Chapter Seven.

The Stockholm Syndrome.


I walk to the closet, and take the box without making too much noise, and start looking at all and each one of the items inside it: clothes, more photos, and some letters, when I suddenly find a small black velvet chest. I take it and when I have it in my hands, I can feel a piercing pain in my head, and with it, the memories start popping up in my head, I’m close, I can feel it, I’m really close to find the truth. I look at the chest, and after opening it slowly, I find two rings. I take a closer look to them, and realize that each one has our names engraved in each one. I lose stability as an endless shiver ran through my body. The pain in my head starts to get harder. I realize that there’s a white tip inside this little box. I pull it and end up taking a folded paper. After unfolding it, I start reading it. It’s a love letter from Jongin, where he says how much he loves me and how important I am in his life. I can barely read it, because the headache gets unbearable. I close my eyes; it’s like a tide of memories taking over my mind. One by one, they start filling my mental emptiness. Happy memories of he and I sharing our lives, Kai kissing me, both of us hugging, he playing the piano for me, memories of the day I cooked kimchi spaghetti for the first time, smiles, tears, more hugs and kisses, a home, future plans, my own memories, memories of the accident, my parents yelling at us, we running away, memories of his love. Every single of those memories pierce through my head causing a lot of pain as they come. I remember you! Now I know who you are, I remember you, Jongin!

My body starts shaking, I’m scared. The pain I’m feeling is supremely hard, and it’s not only in my head, but in my whole body, I’m barely able to get up from the floor and just stay sat down, but I don’t care, because I could finally do it, I finally could remember. Then the tears run down my face. But tears of joy, joy of having everything back. I see the rings and smile, OUR rings, engagement rings. I feel my sight getting blurry and the pain worsening, when I can barely hear a voice calling me:

- “Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo! Are you okay? Kyungsoo!” –it’s him, the man who brought me here so I can be able to get all my memories back, Jongin, the love of my life.

I can feel that he, even in my state, takes my hands and see that I have our rings, the expression of surprise and confusion in his face comes out to be adorable to me, I want to shout out to him that I remember him, but, I can’t let out even a mumble, I gather strengths and struggle with my body against the exceeded limits of my body due to the intense pain and excitement… I guess that these could be the last words I can say, so, I open my mouth and just let the words come out:

- “I… I remember you… Y-you’re Jongin”

More tears come out of my eyes:

- “I remember you, I remember everything, you… you’re my fiancée, my love…”

I lose my strengths and once again feel my body falling onto the floor, but before I can feel the hit, some strong arms broke my fall, this warmth I missed so much surrounded me, how I missed you, Jongin, please forgive me, forgive me for not remembering you before.

- “Kyungsoo! Oh my God, Kyungsoo, my love, I love you! I love you! Thank you, thank you!”

The pain won the battle, I can’t bear the pain any longer, and I open my eyes for a last time:

- “Forgive me, Jongin” –is the last thing I can say before letting the darkness take my body.





- How have you been, dear?

- Fine, mom. We’ve been alright. Baekhyun asked me to send you his greetings.

- “Aww, He’s always so kind to us; I’m still wondering why you haven’t brought him along, son! I wanted to teach him some of those recipes of meals you like so much!”

I see my mother laughing, she’s always treating Baekhyun just like another son of her, teaching him stuff to make our relationship better, since I made the decision of formalizing our relationship and moving out to live together, I always felt their support and trust. I never felt any attitude of disagreement, they even felt relieved then I decided to give everything for the sake of this relationship, that’s why I always said that Baekhyun changed my life, change it for better.

As we laugh and make comments about these stories, I hear the bell ringing. I get up to open the door, expecting it to be any mom’s or dad’s guest. My surprise is huge when I see Mrs. Do standing before me.

- “I want to talk to your parents”.

I look at her and laugh ironically; does this woman think that we’re just some other ones of her court of slaves or servants? Please, her haughty attitude is really repulsive to me.

- “In first place, you must know that you are in a house that’s not yours, therefore you must start greeting the person who’s opening you the door, so I can think if I should let you or not talk to them.”

- “I have no time for your games, kid. Tell me if your parents are home or not.”

- “Chanyeol, son, who’s the… guest? What are you doing here, lady?”

- “I’d like to have a conversation with you, Mrs. Park. Can I come in? Though I’d like to talk on private, of course.”

Once again I laugh ironically, DOES THIS WOMAN NOT KNOW A SINGLE THING ABOUT LIMITS? My mother lets her in, regretfully, but it’s better to hear what she has to say.

- “Please speak, and regarding Chanyeol…. he’ll be here. He’s our son and we’ll never hide anything from him, so, you may start. What’s what you want to talk to us about?”

I can notice some dissatisfaction on her face, she didn’t expect me to stay there, this lady knows very well about my relationship with Jongin and she knows too how much I helped him and Kyungsoo when they were still together, that’s why she hates and despises me so much, and maybe my family too.

- “Well, according to my sources, I knew that that person has come back to Korea, and that’s why I came to ask you a favor.”

- “That person… Who are you talking about?”

- “That… that pianist.”

- “Oh, you mean our Jongin!” –I can feel my mother’s pride behind her words about Jongin, and of course, Mrs.’ Do evident unease just by hearing his name. I look at my dad and we both smile. I think this will turn into an endless mothers’ fight.

- “Yes, that person. Since I have information regarding his comeback to this country, I’d want to ask you, please control him and don’t let him come near our house, not even to come around.”

- “And tell me, lady, who do you think you are to make this kind of prohibition?”

- “I just want him to stay away from my son. I think that you already know the kind of relationship they had, I just want everything to stay as it was until now, with both of them apart from each other and not knowing anything about each other.”

- “But, who you think you are? Lady, please forgive me, but that’s something that I definitely will not do.”

- “I knew I’d have this kind of trouble; please excuse me for a second.” –in that very moment all of us can see Mrs. Do taking her purse, and from it, a white envelope, which she disdainful and carelessly dropped on the table. It was so, that it opens and it comes out a huge amount of money from it. Indignation is written all over my mother’s face, my father and I look at each other unable to believe this. This has seriously gone out of the hands, Mrs. Do trespassed all the limits with this action. I know that my parents will take some kind of action against this, and I must say that I feel an epic urge to get up and slap the hell out of this harpy and kick her out of my house. But I can feel my father holding firmly my wrists and giving me a calm look. I swallow all my anger and let my mom to keep dealing with this monstrous mother.

- “Get out of my house right now, before you have to see me taking attitudes or actions which may not be convenient for you. Please, get out of my house.”

- “Is this so hard to understand? Just accept to do this favor to me, you won’t even have to do too much, and you’ll have a great reward. Please do not waste this chance, it’s very convenient for you.”

I see my mother getting up from her seat, walking to the door and opening it. Her face is not the usual. It’s not that patient and calm mother she used to be, she’s like carried away by the rage, that feeling of powerlessness, humiliation and despise.

- “This will be the last time I’ll respectfully ask you to get out of my house, and take your money with you. We don’t need it. Maybe you will, so you can keep affording your actions against your poor son.”

I see Mrs. Do getting up angrily from her seat, and walking to the door, looking at us disdainfully for turning down her offer.

- “You will regret turning the offer down later, Mrs. Park, you could have helped your family with this.”

- “I already told you we don’t need it, and Jongin will not be prohibited from doing anything! Fate will heal all the damage you caused him and your own son. Remember, lady, not even all the money you may have will fight against their destiny. Prepare to the moment when you’ll have to pay for your actions on Kyungsoo about all this. He won’t ever forgive you.”

And saying this, my mom closed the door, leaving out all that dark aura full of evil and hatred coming out from that woman. I run to her, because I see her walking unstably, I take her hands and help her to get to one of the couches.

- “Omma, are you okay?”

- “Yes, son, I’m okay. I’m sorry for all this, but I had to defend Jongin, he’s like our son, I can’t let anything to happen to him, I can’t let anything happen to our second son.”

- “Don’t worry, omma, everything’s gonna be okay, we’re gonna be okay. You took care of our Jongin.”

I hug her and I can feel her tears wetting the sleeves of my shirt. I feel a poke in my shoulder, and see my dad bringing a glass of water for my mom, so I release her as I give her the glass.

- “Take this, omma, this will make you feel better.”

As I see her drinking the water, I feel something vibrating in my pockets, it’s my cell phone. I take it and see who’s calling. It’s Jongin, so I rush to pick the call, I try to speak informally, I don’t want my parents to know it’s Jongin. I don’t want to scare them even more. I get up from the seat I am on, and I go to one of the windows, leaving my father comforting my mother.

- “How have you been? Why did you call me so soon, if we just talked a moment ago? Did something happen?” –I can hear Jongin’s voice breaking and it makes me feel freaked out, I’m pretty sure something happened with Kyungsoo.

- “Please, you must come, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo… he… please, help me.”

- “Tell me what happened”

- “He remembered me, but… but he just fainted and he’s not waking up.”

- “Oh, my God, I’m going there right now, stay where you are, I’ll be there in 20 minutes.”

I hang the call and look around seeing the worried faces of my parents. For a minute I forgot they were there.

- “Son, did something bad happen? Is Baekhyun okay?”

- “Yes, mom, it’s just that we have an emergency at the hospital, and he’s scared, you know it’s his first month as an M.D. there, he’s not yet familiar with all the service” –I lie not to cause any other troubles or worries. “I have to go, omma, please forgive me. Appa, please, take care of her, don’t let her overexcite, and make her rest.”

- “Yes, son, don’t worry, I‘ll take good care of her.”

I say goodbye to them with a kiss and go out of the house in my car, not without making a call before.

- “Yeobo, how are your parents? Are you coming home?”

- “Baby, we’re having a situation and I need your help, I’m picking you right now.”




- “Please, come in and take a seat, Mrs. Do.”

- “Don’t worry, because I’ll be brief. Tell me what you have about Kyungsoo’s kidnapping.”

I sigh, pretty uneasy; I don’t think I’ll be able to hide my lack of proof or accurate clues about Kyungsoo’s whereabouts. This is getting every time more complicated, and the Do’s are always putting more pressure on my shoulders.

- “Lay, I hired you to find him as soon as possible. Besides, your parents are our business partners, we have a close relationship, I wouldn’t like you to end up disappointing them.”

- “I know, Mrs. Do, but we have nothing yet, it’s like if ground swallowed him. He haven’t even picked an extortive call, and this is really weird, Mrs. Do. Please understand how hard is the situation, and the case weirdness.”

- “Are you asking me to stay calm with my son out there, not even knowing who the hell has him, and even worse, with that Kim Jongin in Korea? You want me to stay calm like this?”

I look at her completely shocked, her son is kidnapped and the only thing she’s worried about it that Kim Jongin is in Korea and the slight possibility of meeting Kyungsoo? This is really unbelievable, now I understand why Junmyeon didn’t want to have anything to do with this family.

- “Look, Lay, I have contacts, and if you don’t do your job as it’s due, you can start forgetting your dream of being a special agent. Even worse, you can forget about working ever again.”

- “Excuse me, are you threatening me?”

- “You can take it as you want, but find Kyungsoo as soon as possible, and make Kim Jongin leave Korea and not come back ever again. I’ll be watching you, Lay. Do what I say and you’ll be safe.”

I see her leaving and I can’t help feeling humiliated, having to come to this country and going through this crap was one of the worst decisions of my life. I can’t believe that this is happening to me. I’m being lively threatened and now my job is in danger. This is not happening to me! Not to me!

I come out of my office and see Junmyeon leaning on one of the walls near my office. The word “betrayal” was written all over his face, and there I remember that I didn’t lock the door when Mrs. Do came in to talk to me. Another load of pressure on this heavy bag to carry. Sigh.

- “Do what I say and you won’t lose your job? Hahahaha! Wow, Lay! You really surprise me every day!”

I see him leaving disappointed and mad at me… No, please. This is not happening. This is just a nightmare! A nightmare I must wake up from soon!

- “Junmyeon!!”

Damn it! Now how I’ll be able to make this up with him? I hate myself for not having said anything, now I have Junmyeon disappointed on me, and it makes me feel like garbage. I don’t want to think something bad about me. I don’t know why, but having him thinking that I betrayed him, hurts me, it hurts my heart.





- “Jongin, don’t  be scared. He’ll be okay, his vital signs are normal, he hasn’t a fever, he’s just asleep. His body just made this to protect him, you know it’s not just a simple thing what happened, he recovered memories from 4 years ago, it’s pretty strange that he just passed out.”

I can’t help feeling scared, this happened because of me. If I didn’t leave him with the photos, he’d be awake now, why did I have to rush this all? I’m a bad person, I’m hurting the one whom I love the most in this world. The one who should be unconscious is me… why? Why?

- “Baek, please take Jongin to have a tea, I’ll keep checking Kyungsoo. Jongin, please you must stay calm, he’ll be okay. He will.”




- “Jongin, take this, it’ll make you feel better.”

- “He’ll be okay, right? Will he? Will he be able to remember me again?”

- “He’ll be okay, soon he’ll be awake again, and I’m sure he will remember everything, just be prepared for all the questions he’ll ask you, hahaha!.”

I smile, thinking about all what happened this afternoon and feeling that everything’s just like before again fills me with joy, and now is when it all becomes true. I’ll finally have you with me, Kyungsoo, now nobody can against us. We proved that no matter if the time passes by, the destiny has a second chance for us.

- “Jongin, I must go. Baekhyun too, we have work at the hospital, so, we must leave. Please don’t worry, he’ll wake up when his body deems it necessary, just stay near him, and let him rest as long as possible. His mind has suffered a pretty hard hit and it’s normal to take a time to reorganize all its functions. Just have faith, we’ll be awake soon.”

- “I don’t know how to thank you hyung, and you too, Baekhyun hyung, I feel more relieved now, and I’ll never, ever go away from him, much less now that everything’s like before again.”

- “So it will be. Well, we’ll leave now. Don’t forget to let me know as soon as possible about any slight change, we’ll be there to help you and we’ll have everything ready at the hospital if things get worse, but I don’t think they will. You too rest, you’ve been through a lot today. Take care.”

- “Thanks again, hyungs.”

After Chanyeol and Baekhyun left, I go to my room and see Kyungsoo’s languid body lying on my bed. I walk to where he is and take him among my arms and hold him tight against my chest.

“You were destined to me, that’s why you came back to me. Thank you, my love, because you faced everything and came back, I’ll never ever abandon you again, and I’ll always protect you, just wake up, please, and let me see you smiling one more time”. I kiss his forehead tenderly, and smile singing a sweet lullaby, I won’t ever forget this magic moment… the day you came back to me.





I wake up pretty shocked, I must have fallen asleep with Kyungsoo in my arms, I look at him and see his face with a reddish color, I touch his cheeks and feel the heat emanated by his skin. I touch his forehead and neck and feel that he’s burning. God, Kyungsoo is burning in fever, I desperate, this means he’s worsening and I’m the one who caused all this. I put him on bed again and get up from it; I don’t know what to do. I shouldn’t think about all this, he’ll be okay, he’ll get better. Chanyeol said so Chanyeol…

I take my phone, and call this number. He luckily answered at the second beep.

- “Jongin, did something bad happen?”

- “Hyung, he’s getting worse, he’s burning in fever, I don’t know what to do, I don’t want him to leave me, please hyung, help me.”

- “Calm down, Jongin. Please tell me, what can you see in him, how is he?”

- “Just like as he was when you checked him, but his skin is very hot. He has a fever…”

- “Jongin, I’ll make all the arrangements so he can come to the hospital, but before that I want you to do something: go to your bathroom and fill the tub with mild water; undress Kyungsoo and give him a bath. Once you’re done, I want you to call me again. I just want to see how he reacts to that. Do it now”

Without even saying goodbye, I run to the bathroom and fill the tub with mild water as Chanyeol said. When I see it full enough, I go back to Kyungsoo and doubtfully I start undressing him. It’s been 4 years since I don’t do this and doing it in this situation makes me feel afraid and guilty, but I can’t waste time, I have to save him. I need to make him come back to me.

I leave just his underwear on, and undress myself in the same way. I take him in my arms and take him to the bathroom very carefully. I get inside the tub and sit him down. I do the same and sit him in front of me, with his back leaning on my chest; I notice how his skin reacts to the mild water, prickling completely.

- “Jongin...”

The sound of his voice surprises me, he called me, even in his sickness bed he still remembers me, my Kyungsoo…

- “My love, I’m here, with you… I won’t leave you, don’t be afraid… I’m here”

I wet his arms and torso softly, also his hair, and in every single move I kiss him and try to comfort him. I make him feel my love and concern.

After a while, I can feel that his skin has a normal temperature again, just like mine, there’s when I decide to get him out of the tub and take him to my… OUR room. I take some clean clothes, dry him and dress him again. I do the same thing, and lie beside him, embracing his waist and pulling him closer to me.

“Sleep well, my love… I’ll be here with you. I won’t leave. I love you…”





I feel how the sunlight hits my eyelids, I open my eyes slowly, protecting them from the sun light. I look beside me, and see the empty place. Kyungsoo is not with me. I wake up quickly and look for him around all the house… has he waken up? Why didn’t I realize when he woke up? Does he hate me?

I can see him looking at the sunrise through the huge window in the hall, I smile. He woke up, he’s okay. He’s okay at tat moment my sight focuses on his left hand, I can see he’s wearing our engagement ring, my surprise is huge, this is something I didn’t expect. Does this mean that he has all his memories back?

- “Forgive me… please forgive me for taking so long to come back.”

I see him turning around and looking at me with those big and innocent eyes of his as I walk closer to him and hug him.

- “I love you, Kim Jongin.”

I separate my body from him and look at him as if I didn’t believe what my ears heard. It was his voice saying my name, I think I could die right now.

- “Could you repeat that? I’d like to hear that again” –I ask him with my eyes closed, as if I were someone waiting for a surprise.

“I love you, Kim Jongin” –and there’s when I feel his lips on mines. I smile while kissing.

- “You came back to me, Kyungsoo… you came back to me…”



A/N: here's the chapter 7! I hope you enjoy it :) This chapter has cost me a lot to write, was very intense, especially the Jongin POV, wow hahaha I really hope you like it ;;

Thanks sooooo much everyone who subscribed and commented on this fic, already exceeds 1300 views!!! and 40 subscribers WOW!! you make smile and feel SO happy! because this fic is made for all you who love KaiSoo lovely couple

Infinite thanks my lovely beta Hebi Akuma!! without you this wouldn't be possible, love u dongsaeng :3

See you in the chapter 8, Love u all! byebye~~

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Chapter 6: WHaaaaatttttt !?!! Finaaallyyy
Chapter 4: Oooeemmgiii nerve-rackinggg !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg this cover just kills me - they both look so freaking damwn y hot bad dark cool ughh I can't anymore ;( <3 so lovely
kimkaiii #4
Chapter 16: That was sweet,i love it authorsshi thank you!
EXO1249488 #5
Chapter 1: thank you thank you thank yoooooouuuuuu IM IN LOVE WIYH THIS STORIE HAHAHA
Lilianlimi #6
Chapter 16: My Kaisoo feeeellllllzzzzzzz <3 thank you for your story authornim~
I love this authornim :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 16: Huahh I love uu author-nim <3<3<3
Chapter 16: Lovely story author-nim... kamsahmanida...
Aoihelen #10
Chapter 1: jkasjks this first chapter is perfect!