the bracelet into his tiny wrist. The bracelet is formed from eternity symbols which are white gold and blue beads.

While he was admiringly looking at the bracelet I explained about the blue beads I used on the bracelet.

“These blue beads are called “Nazar Beads” Jiyong and they came from Turkey. This bead used as a talisman which is believed that it would protect you against the evil-eye. This will guard you from any negative energy.”

Jiyong still can’t take his eyes away from the bracelet and the information I gave him impressed him a lot.

“Wow… Seunghyun this is…so beautiful…. And….wow… just wow!”

“Since you are so beautiful and talented… I think you really need this.”

He giggled and threw himself into my arms again.

“I really don’t know what to say baby… This is beautiful and you are so thoughtful to even find this interesting bead. And… you made this now??” he asked excitingly.

“Yes… it is really not a masterpiece but… I just wanted to give you a special thing that I made on my own.”

He pecked my lips, “This is the most amazing thing I have ever had, my love.”

I looked at his shinning eyes. They were really shinning with happiness while his smile was warming my heart; as always.

Jiyong’s POV

I woke up with the warm lights of sun. It was only 7 in the morning and I am not a morning person but… I just felt like to wake up. Maybe it is because of the amazing whether of Bora Bora Island.

It was our first morning at Bora Bora. We reached the island at night so today I was so excited to see the island.

As soon as my final exams are over I found myself in Bora Bora. Seunghyun was so eager to take me here. He said that I worked so hard this year and we deserved a good vacation together. I am not complaining tough. As long as I am with him…

The best part is…. We are not staying at a hotel. Seunghyun rented a small hose by the sea. Me and Seunghyun in a small house! It is really a great feeling! We slept while we were listening to sound of the waves and I woke up with the same sound between Seunghyun’s arms. I think this is what we call “heaven”. My heaven.

I softly kissed his perfect shaped nose and slowly got up from the bed and walked to the window. The sea was shining under the sunlight. I have to smell the air!

I slowly opened the balcony door trying not to disturb Seunghyun and walked out. Oh God… the weather is so nice and a warm breeze is my skin softly. I can smell the sea from the air. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmness of the sunlight.

I looked at my bracelet under the bright sun. With the thought of Seunghyun made this for me made me smile again. Even just looking at my bracelet can make me happy because it means Seunghyun. I will never, ever take it off.

Suddenly a pair of warms arms, just like the sunlight, wrapped around my body. I relaxed between those arms and put my head on my lover’s broad chest.

“Good morning sunshine,” whispered Seunghyun and put a kiss on top of my head.

“Good morning baby.”

We just stayed like this for a while and watched the sea. He had his nose buried in my hair and I was playing with his fingers.

“This is the first morning of our vacation,” I said.

“Yes, finally.”

“I will make you a breakfast then!” I shouted happily.

He laughed, “Let’s make it together baby.”

I turned around to face him and pecked him from the lips.

“I am so happy.”

He put his head on my forehead and wrapped his arms around my body again, “I am so happy too my prince.”

We spend the morning at the beach together. Then we had our lunch in a small restaurant by the sea. Afternoon we had a trip around the island.

When we arrived to our small house Seunghyun said that he should go out for a while and told me to have my shower get ready for dinner. I didn’t ask where he was going because I got already used to live with a mafia boss. So I just had my shower.

It is really hot in this island. So I just decided to dress in shorts and a t-shirt. While I was fixing my hair I heard a violin sound. I walked to the window and looked out. There was nothing so I just walked to the front door. The sound was so close and it was really a nice melody.

I opened the door and finally saw the owner of the sound. There was beautiful little girl on my door playing a violin. I smiled ear to ear then I saw all of the entrance of the house was covered with rose leaves. Then it hit; it was Seunghyun.

I patted the little girl’s head and thanked him. Then I saw a… a… oh god, it was a carriage with two beautiful white horses! It was like… hmm… yes it was like Cinderella’s pumpkin carriage! It was just beautiful like this!

I immediately locked the house and jumped in to the carriage. I was so excited because it was my first time to travel with a carriage!

After a few minutes I heard some guitar sound and turned back and looked. Then I saw another carriage that was carrying a guitarist who plays a nice song. I realized that Seunghyun really knows me better; knows what I like. Music. Oh my Seunghyun; you don’t know how happy I am right know. It was like a fairytale already.

Guitarist accompanied me until we reached the destination. We arrived to a deserted beach only my Seunghyun and some waiters were waiting for me.

Seunghyun helped me to get off from the carriage. I hugged him as soon as I landed.

“It was like a dream, thank you,” I whispered.

“We are just beginning baby,” he said smiling at me and then kissed my nose.

He took my hand and leaded me to the dinner table. Table was sat on the sea and our feet were touching to the water when we sat on our chairs.

“I really felt like a prince now!” I said cheerfully.

He laughed with his amazing, thick voice. How I love his laughter.

The sun was about the set and the scenery was so amazing. We could watch the sunset while we were eating.

It was really… so unreal. I still couldn’t surpass my excitement. I couldn’t even eat properly.

“It’s amazing! It is like a fairy tale Seunghyun!” I shouted again with my arms wide open.

He smiled, “Yes, it is our fairy tale with a happy ending my prince.”

“As long as my king is here with me…” I answered smiling widely to him.

“Are you ready?” he asked suddenly.

“Ready for what?”

“The surprise.”

I laughed, “What surprise Seunghyun? This whole evening was a big surprise already!”

“I said it was just the beginning.”

As soon as he finished his words I heard the familiar sound of the violin again and I turned around.

There was a gondola coming to us that was carrying the violinist little girl. There was also something written with lights on the gondola. I waited for it to come closer to read the words with my heart beating faster.


I just froze in my seat and kept looking at the words with my mouth hang open. I was feeling that my heart was beating so fast that it could almost leave my ribcage. After a while finally I turned to look at Seunghyun.

He was smiling at me and then he just took out a small gift box and then reached to my hand and kissed it then said the words.

“Will you marry me my prince?

My mouth all went dry and my heart didn’t seem to calm down soon. I felt the warm tears threatening my eyes to fall.

I couldn’t speak; I was just looking at him in chock. So I just finally put my trembling hand into his opened warm palm and he slipped the ring to my finger. Then I finally found my voice.

“Yes, my king.”

Then suddenly Seunghyun got up and took me into his arms. He was so excited that he cut my feet from the ground when he hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his neck while letting my tears of happiness finally fall.

Seunghyun took me to marina after we finally settle down our emotions. We departed with a beautiful yacht.

We went to the deck with a bottle of wine. I sat between Seunghyun’s legs and put my head on his chest. His beautiful long fingers immediately found my hair.

I raised my hand up and looked at my ring under the bright moon light. I have to admit; it was the first time I looked at my ring closely. I didn’t even give any attention to it from excitement.

There were some little flower figures were carved on it and it was yellow gold. It really looked simple but elegant. Seunghyun really had a really good taste in jewelry.

He also raised his hand up and we looked at our rings side by side.

“Now we are engaged?” I asked.

“Yes, we are,” he said and then took my hand and kissed it.

“I am glad that your heart is not as small as your hands,” he said suddenly holding both of my hands tightly.

I just giggled at his statement.

“You really have a big heart my beautiful baby and it is full of love.”

I just took away my hands from his grip and took his hand into mine and put it on my heart.

“And it belongs to only you.”


This is the end of the story of our lovely couple! I will miss Seunghyun and and his baby Jiyong TT

How was Seunghyun's proposal? Do you like it? ^_^

Thank you to all of my readers for your support and lovely comments! You gave me courage and inspiration.

And also thank you to all 102 suscribers!

Even if my English is poor, you all read and like, thanks again!

Note:My next GTOP story will be fantastic. I mean, really fantastic! Demons, fairies, dragons and etc. I hope you will also like this one too. And I am open to help offers about my English for the next story ^^


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Chapter 12 is almost done! I will update soon ^^


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Chapter 25: I really love this story and u’ve done a very amazing job! Thank you so much for this precious story!! <3
Danees #2
Chapter 25: Reread this! I love this story. Thank you!!
hashimocca #3
Chapter 25: I like this story.. even for me who like the angst and more drama but all i can say is two thumbs up auhtor-nim... good job.. i guess you are a very kind author since you never tease your reader with the story... i mean i love this story.. how romantic they are but i think there still need a bit conflict.. since what i learn from school that it's one the condition of novel.. but still this is great... love it so much
mitadinasty #4
Chapter 25: I read this fic twice already. Omg! I can't even be bored of this. You amazed me author nim. Thanks for writing this :-D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 25: I read this fic twice already. Omg! I can't even be bored of this. You are amazed me author nim. Thanks for writing this :-D
Danees #6
Chapter 25: Oh indeed I like this story. Thank you for make happen and share it here with us.
Chapter 25: This is beautiful. Sooo beautiful . I love how sweet seunghyun are . And i love how pure jiyong's love . I love everything!
I think this was actually my very first time to come back and visit this story and read it again. It was just as heartfelt and touching the second time around and just like the first time I read your story I loved going on this journey with Seunghyun and Jiyong and watching them grow and their love blossom into something so pure and beautiful ^^
HunieMineNahLuluis #9
Chapter 25: Hosh i raed it in one go and when am done its already 2 o'clock in middel of the night(or morning?)
It just soo beautiful and am really love how you wited it cus english is not ma leangue too soo its really easy read Ur fanfic :D keep writi g Author-nim
Chapter 25: Thank you for writing such a lovely story.
I loved all the rough love. Seeeyness and most of all the manliness of tabi.
The fluffy parts were amazing and so were the gentle and rough way they made love ajsjdjdjfkfk
I wish u wrote a thousand more chaps
Thank youuuu