Gone too Far

You and Him.....

Yuri's POV

History is so boring......phew, I blew my hair up like Eun-Chan did in Coffee Prince.



I felt so embarrassed in front of Minho.



Like always, I'm so stupid!



The guy who sits next to me named Kyuhyun passed me a note.




                                           Do you like me?

                                           Check yes or no:

                                                Yes No



"Aish! I don't like you!"



And I crumpled the paper and threw it at him.



"Ms. Kwon?" I heard a voice in front of me.



"Y-yes, teacher?"



"Please sit down."



"Kay, teacher."



I got in trouble all because of that brat Kyuhyun.



I picked up the note and circled no.



After school was done, I expect to find Minho waiting for me.



Except it was something different, something that could maybe make me hate Minho forever.






I saw it right in front of my eyes, his and Taemin's lips touched.



"Minho how could you?"



"I can explain."



"This explains everything."



"Me and Taemin are like-"



"Don't say brothers."






"Just admit that you're gay."



Taemin started bursting into tears.



"Don't hurt Taemin."



"Well, you hurted me. Am I like nothing to you all this time?"



I felt tears falling down my cheek.



"I want to chose whats best for me! And Taemin makes me happier."



"Well, fine! Let's break up. I mean I can't tell you how to live your life right?"



My throat got stuck. And I realize that cannot say another word.



"Minho, you've gone too far. Goodbye Minho." 



Minho said that Taemin makes him the happiest. I can't tell him to live his life right?



That's the best choice for me and him.


~Hi guys, im sorry for the disappointment :( If I was Yuri, I would whack minho in da face >< SOoo, I just got a twitter follow me:) https://twitter.com/chau_tina

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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3