Facing Him.../I Can't...

You and Him.....

~Hello guys! Im going to inform you that Facing him... and I Can't... are two types of different stories. Thank you for this interruption. XD....lol


Facing Him...

Sungmin's POV


I...am...freaking...out! I need medical pills. No, I need to go to the hospital. No, I need to go to a mental hospital. It just can't be helped. I'm IN LOVE with A BOY. And I don't want to be a homo. I ESPECIALLY don't like to play "the girl's" part. Okay, I'm short, yet cute, and pretty for a boy, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I HAVE TO PLAY THE GIRL'S PART? 


I rubbed my left eye and left my right eye open to see if Kyuhyun's there. A lot of people say hi to me, or give me a fist bump. Maybe it's because I'm cute. I dunno.


I quickly unlock my locker and got all my materials for the first period. I was too busy looking sideways trying to avoid the guy that I have a crush on. And all of the sudden, I bumped into a person. A really tall person....


"Who are you trying to avoid?" Kyuhyun asked.


"Me? I'm not avoiding anybody!" I tried my best to act as casual as possible, but apparently..it failed.


"You're trying to avoid me right?" 


I had nothing to say. This guy catches up fast. "May....be?"


"Why? What did I ever do to you?" 


"I dunno?" The class bell rang. I was totally relieved. "Kay, the school bell rang. Gotta go!" I quickly ran to my class with my heart rapidly pumping. Not because of the running, it's because of his voice....it's so, beautiful. Shut up Sungmin!


I went into my class and felt sweat rolling down my forehead. "God, I ran that hard?" I went and sat down at my seat. He driving me crazy. His looks, his smile, his voice, EVERYTHING. He's just so perfect. I bet any guy or girl would fall for him. (So not true. Sungmin's opinions!! Don't mean to hurt Kyuhyun's fangirls!) 


I rested my chin on the palm of my hand. Thinking and thinking and thinking......I took a glance at the classroom hallway window and saw a figure with brown hair. I couldn't really tell who he is. Probably some ert. There are only some girls in my class. To be honest, their not that hot. So, why is he doing that? I mean, some the guys in my class are somewhat good-looking. So the guy was probably a homo.


 Homo.... Am I one? Thinking about if I was a homo in the future. Then I would not have a baby if I married a guy! I want my son from my wife's belly! Wait, I think I'm going too fast like Mom said. I shook my head. Ugh, my head hurts now. 


It's been about 15 minutes and the creep is still staring at a certain person in the classroom. Then all the sudden the principal spoke into the mic saying, "We have a missing student in Room H13. H13, I repeat, H13. The students name is Cho Kyuhyun." 


At first I got a little freaked out. Not about the principal saying that Kyuhyun is missing, but the second after the principal said it, the figure ran away.


"He has brown hair, 178 cm tall. If anybody saw him anywhere, tell him to come back to class or we will give a call to his parents! That is it.." The principal turned the mic off. 


First things first. I'm not sure is the figure was Kyuhyun. But it's such a coincidence how after the teacher said that he is missing, the figure quickly ran away. Maybe he had to go pee or something. Or he saw a teacher in the hallway. I sighed. I'm tired...


I woke up from the loud ringing of the school bell. Glad that the teacher didn't notice it. I rubbed my eyes again and this time it's for real. I was trying to clear my mind from my sleep and realized that I forget something important. Kyuhyun...questions....!


I dashed in the hallway not caring if the teacher said to walk. It's not like they're going to chase you or something. 


I nearly tripped when something took a hold of me and pull me into the corner. And I knew that it was Kyuhyun. Once was enough for me. 


I sighed, "What do you want Kyuhyun?" Trying to act cool and not caring.


"I miss you?" Kyuhyun said in a deep, low voice.


"Excuse me?"


"I said I miss you."


I was very touched my his words, yet so confused. "What do you mean?" 


"I-I think I like you."


My eyes were wide in shock. I cannot believe that I am hearing those words coming from his own mouth. To A BOY. It's a dream. It's totally a dream. I took my hand and slapped myself.


"What are you doing?" Kyuhyun said in a very gentle, and caring voice.


I looked at him with myy super power puppie dog eyes.


He move closer and touched his lips to my lips. Another word: Kissing.


My eyes were wide open. Nope, this is a dream. This is not ing real. No way, jose.. (If you know what I mean. I don't have the mark for jose.)


He kissed me....he really did kiss me... NOW I'M NOT THE ONE THAT IS RUSHING! Jk..


He removed his lips from mine and of course, every girl is disappointed when a guy breaks the kiss. 


"Why did you do that?"


"Because I like you."


"I-I like you too..."


Kyuhyun was holding my hands like Romeo and Juliet. Apparently I was the Juliet. -_-


He's mine now.... And I smiled.





I Can't...

Yuri's POV

It's a Monday and I'm really tired. I dragged my to school and by the time I got there, it didn't seem to wake me up yet. I scratched the back of my head. God, I'm super tired. 


Taemin walked past me and gave me a huge bump on the shoulder. Aish, it really does hurt. I rubbed my shoulder. I first year can bump really hard. I mean really, what's up with him? Does he think I'm some kind of er of something?


Before I got into the Special Class, my first period was history. It was like the most boringous (lol) subject in the whole wide world to me. Lucky for you if you have an interesting history in your country. Although I like the song History by Exo-k, they can't seem to make me like the actually history of our country sadly. I tried so many times but it failed.


Thinking of the last time I spent a day with Minho. I didn't know if I was...you know, falling for him or not. This whole thing confuses me. I wished my life would not be like this. To have a perfect boyfriend.....who is not gay. I shook my head. Forget it. I just have to deal with this kind of life for now. 


I can barely open my eyes. Under my eyes, something just appear below it when you are tired. (~Katdaug. Believe it has happen to me XP.) I always try to press it down so that it won't get puffy. Right now, I look like a total zombie. 


I looked in front of me and there was Choi Minho. I quickly fixed my hair and threw to my back. I did not know why I did that. Maybe because I'm just plain stupid. Forget it...


"Hi Yuri." He said.


"Hey...Minho." I am talking in my awkward voice again whenever I'm next to him. I'm so irritating....and so unconfident.


"Do you want to go to the Special Class together?" He pointed to the direction where the Special Class was.


"S-sure." Oh God, NOW I'm stuttering!


I looked over Minho's shoulder to see Taemin staring at us with furious eyes, and clutched fists. Geez, that boy can get jealous real easy. I was really freaked out. By now, I would imagine Taemin charging towards me like a bull.


"Come on, let's go." I quickly grabbed Minho by his hands and pulled him to the Special Class. I looked back and saw Taemin getting madder and madder.


"Hurry up!" I yelled. 


"Okay!" And Minho started laughing.


"Why are you laughing?" Seriously, I do not know why on Earth is he laughing.


"Because we are rushing to the same class, TOGETHER."


The word together surprised me and at the same time melted me. It was touching yet disturbing. I did not know if Minho is cheating on Taemin. He's done it to me once, and I'm not going to let him do it to Taemin, to tell you the truth.


"What? What are you saying? I mean, I don't understand!" I needed him to explain what he was meaning first.


"Yuri, I've realized that my feelings for you have changed."


"What?" I don't get it. His feelings have changed? So does that mean....


"I like you, Yuri. I really do." He said in a sweet and a gentleman-like voice.


"No, don't!"


"Why? Don't you want this to happen?"


"No I don't! You're cheating on Taemin! You've done that to me once and I don't want that to happen to any girl...I mean guy or girl again!" I litterealy forgot that Taemin is a boy.


"Don't do this! You're making a seriously wrong desicion!" I felt tears pourong down my face. I don't think I can talk anymore.


"Taemin......" Minho stood staring at the ground with a blank face. "Taemin....." Minho repeated again. 


"That's right. Go back to your boyfriend. Don't come to me. Don't EVER cheat on anyone ever again!" I felt the anger rushing out of me. I don't want Taemin to feel as if he was in hell like I did back then.


"Forget Minho. I don't think I can. I can't.... I'm so sorry Minho, but I can't." My chest tightened up. I put my palm on my face and slid down the wall and sat down on the floor.


"Taemin..... What happened?" He murmured.


"Don't do this Minho! Don't like me! Forget whatever happen in the past year and forget what happen the last time we've spent time together! Don't.....don't Minho....." I didn't want him to get into the habit of cheating.... "I'M SORRY!" More tears poured out of my eyes. I can't...




Minho's POV

I stood there frozen. Not knowing what to do after Yuri asked me about Taemin. I'm not sure if I like Taemin anymore. "Taemin..." I started to say. My mind went blank. I realized that I haven't spend much time with Taemin. Yuri didn't want me to cheat on Taemin. I thought I did, but I've always thought of it as an indirect break up. Until Yuri reminded me....


Yuri kept on telling me not to like her and telling me to not do it. She kept apologizing to me. Still, I stood there frozen, blurting Taemin out of my mouth. "Taemin......."


Yuri kept on crying. The tears rubbed away the masscara. I remembered how Yuri used to teach me all about makeup. I remembered how she playfully put some on me. We realized that I looked pretty good in eyeliner. We laughed and messed around a lot back then.....


I've made a terrible, horrible mistake. I don't know what got into me. I didn't mean for it to happen. My brain was suddenly controlled when Taemin first seduced me. Right then, like a remote control, I turned my heart to Taemin. Now, I'm not so sure."Taemin..." I kept thinking of back then.


I love Yuri. I love Yuri so much. She is the best girlfriend ever. She will be my one and only girlfriend. My mood died down when she told me not too. What was I supposed to do? Stand there and feel hurt?


I've realized my feelings for Yuri now and she won't even accept it. Tears rolled down my eyes. I snuffled. I wiped my tears and walked right past Yuri to go to the Special Class. 


She's not going to understand my feelings. What am I supposed to do? If that's what you want Kwon Yuri...













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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3