The lullaby

The mark of the moon

" A long time ago there was a time when humans and a certan race of beings lived together in peace. They trusted each other with their secrets and their children played together hand in hand. These extraordinary race was called the moon race. Each one was born under a full moon with a brightly colored ring around their iris. THe colores represented what poweres they could camand. White for the moon and wind , blue for darkness and water, red for fire and the sun, purple for spychic and electricity, green for earth and sound, yellow for light and strength. The race also can connect to one animale from the minute there born. This was a peace loving race even if they had all that power. Some humans were eather jelouse and craved that power or they down right feared it. However all was at peace. Till one day a princes and a moon marked man fell in love. The princesses father feared loosing his daughter to this man. The night the two lovers became one the princesse's father snuck into a temple that was sacred to the moon races kind and stole a stone that helled the power of all the moon races colors inside its solid walls. The king hid the stone and blamed the princesse's beloved for stealing it. War broke loose between human and marked. The king claimed them to be demonds from hell mind washing them for evil doing. The war was long and killed many. The moon race was slowely being wiped away. The princesse's lover then caught the king with the moon stone and they were caught in a battle to the death. Greeving over the loss of the her lover and father the princess destroyed the stone in a burst of pain. The war ended however the moon race could be doomed till all peices are restored."

Yesung breathed as he finished his story. He sat casualy with his legs crossed. Not one inch of his face showed he was joking, He was dead seriouse.

Ryeowook blinked. That was all his brain could manage. 

Yesung sighed almost knowing the questiones Ryeowook would ask before he even thought of them. He introduced himself once more this time with his full identity. 

" My name is Kim Jongwoon Known as Yesung by my clan. I am of the White moon I control the spirit of the moon and the wind. My animal is the raven." 

Ryeowook nodded now his mind was clear and he could think. He asked question after question and Yesung answered them all truthfully. 

" How many peices are out their?"

" 6." 

" How many do you have?" 

" As of now 3."

" How do you find them?"

" We can sense them. Unfortunetly we have to steal them though. Thats why I am chased by the police. My clan and I are all suspects."

" Who is your clan?"

" You will meet them soon."

Ryeowook straitened in his seat.

" What?"

" We need you Ryeowook."

" Why? Im not marked or of the moon." He put quotations around "of the moon" with his fingers.

Yesung sighed and smiled. 

" Ryeowook. When the princess broke the moon stone it destroyed her. However she bore a child who was taken in by the humans. He was the first half moon half human child ever born. The power of the cresent moon was in his blood. Ryeowook its in your blood."

" Whoa whoa wait I wasn't born thousands of years ago. How is this possible."

" well the legend told by the elders sais that the cresent moon power chooses the generation where the Moon race will finally be restored and hopefully humans trust of the race can be restored." 

" How can you tell Im part of this cresent moon generation.?"

" when a was running from the police I thought I sensed another stone close by. But as I got closer it felt different, Like I was being pulled more then guided. I saw you and out but recovered quickly and pulled you in to your house. Wich you know the rest of the sory."

" Uh huh. So..... What now?"

There was a small silence between the two. Yesung finally sighed and gave Ryeowook a pleeding look.

" Ryeowook I need some place to stay untill the police are off my tail. Please just for a week may I stay here?"

" Wh- what?! I don't even know you! And plus my aunt has to agree to this as well!" 

" Oh Please Ryeowookie! You cant say you don't feel some form of connection between us! And plus I need to teach you more about the moon race and your blood line. Please!?" 

Ryeowook was embareced by the sudden new nikname and thought of some sort of " connection". He also feared what he was being draged into but some how it felt right. His heart just told him to trust this tall dark and handsome man. 

By the time his aunt got home Ryeowook had thought of a clever identity for Yesun as an old friend from his old town comming for a surprise visit. Ryeowook hated lying to his aunt but she believed him and smiled lovingly at the two of them. She set up the guest room for him and began to cook dinner. Ryeowook sat on the bed as Yesung talked on the phone with someone asking for a weeks worth of clothes and a tooth brush. He also mentioned the stone peice. Once he was off Ryeowook had thought of a few more questiones. 

" So if your animal is the raven, How can you tell?"

Yesung smirked as if prowed of something. He mummbled a quick "prepare your self as wind suddenly began to circle around him. the white ring in his eyes began to glow and his body began to morph. His hair becoming a bit messyer and his eyes became wild and somewhat frightening. But what made Ryeowook cower hlding a pillow was the massive black gleeming wings that extended from Yesungs back. It was both terrifying and exciting at the same time. Ryeowooks heart was pounding in his chest. Before he knew it the wind had disapeared and Yesung had changed back into a human. Or at least human looking. 

Ryeowook stagered out of the room twards the bathroom. That was enouph mythical fairy tails for one day. Now a steaming hot shower under candle light was in desperate need. As Ryeowook sat under the water he thought about his new school life. And wondered why Yesung mentioned some sort of connection. And why Yesung felt so familure though he never met him in his life. Ryeowook felt both thrilled terrified and confused at the same time. But still his heart told him to trust this misteriouse man. 

" What a day." he sighed as he exited the shower and made his way to the dinner table where creamy hot beef stew flirted with his nose. Yesung was already down stairs and boy could he eat. They hardly talke because he was too busy shuvling spoon fulls of stew into his bottomless pit of a stomech. Ryeowook glanced at his aunt who was delighted to see some one enjoy her cooking so much. 

That night Ryeowook and Yesung chated about themselves a little bit. Turns out there not so different. They both love singing and even like a few of the same bands and singers. Yesung aparently had a pet turtle at one point but gave it away due to it becomming too big. He was only a little older than Ryeowook 16 to 18. They talked as if they were friends from long ago.

Ryeowook fell asleep emedietly. He dreemed of a sertan black haired man.

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DinojiRyeo #1
Chapter 9: Update soon jebal^____^
Chapter 9: Please update soon
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 9: Wow!! Love you !! Love this !! Update !
yethunguie-zo #4
Chapter 9: aaaah!!so interesting pls update soon i can't wait ♨
DinojiRyeo #5
Chapter 9: Wahhh!!! nice update.. Update soon jebal ^__^
DinojiRyeo #6
Chapter 8: Pleae updatesoon
ilovekiseop #7
Chapter 4: You got me interested.. Hoping that Ryeowook is okay.. :)
luvfics02 #8
Chapter 3: what an creative idea about the SJ clan...i luv it! XD
luvfics02 #9
Chapter 2: whoo hoo! so...i guess Wookie and Sunggie r meant 2 be together huh? well, seems like it. can;t wait 4 the next update! ^^
Chapter 1: Love that Yesung was in the story in the first few paragraphs instead of having to wait for eternity for them to meet. >w<