A Stranger Who Knows Her

All About Second Chances

"What?!" the maknae and lead guitarist of the band Song Ah Jin shouted right after Sun Hye finished her story about what happened to her at the school. 

"Unnie, you mean Lee Joon? As in Lee Joon of MBLAQ?" Ah Jin said in a surprised tone. 

"Ne..." Sun Hye sighed heavily as she was tuning her black and pink guitar.

"Oh my gosh..." the drummer Han Kyung Mi said with emphasis in every word in her sentence. "Kim Sun Hye, do you know that you are the luckiest human being here on earth?" She placed her eyeliner down on the table and looked at Sun Hye.

"Unnie, tell me more... Tell me more!" Ah Jin asked. "How did you meet him? Are you dating him?"

"Of course not!" Sun Hye said in a defensive tone. "I just met him during the photo shoot last week..." Sun Hye said in a soft voice. 

"What happened after that?" Ah Jin asked excitedly and Kyung Mi sat beside her and joined Ah Jin's interrogation to Sun Hye.

"Nothing. We didn't meet after that day... until today." Sun Hye said.

"Oh Unnie, that must be fate!" Ah Jin said while giggling.

"Fate your face." Sun Hye said.

"What else would you call it?" Kyung Mi said. "You were in a great hurry, and Lee Joon ssi saw you at the bus stop without you telling him. He gave you a ride and asked your teacher to excuse you after being late for 20 minutes. That happens only in movies, but it happened to you, so that's fate."

"Whatever..." Sun Hye sighed. "But, you know what, I find it really arrogant."

"Arrogant?" Kyung Mi shouted. "How can someone as kind as Lee Joon Ssi becomes arrogant? Aish... Kim Sun Hye, you are really cold hearted, you don't know how to appreciate the good deeds that the person does for you."

"Kyung Mi Unnie is right." Ah Jin agreed. "Sun Hye Unnie, how can you be so rude?"

"He is really arrogant!" Sun Hye insisted. "If you only saw him earlier, you would've seen his arrogant expression as he talk to my teacher. He acts as if he's the coolest man on earth!"

"Because he is Sun Hye..." the bassist of the band Park Sang Jae said with her forever mysterious smile. "Lee Chang Sun is the coolest man on earth and everyone's gonna agree with me." She smiled.

"I agree with Sang Jae!" Kyung Mi said.

"Me too." Ah Jin added.

"Aish..." Sun Hye pouted. "Yah, Sang Jae ah, are you close with him? Why are you calling him with his full name?" Sun Hye asked but Sang Jae just smiled at her and stood up from her seat, carrying her bass with her. 

"Kaja, our show's about to start." She said and went out of the dressing room.


It's been hours now since Mir had started walking, uncertain of where he's going. A week had passed, but he's still not convinced that YanA's dead. No one wants to believe him and that thought almost makes him want to give up.

But Mir knows that she's still alive and no one could ever convince him that Shin YanA is already dead.

The face of the girl that she saw on the street a week ago suddenly entered his head. That face, it's really similar to YanA's.- the perfect round eyes, the long nose and perfectly shaped lips, the long black wavy hair, and the voice that makes his heart flutter every time he hears it. It was her, no other than Shin YanA.

The song that she was singing is Mir's strong evidence that, that girl is YanA. How come she knew it? It was a song that was never heard by anyone, because he was the one who wrote it and he only shared it to YanA.

But Mir's eyes suddenly teared up when he held the necklace that he wearing. 

“This necklace…” Sae Rin said pulling showing the necklace that she’s wearing to Mir. “You gave this to her, right?” She took the necklace of her neck and handed it to Mir. “It’s your couple necklace"

"I never thought that the time would come that these two pendants will be together again..." Mir sighed as he was holding the pendants. "I thought YanA will be wearing you forever..."

*Nia - Hey U

The strong beat of the drums that was coming from the bar close to where Mir was standing now suddenly brought his mind back to the present. He smiled when he remembered YanA's ironic personality. Despite of her cute and feminine outer appearance, she likes listening to rock songs 

The strum of the guitar together with the bass and the strong vocals of the vocalist told him to go inside the bar to watch the performing band, and without any doubt, he did.

He stepped inside the bar filled with lots of people jumping with their hands raised up high as the vocalist sang.

As Mir continued to wall inside the bar, his eyes was fixed at the vocalist of the band who was singing on the stage. As he went closer and closer, the vocalist's voice becomes more and more familiar to him and he wasn't wrong. The vocalist, it was her, Shin YanA.

Mir squeezed in the crown and went closer to the stage, looking for a clearer view just to make sure. He was looking at the vocalist's face, examining it clearly and when he was already sure of the girl's identity, he went up the stage, giving the whole audience and the performer's a shock and it made them stop. 

Sun Hye stared at the man's face and her eyes clearly says that she's afraid. As Mir stepped closer to her, her trembling feet wanted to run away but it seems like it was nailed there and she couldn't move. The next thing she knew, the man's arms were already wrapped around her neck. 

The audience suddenly screamed in anger and told him to let go of Sun Hye. Sun Hye's band mates were all shocked and they remained still on their places.

"Let go of Sun Hye Noona!" a fan boy shouted and went up on stage to pull Mir away from Sun Hye. 

"Sun Hye ah, kwenchana?" Kyung Mi asked when she saw how pale Sun Hye was. 

"Bring that crazy man to the police station!" Ah Jin shouted and ran beside Kyung Mi.

"YanA ah, it's me!" Mir shouted as the fan boys pulled him. "It's me, YAH! Let me go! YanA, it's me! Your boyfriend, Bang Cheol Yong!" Mir shouted as loud as he can but Sun Hye just stared at him, afraid and puzzled at the same time. "Shin YanA! It's me!!"

"Sun Hye-ah, do you know that man?" Sang Jae asked Sun Hye.

Sun Hye grabbed Sang Jae's hand, hoping to gather some strength from her. "I don't know..." She whispered and then, she felt a pinching pain in her head. She placed her hand in her forehead, trying to ease the pain by massaging it gently. 

"Sun Hye ah..." Kyung Mi said in a worried tone. "Yah, kwenchana?"

"My head hurts..." She whispered. "I need to rest..."

"Let's just end the show here..." Sang Jae said. "Ah Jin, take over..." She ordered and brought Sun Hye to the dressing room.

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apol_bong #1
awwww Joon give me ride sometime..kkk
Awww this is sad! I like this story hope you update soon!
ahahahahaha GO cracks me up with his cheesy-ness
apol_bong #4
if its possible to curl up in so much cheesyness there's no way i can roll back to normal.. that flower thing is just so sweet..i dunno what gotten into me i usually find them, i dunno cheesy but when it comes to Mir...wehehehe...its so cute! i want to squish him!...
sunflowery #5
OK good, just a simple case of amnesia and mistaken identity I see :P YAY and not yay all at the same time :(<br />
thanks for the update :D
apol_bong #6
those GO signature pick up lines, i know Saerin wouldn't mind getting those...kkk<br />
sHe's dead? like no breathing thing?...oh hell nawww...<br />
i just have to mention that serious Mir is just so weird my brain won't accept it...hahaha<br />
purple_angel #7
Okay Dead that's kinda freaky... did he saw a ghost or something :/ and the cheesy lines reminds me of a movie... are you a Filipino? :D
sunflowery #8
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
she is dead? does she have an unknown twin or something?<br />
hello twist lmao.
sunflowery #9
o.o~~~~<br />
Joon already likes her.......and the triangle is already blossoming lmao :P<br />
thanks for the udpate ^^