Chapter 3

Our Love Letter Story

Since that day that Changmin had left me..I am even more isolated only comfort is the letter i'm recieving through the mails all the time..That day when i came back home...My parent's were furious that i had disobeyed them..Yelling and telling me that kids like me who don't listen are such a disgrace and disappointment..That night i was handcuffed can tied so i couldn't do anything about the next punishment..My "dad" brought out a bamboo stick..It was as thick as a pipe use to whip my back..


as i yelled and whimpered at each and every whip..Yelling my pain of suffering as loud as i can..Nobody will even here my agony pain of death that i am suffering everyday...It was already the 49th whipped the 50th lash on my back..I passed out in pain...If i died would have been better for me..If only i died...tears escaped my eyes even more...With darkness protecting me from the gates of hell i did not die as i thought i would..

"Have you master have gotten mad?!! She's only a nine years old child..Punishing her this much is going way too far..You all think about tarnishing your reputation, but think about it if your own reputation is tarnish at your hand for child abuse!! You too Mrs.(___)..."

i heard the butler and the maid defending for my case...More tears overflowed from my drooping eye...someone is finally helping i thought...When i woke up..I was in the hospital and i moved in with a grandpa that i never knew that i had.

"Good morning (___)..I thought you wouldn't be able to make it because of your wounds."

i tried to get up, but flinched as i do so because my back was still stinging to remember the day of that whip from that night...

"What happened to them?"

"Who?..You're parents?"

I nodded at what he said..He got up and looked outside the window...then sigh and then turned back to look at me with a sympathetic sparked from his eyes..

"I'm afraid, i cut all ties with them..They are still around, but i'm taking custody of you as of today.."

My eyes widen and i looked at my grandpa..

"Don't worry, grandpa is not as young, but grandpa is only 40 and will still be able to take care of you till the day you wed still.."

I chuckled at his comment...Living with my grandpa..That is not so bad...and from that day i lived with my grandpa..We moved out of that place..I went to live near the country side now..It was a mansion out there for his own purposes..It was near an elementry school that i will soon attend and have the better time of my life than suffering through them...

Even though i moved i still took changmin's address..I write to him everyday..and he does the same when he's not busy with anything...Finally...

           7 Years Later....

I have finally entered my High School years..I still write to him..He hardly writes back to me anymore..Still i wait for him to write back to me..It has already been seven years, i'm sure he's busy with school work and what not anymore..Since all that tutor work was still stored into my head..I practically sleep in every of my class and still get top rank of 1 on every subject..

Normally  you would think a person with top rank school in school and in the nation would be popular because she/he excell at every subject and sports most be pretty amazing and popular in this school..Well, i'm not like that..I'm well know in the school, but only because people talk trash on me, because they only want to feed on my downfall of my superior knowledge and skills..

My athletic skill was so amazing that i can even join in a male sport, most of the time they ask me to try out because they want the trophies for their the end i deny and want to go back home to take care of my grandpa..From that day nobody hardly approach me or what so ever..They probably all thought that i wanted to be a loner..I basically think that i'm not popular because i am always in sweats and this big thick glasses and also my hair into braids that causes that downfall image of my looks or my appearance..but i don't care..I feel comfortable in this..And i want to stay in that way...the school doesn't say anything to me because it is my privilege for keeping my grades..

We have this other boy in our class too..He's pretty famous with all his hyungs in there, because of the privliges they get from being smartish, good looks, and their althletic skills..They challenge me once even so..but i denied because i don't like being competitive in any sorts..

Then one day i recieve a letter from him when i came home..

Hello there.

  I'm sorry it has been awhile since i last wrote to you..I just have been busy with all my homework and sports..How have you been?..Listen there is a girl at my school who is bright just like you..though i don't think it's you..she just reminds me of you..i don't know why you would be at my school though..Hehe..Anyways i hope that you are well and nothing is bothering you..

I'll always be here for you..

                                                            Love, Your best friend

                                                                             Shim ChangMin

After reading that i was happy...I ended up writing back to him, telling him that it was a coincidence that there was also another boy with the same name as his too..It kind of shocked me..That day i cooked early and i made myself a bento and i made my grandpa food to last him the day until i came back from school..That morning i got up too early and finished early as well...

I got up and went to school early..I ran out of sweats so i'm washing them at home..Today i wore my school uniform...I still had on my thick glasses though..thank god..My hair was still sort of wet so i let my hair air dryed..I walked to school and went behind the gym..The archery field was there..I took a deep breath and grabbed the bow and which i called the bag of arrows to the stage of the marked line..Since no one was around, i put my glasses inside my pocket..I only need them when i'm reading, but my grandpa says to put it on no matter what.It was suppose to contain or conceal my "beauty" supposedly.

Anyways i took a deep breath and with great concentration i pulled an arrow out of it..with serious concentration i let it striked and it hit the mark..


I said with a smile..I truely enjoy Archery..It was the only thing that i liked that i can't be distracted in with any kind..If a was asked to join the archery club i wouldn't mind, but everything else..i also wouldn't mind, but i guess i'm just a loner of somewhat that nobody wants me...i slapped my cheeks to stop my trance of negative thoughts..


I have been training myself to be happier by days without anything bring me down...I came to smile again when i thought of Changmin's letter..

"So you can smile and you do look a lot better without glasses.."

with a voice i heard from the side i quicky grabbed my glasses and he grabbed my wrist..

"don't think about it..i won't tell anybody unless you join the archery team.."

he said it with such firmness..and i kind of struggled, but he wouldn't budge..and then used his other hand to grab my glasses from my hand and it was going near my face and i flinched..but he put on my glasses...

"don't worry i was joking..If you decided to join..come and find me..I'm Park Yoochun..Nice to meet you.."

he bowed out of courtesy back to me..and i bowed respect sunbaes...he seemed like a nice guy...

Yoochun's Pov

Hm..i hoped i didn't scare her..she seems like a nice girl..


looks beautiful behind those reading glasses of hers...

"Yoochun..stop laughing like a little girl and come over here...We are having a meeting!"

"ah..coming Jae!"


haven't edited yet...

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Now the weirdest moment was when I read "you are that smashangel girl" o.O
I would die if I was hugged by Shim Changmin 0.o
awwww!!! Changmin oppa is so sweeeeeet!!! gosh I'm in LOVEEEEE with him all over again!!! I would blush and faint if he did actually hug me from behind keke LOL..
wahhh!!!! JAEJOONG WAE?! WAE?!!! IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE CHANGMIN OPPA!!!..babo..I feel so down now LOL..anyways keep update soon!!
Loving it so far :3 *subscribes*
@xenophoeb- yes they are, but i tried and made sure that they themselves don't know it...
xenophoeb #9
please update!! is changmin and her talking about the same person in their letters?
Minnie_glitzheart #10
Aww... The parents how can they treat a eight years old child like this but luckly changmin is there for her :) please update soon :-D