the dance

I would not go out with you even if you are the last person on this planet!!!

Chanyeol passed over the notes of today's class.


"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine" you said as you looked through the notes. One caught your eye.

"The school formal... It's next week"

"Mm-hmm...who are you going with?"

"I don't know. I don't even have a dress!"

"I'll buy you one"

"But you got in trouble because you bought me one last year. I won't go then"

"Noo. You have to go"

"I'll try. By the way, if I can go, can you be my date?"

"No problem" Chanyeol said happily.*I have been waiting for you to say that*

You waved Chanyeol goodbye and went through your wardrobe. There was nothing particular good in it. Just some plain t-shirts, jeans, shorts, jackets and jumpers. There was only one yelloe dress that you wore for the last dance.

You sighed heavily and went to your piggy bank.


You didn't dare ask Aunty since she was always talking about money. About how much money you spend.

"Maybe I shouldn't go anyways. No one wants me there" you sadly mumbled.

Your doorbell ranged and out came Kai.

Aunty led him to your room where you was busily tidying up your wardrobe.

"What are you doing?" he questioned.

"Trying to find a dress to wear to the formal next week"

He watched laid on your bed and looked through your phone. He clicked on the contacts icon and added his phone number.

"Yah, I need my privacy" you snatched your phone away.

~~ 6 days passed~~

You are still frantically trying to find a dress to wear. All the dresses in the shops are to expensive.


You walked out of the school grounds without Chanyeol since he was busy.

"Hey" Kai said as he walked next to you.

"Hi" you said glumly.

"Why the long face?"

"No dress to wear tomorrow"


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Chapter 6: New reader update soon!!
rwenn_99 #2
Chapter 2: update soon! ^^