“I want to.”

I Just Can't Choose!


Chapter 19


“Yea, you right. So, if you’re not dating the strippers, then who are you dating? Is it that Kris guy?”

“We’re not dating,” I sighed. “We had a conversation last night and he kinda upset me with it, so he’s apologizing by treating me to dinner tonight. That’s all.”

“And you weren’t gonna tell me about this?!” she scolded.

“I was…” I rubbed the back of my neck, “after the date.”

“WHAT?! You better not be serious.” Ha Na sounded pretty wrathful and I didn’t want to further upset her, so I played it off as a joke.

“Girl don’t be silly,” I laughed a little too hard, “I was only kidding, calm down.”

“Yeah right.” She scoffed. “So you and Kris have been kinda close lately, from what I understand. How you feeling about this guy?”

I wasn’t expecting that question. “I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out tonight.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Well, I’ll let you get back to your precious hair. Bye, Bre.”

I looked at the time as I hung the phone up. “Oh crap! I better get going if I want my hair done in time!” I grabbed my handbag and headed for the door but stopped. *Should I call him back like I said?* I pondered the question while tapping my chin. “I’ll call him on the train.” I left the house, finally.

I got on the first train to Incheon so I could be at my appointment on time. I looked out the window as the train went on and remembered I had to call Kris back. “Oh yea. Let me do that now.” I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.


“Hey Kris.”

“Oh you decided to finally call back?”

“Sorry about that. I was about to call you when my best friend called first. And then I have a hair appointment I can’t be late for so I had to rush out the door, forgetting to call back. So, yea…” He giggled as I finished explaining to him what happened. “What’s so funny?”

He cleared his throat, “I see you haven’t forgotten about our plans. The fact that you would go half way across town to get your hair done… for me, is flattering.”

I almost choked at his realization, “What? No. That’s absurd. I just thought it was time for a, uhh, a, a-.”
*Oh crap! He can see straight through me without even seeing me!* “Leave me alone, okay?! I’m being considerate, okay. Just to look nice for you, gosh. Happy now?”

“So you are doing this for me?” *Why do I keep walking into these TRAPS?!!* “I chose the right foreigner to get to know. I guess I’ll have to go the extra mile for you, too.”

*Did he just say he wants to get to know me!?* “Oh no, that’s not necessary. Really, you don’t have to-”

“I want to.”

I stopped breathing when he said that. *Why does this always happen to me? How can he make me feel this way when I barely know him…? Breathe, child, breathe.* I took a silent deep breathe.

“O- Okay. Uh, do what you… want to and I’ll, uh, see you tonight.”

“Yeah, okay… Bye, Bre.”

When I heard him hang up, I let out a small shriek and had to cover my mouth before the rest came out. *Not in public, Bre. Not in public.* I looked around to be sure no one heard my tiny excitement. When I saw nobody looking, I put my hand down and looked out the window. *Why did a 30 minute ride to Incheon feel like forever when I was talking to Kris? What is he doing to me?*



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Chapter 50: Baby come back!
Chapter 50: i'll wait for you guys, don't worry.
Chapter 50: If i unsubcrib i ll feel like betrating Bre ㅠ.ㅠ
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 50: I accept the apology and I will wait patiently no rush
Chapter 49: Cant wait for an update!!!
Chapter 42: Jesus i think Bre Is they best caracter ever from all the fictions i rode she us the best
Chapter 32: Omg best story EVER!!
Chapter 49: XD u fooled me
cant wait for another update ♥♥♥
Lotuspassion #9
Chapter 49: Good add on I love it
Chapter 48: XD soo alone....in an office....what could possibly happen???? XDDD