
Melody To My Ears


Your POV

I was really not paying any attention towards my teacher instead of I was day dreaming well I could say thinking… I really miss B1A4 oppa… they haven’t come to school for a whole one week because of their new song… Tried To Walk… they are so AWESOME… well it was shocking when I saw CNU-oppa without his geeky specs, but he still look handsome… all of them look handsome… well I kind of like Baro’s new hairdo, it is so unique? Jinyoung-oppa’s eyes are so… wow… As for Channie, my cute favorite dongsaeng, I have to say that I didn’t expect for him to be that Handsome… well…  for Sandeul-oppa, he died his hair blue… but the thing that is bugging me is that the look of his eyes when he sang, it look so, familiar… but my day dream was interrupted by my teacher, who happily announced something “kids, you know about B1A4 who is studying in our school right? They got first place in a song contest” I was so happy for them and my teacher continued to talk “and” but was cut by the sudden open of the door “I’m back~” it was Channie. I really miss him and the others but I hold in the urge to go towards him and hug him because I respect my teacher…

“Gong Chan Shik… never barged in my class ever again…” the teacher said in a serious tone. “neh, seongsang-nim… mianhe. Let me go this once, neh?” Gongchan use his aegyo towards the teacher and the teacher just let out a sigh of defeat. The teacher ask Gongchan to introduce himself to the whole class. Willingly he bows 90 degree and starting to introduce himself to the whole class with his usual cheerful tone… “annyeonghaseyo… I’m Gong Chan Shik, maknae of B1A4. You guys can call me Gongchan… Please take care of me”

After Gongchan had finished his lil introduction, I surely was in a world full with questions. The teacher mention to Gongchan to take a seat besides Chihoon which was the only seat that are empty. Gongchan made his way to his seat and sit down obediently like a child. “hi, noona… Miss me?” Gongchan greeted Chihoon and automatically Chihoon replied with a warm smile “yeah… I miss you a lot like a pabo” Chihoon ruffled the maknae’s hair. “but why are you in my class? Your class is 1-3 and this is 1-1. Wae? Care to explain?” Chihoon ask Gongchan with her curious face turn on.

“wae? Don’t like me in your class?” Gongchan pouted. It made me want to cry when he does that. But the teacher noticed our conversation “yah! No talking while I’m explaining!” the teacher yelled at us as we silenced down and nodded. Then Gongchan pull out his notebook from his backpack as the teacher is continuing to write on the board.

I was taking down note when Gongchan passes me a note

Noona wanna me to explain? J

I take the note and start to scribble on to in and passes it to Gongchan

Yes, please. Noona is so confused now… DX

Gongchan let out a small smile and write on it then give it to me back

When I wasn’t around we have exams, right? I took the exams yesterday evening when all my schedule is over… and the result for your teaching me previous is making me change my class. The great thing is that I can be with noona now. Thanks to Noona.

I read the long note Gongchan had passed to her. She replied it

Ooo… O.o… well congratulation to you. Now I had someone to accompany me. So, how about the others?

I give the note back to Gongchan and look at him while he let out a small laugh

They didn’t improve so they stay in their normal classes. And for Shinwoo-hyung, he is already in first class. So no need to improve more. ;)

I let out a quick chuckle and write a reply to Gongchan

 Oh… you must be proud by yourself, right? For defeating your Baro-hyung?

Gongchan nodded so many time when he read Chihoon’s note about his hyung

I really am proud. He was sulking all day long. :D

I passed my reply

Well, I think we should stop this note passing game. The teacher is going to noticed.

Gongchan smiled and sent the last reply

 Neh, noona. Lets learn. Talk to you when lunch

 I put the note aside and open my notebook, grab my pen but the teacher made me stop my action in shock, the teacher was already about to leave and the bell rang. I put down my pen and turn my head towards Gongchan and smiled slyly with him giving me one of his sly smile too. I didn’t expect time to run this fast when note passing with a friend.

While she was packing her stuff with Gongchan packing his own, she was thinking about Sandeul.

How is he doing? I miss him. Although the fact that I saw Jiyoung look at him in some kind of way. I can’t stop from missing him. Does he misses me too?

Or is it just me?






sorry for taking the time to update. lately i just know the true meaning of writer block. But when i heard B1A4 new song, it made my ideas popping out of nowhere. although this chappie is a bit lame, please read it, because the almost coming.


you guys do realizes that i have four secrets to reveal right?


first, sandeul in Jungie

second, chihoon is hoonie

third, chihoon is the one with the beautiful voice

forth? i'll keep it a secret till you guys finds out. or wait until i reveal it. 


again i'm sorry for the lame and short chappie... please be my subbies and do comment...

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Badass-Kid #1
Chapter 7: update soon~
changed picture... it's not mine... i'm not admitting that is it mine... but the editing is mine... sorry to the owner...
Chapter 6: Sorry if this chap is kind of boring... but i'm thanking who read this story... i'm now happy cause i never thought that this story will receive 100 view... but when i open today... i've got 200 view... So HAPPY... so i wrote this chap for celebrating the 200th view... once again... *bows 90 degree* kamsahamnida...
DeullieSa34 #4
Chapter 5: Oh~~~ Why Chihoon shouldn't just admits that the book is her's~~o_0 Is nice to see that she becomes friend with B1A4~~:-* Good job authornim for the update today~~~:-* Update more soon~~~:-* fighting!!
Chapter 5: Yeah... Updated... But it's short as usual... this is the first time i'm saying this... Please subscribe and comment... it sure raise my spirit to write this story...
Meiliza_Chrstna #6
Chapter 4: i like this story^^ by the way, when will you write another chapter?._. Hehe i'm waiting^^
Chapter 4: i think this chapter is a bit boring... i'm sorry if it make you guys yawn...
DeullieSa34 #8
Chapter 3: Ah~~~~~:-*:-*:-* I love this story soooooooo much much much ~~~~:-* Deullie finally met her,and hope Hoonie find out that deullie is actually her childhood friend,Jungie~~ Ohh~~~~ and congrat to you authornim, finally finished your exam~:-)good job for the update~~~:-* Keep up~~~ Update soon~~~Fighting!!
readerisme #9
Chapter 3: Wow,this is a very interesting story :)
Chapter 3: yeah... updated... my exam is over... now hearing this time is over... lol... sorry for the short update... have some vampire fanfic? i want some... wanna read vampy... T^T...