Chapter 1

Our Love Letter Story

It all started with me not believing in love. It was Winter and Autumn has just ended. I didn't have anybody. I was the only child in my family, but they didn't care about me..All they cared about was them, but still...I still decided to listen to them, because they are the only thing that i have left..I wouldn't call them parents and i'm most certainly won't call them mom or dad..

I grew up with tutors around me teaching me things and what not..The last thing my "dad" said to me was not to disappoint him and not make him looked down...He hired them for His own good..not my own..Even as a eight year old child i was pretty bright already..

I had a brain capacity of a graduate college student and now it's still expanding beyond that..i'm practically labeled a genius already..I can pass any test to do with school without trying my best..because of these tutors that constantly comes to test me everyday not to be a Failure to my  "Mom" or "Dad". In order not to look bad to other people, my "Mom" and "Dad" always leave money on my desk saying that it'll cover for whatever i need today. i would always wake up with money on the side on my cold lonely isolated bed, but I decided to take a break from everything for the day..

I looked outside..It was snowing..This was the first time i went to go play in the snow...I put on a winter jacket, mittens, a beanie, and boots..I opened the door diligently  and i took a step outside..For the first time i stepped outside of my house without my parents telling if i can or not.

I walked isloated towards the field of white snow on a free field..I walked to the middle of it..and laided on my back watching the skies cry beautiful snow powder on to me..everytime it's covering me up, i feel like we are the same...I'm just the snow to my parent's so they don't look bad with their reputation...

What can love teach you anyways? If all it does is bring selfishness on to themselves and only thinking about themselves? They never thought about other people involved into the circle around them as well..i'm only eight and i know that..Adults and we always makes mistake..They told me their biggest Mistake was "Me' because they didn't want me...

I tried not to think about it now..because i'm in this world now...I looked at the dark and grey sad cloud..still piling me with snow..i figure that nobody else will ever care for me in this world as to the sky will..Like this snow is kissing me now with a blissful, cold, warm, and wet tears to cry for me and comfort me. I closed my eyes for a bit telling myself that this is the only "Happy feeling" i get from the world.

"You might get sick if you sleep on the snow piling you."

i heard a young boy said to me..I slowly opened my eyes..and i looked at him..he smiled back with a warm and bright smile able to melt the snow's tears crying on me...I just looked at him and didn't respond back..

"I have lived here for a while..I have never spoken with you before..Where do you live?..I live right next to that house right there."

he pointed to my house..All i did was looked at him and tilted my head as to what he kept babbling about..I just gave him a weird look and then i got up. I patted away all the snow that were making me feel like home off and i just bowed and started walking towards my house.

"Wait..I forgot to tell you..My name is Shim Changmin and you are?"

My parents said to never say anything unless i am told to say or do i never spoke back to him, but i didn't want to look disrespectful because they say that disrespectful will bring them into shame so i spoke back.

"My name is.."

I felt a yanked on my arm..i turned to look..It was my "Mom". She looked furious and i can see that her eyes were sparked with flames about to explode on me...i didn't care about it..It was going to be another long lecturing and "spanking" so they call it to "discipline" me.

"You're going home!"

I was about to be dragged away, but his mom showed up.

"Why are you dragging your child? That is such bad parenting!"

I heard his mom said...

"Who are you?"

my "Mom" asked her..

"I am Mrs. Shim.."

"Mrs. Shim?!"

"Yes, I am her.."

i saw that my "Mom" was starting to panic and i decided to step in knowing that she needed help from not getting the "bad reputation" tarnish.

"I went outside without telling my mom and that is why she's mad at me..So, it's not her fault. i'm at fault."


It's not edited yet, but i will edit it when i have time to edit it..welp, it's first chap. so yea..

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Now the weirdest moment was when I read "you are that smashangel girl" o.O
I would die if I was hugged by Shim Changmin 0.o
awwww!!! Changmin oppa is so sweeeeeet!!! gosh I'm in LOVEEEEE with him all over again!!! I would blush and faint if he did actually hug me from behind keke LOL..
wahhh!!!! JAEJOONG WAE?! WAE?!!! IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE CHANGMIN OPPA!!!..babo..I feel so down now LOL..anyways keep update soon!!
Loving it so far :3 *subscribes*
@xenophoeb- yes they are, but i tried and made sure that they themselves don't know it...
xenophoeb #9
please update!! is changmin and her talking about the same person in their letters?
Minnie_glitzheart #10
Aww... The parents how can they treat a eight years old child like this but luckly changmin is there for her :) please update soon :-D