Go Big or Go Home

You and Him.....

Taemin have been waiting for this for weeks.



He studied until he got a bloody nose and he had to hold his pee until he's done with one subject.



It's go big or go home. Taemin thoughted.



This has to be worth it. He worked his off and he has to get into that class. His forehead was sweating while he walked to his private classroom to do his test in peace.



He wiped his sweat off. The sweat was down on the tip of his nose.



I can do this. FIGHTING!!! Taemin thoughted. He raised both of his fists up once again.



He stood in front of the door where he was about to take his test. He took a big breath and went in.



He opened the door and there was the Special Class teacher.



The teacher smiled. "Hi Taemin! Please take a seat and I will hand you the paper."



The teacher grabbed his briefcase and took a packet out. Yes, PACKET.



Taemin was flabbergasted. Taemin gulped.



"Here you go. I'm really glad that you wanted to join the Special Class."



And the teacher handed him the packet. Taemin was closing his eyes praying that he will pass the test.



He opened his eyes and saw this huge packet on his desk.



Taemin took another breath and took his pencil an eraser out. Then he put his name and date.



The teacher looked at his watch. "Okay, we are going to start.....now!"



Taemin quickly flipped over his test and did the problems with a snap.



It was all easy for him and he knew all of it.



Taemin putted his face really close to the packet with big, bulging, eyes.



He moved his head back and forth when finishing a problem.



His fingers were numb at page 7.



Just three more pages Taemin, he thoughted.



He was almost done.




Taemin was writing super fast.




So close....




It was until he slapped his pencil on his desk and yelled, "Done!".



The teacher nodded and took his packet and put on his desk.



He took a red pen out so that probably means that he's going to correct it. And he did correct the whole thing by himself.




Mark, mark, mark.



Taemin eyes were filled with anxiety.



The teacher was finally done.



The teacher stood up and so did Taemin.



The teacher putted his hands on his shoulder and Taemin eyes were getting teary.



Taemin squinted his eyes.



Clasping his hands together.



"I have to get into this class, I have to." Taemin muttered under his breath.



The teacher said, "umm...".




Minho and Yuri were laughing together because Yuri just told Minho a very funny joke.




Suddenly everybody's head turned around.



"Okay kids. Today I have a very special announcement! Please come on in!"



The teacher gestured his hands.



A new student stepped in the classroom.



"Hi, my name is Taemin. I'll be joining this class from now on. Please take care of me."



Yuri and Minho's eyes were filled with shock.



Taemin grinned.



You're gonna pay Yuri.




~So, how did you think of this chapter? Yep Taemin has a secret and its very shocking. Thanks to everyone who subscribe and read my story! Please like it on facebook and feel free to tweet it on twitter!

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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3