can you be my friend..

"Don't Make Me Cry Again"
''okay class i have an announcement..nextweek we will be having a camp in jeju island so pls prepare your things and one more thing if you have a tent pls.bring it with you because we are lack equipment here like tent''mr.park said ring! ring! ''okay class its already time and let me remind you,prepare your things okay''mr park reminded ''deh seongsangnim''all of them say at the same time. recess~ at the canteen. there's an awkward silence between all of them bec. donghae is with them and siwon the new student too. "okay guys let me introduce him'' yoona said to break the silence. ''i know your wondering if why we know each other..okay this is choi siwon we became friends when sungmin oppa left us and he is the one who always save me but then he left me too like you!''she glance at sungmin.. ''hey,why are you looking at me like that?i did left you because i have no choice..but then you and jessica are in my mind everyday.. ''tsk..''she hissed ''i know that jessica is only in his mind''she thought. "anyway let's not talk about the past lets talk about you two!''she pointed at jessica and donghae. "are the two of you dating?''she ask.. both of them choked, "bwoh?,ani were not"they said at the same time. "where just friend''jessica said while they are talking tiffany saw them she go towards them "hi siwon oppa"she greeted then kiss him on his cheek.. "oh hi long time no see''he said. when donghae saw that he was very angry and full of jealousy. ''oh hi hae how are you?''she fakely greeted him. "Im doing great now since jessica enter mylife''he lie so that tiffany will get jealous too.all of them dropped their jaw speacially jessica "oh that's great then!''she said but deep inside she is jealous too..but then suddenly her face darkened like she want to do something bad to jessica then suddenly she smile "jessica,yoona Im sorry for all that I've done to you two can i be your friend?'' she ask but then she's just acting and planning something bad to them. "but how do we know that you are honest and no intention of evil?"jessica ask. "it's okay if you dont believe me but give me a chance i dont want to be bad anymore..she said "guys give her an opportunity she's not bad at all"siwon cut in. "hey how do you know her and anyway what is she to your life?"yoona ask " she's my closest friend or should i say my childhoodfriend so pls give her a chance to be our friend"he said "hey who said that you already part of our friendship you and donghae are not part of our friendship" sungmin said sarcastically. "oppa!!!"the both of them yelled at him and they give him a death glance. "donghae and siwon are now part of our frienship"jessica said. "ok fine i dont want to argui with anymore" sungmin sigh nothing hr could do but to agree. "ok fine you can be our friend but then if you do something bad watch out. jessica said.. " thank you thank you guys i promise i will be good from now on.."she said actingly . * hi guys sorry for not updating hope you like chapter 9 pls leave a comment and subscribe thanks.
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ilabya3 #1
9pm327 #2
update please!! i want to if sungmin falls for yoona
AznCutie8418 #3
Chapter 9: SungSica!!!! jeh-bahl :(
gyoonshipper1996 #4
Chapter 9: yoona sungmin XD <3<3<3
Chapter 9: It just keeps getting better and better.....
Chapter 8: Yoona...Yoona.....don't be sad sunming is blind right now but I hope he realize the type of girl you are.....or else I'll will punch some senses into him....ㅋ...ㅋ...
Chapter 7: Oh My God.....can't wait for next chapter....
Chapter 6: Poor yoona suffering from love......
smurfette #9
Chapter 6: love triangle ^o^
Chapter 4: They GOT each other xD Tiffany & Sungmin saw the both together? JEALOUSY xD Haha update !