The Meeting

Melody To My Ears


Sandeul’s POV

“hyung~ what are you doing? So serious” Gongchan talk to Baro so energeticly as if we didn’t practice at all… I’m just resting at the corner of our practice room while Jinyoung-hyung and Shinwoo-hyung are looking over at the dance steps of Baby Goodnight… Meanwhile Baro is practicing his part of Baby I’m Sorry and Gongchan is doing his usual routine… being a pill energy as usual…

“didn’t you hear that girl sang my part that time? It was FREAKING AMAZING!!!” Baro stop practice and start to talk with Gongchan… When Baro pull out the topic, all of us started to gather in circle to talk about the voice that we just heard at school… “Yeah… She sang my part as if I’m hearing another me… But not just me… A me that is totally more than me…” Jinyoung-hyung expressed  his amaze about the voice… Shinwoo-hyung added “ Yeah… That voice make me understand the real feeling of the lyrics… She was AMAZING!” “Yes hyung! I wish that we can hear it again, or maybe meet her” the maknae was over whelming with excitement.

*why?whne I hear that voice, it remembered me of my precious friend?* I was staring at my keychain… A-half-part-of-star shaped keychain… Staring at the words that had been graven to it… ‘ HOONIE and FOREVER’  *is that voice is hers? I gotta search for that girl* my thought was cut off when I heard the maknae’s calling out my name…

“YAH! Hyung… where did you go? I called you several time…” yeah… The maknae always make me cheer up, just like Hoonie-ah smile… “I went to F.R.A.N.C.E” I tried to play along with my cute dongsaeng… “why there, deullie?” Jinyoung asked… Every eyes that were there stared at me in confusion and also curiosity… I answered simply “ that place is where ‘Friendship Remains And Never Can End… F.R.A.N.C.E “ with a smiled at the end… “oh… Our vocalist is so warm-hearted now… GROUP HUG” Shinwoo-hyung say and suddenly I was top by four heavy weight! “YAH!!! Move away! Can’t- breathe!” I yelled as I let out the last breathe I had… The weight suddenly become less heavy when Baro suddenly stood up and say but more with an angry tone “YAH! What is that?! It make a hole through my stomach!” he rubbed his ‘in-pain’ stomach while pointing at my keychain… Everyone stood up and stared at me… “err… Just a something…” I tried to hide it but it just make the situation even worser… Gongchan grabbed my left hand which was empty at the beginning “Jinnie-hyung! Grab it !” Jinyoung tried to snatch the keychain but failed as Shinwoo-hyung suddenly become so helpful and motherly like… “YAH! Stop bullying my dongsaeng!” Shinwoo pull the two bullies by grabbing at their collar shirt… “Hyung~ we just want to look at the secret Deullie is saving for himself” Jinyoung pout while I get up on my feet… Gongchan make his please-just-for-me aegyo “Shinwoo-hyung~ we are your dongsaeng too..” now I see hesitation in Shinwoo’s face… *wah… Gongchan is sure good in aegyo…*  Baro who just lost his interest, just sat at the corner while putting his headset on… I stepped to Baro as I hear Shinwoo-hyung giving a speech to Jinyoung-hyung and Gongchan… “If it is a secret, it is a thing that no one want it to be discovered by anyone cause it is somebody’s SECRET”

“hey, Baro-ah… What are you listening to?” I tried to raise my voice a bit higher than usual because I know that he might can’t hear me… Baro put his headset to my ears letting me to hear to the beautiful voice again… *wow… Such a melody* I stunned at first and look at the currently smirking Baro… “yeah… I’m so lucky… I accidently turn on my recorder… Want a copy?” I nodded quickly without any hesitation, while pulling out my phone… we Bluetooth it.. “okay… We will satart practicing now” our choreographer came in… I saved my phone and took my place for our practice of Baby Goodnight… *Yeah… Can hear it again tonight… But I still hope I can meet this girl… But the most thing I hope is that for that this girl is the same little girl who loves singing that I know*


As we were waiting for our manager-hyung to pick us, I was just wandering around… But in about 5 minutes I realized that I was about to open the door to the rooftop… Before I opened it I was hoping for that voice is there… But when I look again around the rooftop, I saw a figure was laying down as if it was sleeping… I stepped slowly, hoping not to wake up the figure… I saw a girl with a geek spec was sleeping soundly… *so beautiful, she’s worth to be a beautiful target… eh? What am I thinking? My beautiful target is Hoonie-ah… Poor girl, she must be exhausted* I look at my watch and it show that there is still 20 minutes till manager-hyung came… I sat down besides her and put her head on my lap slowly…


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Badass-Kid #1
Chapter 7: update soon~
changed picture... it's not mine... i'm not admitting that is it mine... but the editing is mine... sorry to the owner...
Chapter 6: Sorry if this chap is kind of boring... but i'm thanking who read this story... i'm now happy cause i never thought that this story will receive 100 view... but when i open today... i've got 200 view... So HAPPY... so i wrote this chap for celebrating the 200th view... once again... *bows 90 degree* kamsahamnida...
DeullieSa34 #4
Chapter 5: Oh~~~ Why Chihoon shouldn't just admits that the book is her's~~o_0 Is nice to see that she becomes friend with B1A4~~:-* Good job authornim for the update today~~~:-* Update more soon~~~:-* fighting!!
Chapter 5: Yeah... Updated... But it's short as usual... this is the first time i'm saying this... Please subscribe and comment... it sure raise my spirit to write this story...
Meiliza_Chrstna #6
Chapter 4: i like this story^^ by the way, when will you write another chapter?._. Hehe i'm waiting^^
Chapter 4: i think this chapter is a bit boring... i'm sorry if it make you guys yawn...
DeullieSa34 #8
Chapter 3: Ah~~~~~:-*:-*:-* I love this story soooooooo much much much ~~~~:-* Deullie finally met her,and hope Hoonie find out that deullie is actually her childhood friend,Jungie~~ Ohh~~~~ and congrat to you authornim, finally finished your exam~:-)good job for the update~~~:-* Keep up~~~ Update soon~~~Fighting!!
readerisme #9
Chapter 3: Wow,this is a very interesting story :)
Chapter 3: yeah... updated... my exam is over... now hearing this time is over... lol... sorry for the short update... have some vampire fanfic? i want some... wanna read vampy... T^T...