Chapter Eleven.

The Stockholm Syndrome.


- "Mr. Kim Jongin"

- "Officer Kim Junmyeon"

After a long gazes’ battle, I’m able to go to the hall, where I see a complete and smiling Kyungsoo, I feel so happy that I can’t even doubt for a second, I run to him and hug him with all my strengths.

- “Kyungsoo! Oh my God, Kyungsoo!”

He hugs me back a bit scared, but I don’t care, being able to see him and feel that he’s okay and again by my side awakes in me that feeling of indescribable joy, I think I could say now that even if there are some things are missing, I’m almost genuinely happy.  His clearing throat wakes me up from my joy and my happy trance, I release Kyungsoo, who looks at me and offers me a warm smile.

- “Jongin, I’ll talk to Junmyeon now, okay?”

- “I won’t leave.”

- “Jongin… please…”

I don’t understand what is this all about; can’t I take Kyungsoo because of this Jongin’s possessive control towards Kyungsoo, what’s happening here? I’m really starting to regret not having brought Jongdae as back up. Before he could say something else, I see Jongin walking away and Kyungsoo getting a bit less tense.

- “Kyungsoo, what’s going on? When can we leave?”

- “Junmyeon, I’m not going with you…”

- “What?”

- “Listen, this is why I called you, and wanted you to come here. I really need your help, I just can trust you, no one else… please, Junmyeon, help me…”

If I didn’t understand before what was happening, much less before. Help? Leaving him here with this person who has him here deprived from his freedom? What the hell’s going on here?

- “Kyungsoo, what’s wrong here? What do you need help here? You know you can count on me for everything, I always was and always will be by your side. Tell me, you need help to run away?”

- “No! Please, listen to me at least for this time, you must hear me and understand why I am doing this, please, Junmyeon!”

I hold his hands and look at him.

- “I’ll listen and understand you, tell me Kyungsoo, what can I help you with?”

- “Please, don’t report Jongin, don’t say he has me locked up with him nor mention you’ve seen me or that you know where I am.”

His request amuses me, not to say anything? But, how can that be even possible? I find him save and save, and I can’t take him back to his normal like? How can this be?

- “Kyungsoo, what is this that you’re asking for? Are you saying that you want to keep kidnapped?”

- “I’m not kidnapped here! I thought that before, but it’s not that way, Junmyeon, I remember everything, I got all my memories back, I can’t leave now, no, not now…!”

- “Memories… have… you got your memories…” –I don’t get to finish the sentence, Kyungsoo with all his memories from the past having come back to him… surprising news keep coming to me… this sure has been a hard day, all these things happening one after another, I wonder if there’s something I still must stand.

- “Junmyeon… I have everything back! My memories, my past life, the people whom I loved have all come back to me… he helped me to come back, Jongin was the one who brought me back…”

- “Jongin… has he told you something?”

- “No! He hasn’t done anything but taking care of me and protecting me all this time, it was me who started figuring things out and finally got to know the truth, it was just me who did everything… the only thing he has done was giving me a shelter and peace so I could get to where I was supposed to, I’m happy, Junmyeon, I’m not an empty person anymore, now I’m so happy!”

His face reflects what he’s telling me… I’m happy because he has gotten back everything he once lost, Kyungsoo will be the one he used to be before. But that doesn’t deny that he’s deprived from his freedom, and that’s not okay.

- “Seeing that you got back everything you once lost fills me with joy, Kyungsoo, you know better that anyone know how much I wished for it to happen, and since it finally happened, I’m really happy for you! But…”

- “I know, I’m still here without a way out… that’s what you mean, right? Junmyeon, Let me tell you that if I’m here it’s because I’ve decided it to be this way. I know it may not seem to be like that, but I’m not kidnapped anymore, I’m not deprived from my freedom, or whatever you wanna call it. I’m still here because I’ve decided that this is that I want, I don’t want to go back to where I was. Jongin is and from now on will be my life, that’s why I need your help so this can go on this way. Please, Junmyeon, help me so my life can keep being happy as it is right now… I want to be with Jongin, I need to be with him…”

This is the moment where everything makes sense, this is the moment where have to choose doing what I was supposed to… let Jongin and Kyungsoo talk, meet again, remember each other, get each other back again… it’s so hard to do this… it’s not easy letting go this person, Kyungsoo, who’s very important in my life… letting him go, is like letting go all those moments of happiness Ï had have until now… Kyungsoo was the one who made my life to make sense, and having to let him go away from my hands and my life is like if a part of me were dying. Perhaps I’m being selfish and greedy, and I don’t want to be like this anymore… I’ve seen all the pain and grieves they both had to go through and it’s up to me to cut off this endless chain of lies. Even if my soul hurts I will… I’ll do it for Kyungsoo…

- “Kyungsoo, I’ll do it… I’ll help you. I won’t say anything about Jongin. But I want you to promise me something”

- “Oh, Junmyeon, really? Will you really help us? It makes me feel so happy having you as a friend and as a guardian… Thank you! I’m infinitely thankful!”

His warm embrace and his words make me not to feel not too sad for this decision I just made, he deserves happiness, he deserves to be beside the one he loves and I’ll do… whatever makes him happy…

- “I know how he is, Kyungsoo, and I know he will do everything for you… believe me he proved it… he risked his own life for you… will someone be able to love you more than that? Now you must promise me something.”

- “Whatever you want.”

- “Promise me we won’t ever separate even when you’re with him. I want our friendship to be as it always was… You’re so important to me, Kyungsoo… I don’t want to lose you”

His embrace intensifies once again and I can’t help some tears to run down my cheeks, I’m tired… I just want this nightmare to end once for all…

- “That won’t ever happen, Junmyeon, as I told you before, you’re the only person I can trust you beside Jongin… Never, listen to me, no matter what happens, there won’t be anything able to break this friendship… I promise I’ll be always by your side.”

- “I let you go, Kyungsoo… but remember, the smallest damage and he won’t come out alive, you hear me?”

We laughed with tears in our eyes, no matter how this hurts, I can say I’m doing something good, he’ll be in good hand and I know they’ll take care of him and protect him as he deserves.

Kyungsoo proved me to be a strong person, and asking me this, he proved to be someone who feels so much love to face whoever to protect that feeling, I’m highly proud of his recovery and the transformation that this recovery made on him.

- “Look what time it is and I’m still here! You’re surely tired of everything you had to face and go through these days, though I’ll be honest, I’d love to stay here and keep on talking to you about everything, just like we used to do before… I’m really happy to see you again, Kyungsoo… I’m really so happy…”

- “Me too, Junmyeon… I really missed you so much all this time… our chats, your advices, everything… knowing that I still can count on you in this rough situation makes me believe that there are still people whom I can trust and let them protect me.”

- “So you’re staying here, right? Don’t you need anything? Kyungsoo, you must remember that whatever you need Jongin or you, just call me and I’ll come to you. Never doubt of that.”

- “Thank you, Junmyeon, thank you so much.”




I walk in circles. I can’t stay east, anxiety burns my head. Thousands of questions run through my mind… will he help us? What will happen if he refuses? Will I lose Kyungsoo? Ahhg, I can’t stand this! Chanyeol and Baekhyun decided to leave me alone, since there’s no human way I could stay calm. An hour already passed by and Kyungsoo is still with him… I sit down on the bed and bury my face in my hands, I can’t keep like this anymore… I feel like crumbling in every single minute…

- “Jongin…”

Without saying a word, I go to him and hum him tight against me. I can smell his scent, that smell of flowers and vanilla which makes him look like the sweetest person on earth. Only his presence can make me feel calm, only Kyungsoo…

- “Junmyeon won’t say anything, he’s gonna help us…”

I separate our bodies, and look at him with my eyes wide open. I can’t believe what he’s saying, is this a dream? Or this is a joke?

- “Jongin, please say something…”

- “Are you sure? Are you sure, Kyungsoo? Is he gonna help us?”

- “It’s okay, love, I’m sure he will. I knew that if i tried talking to him, he’d understand… he was the only person who was with me since the accident and I know I can trust him and no one else but him. Everything came out  well, Jongin… everything’s okay, baby…”

I hug him again and smile on his neck, I finally see a light of hope in all this, and we still have time to let everything take its normal course, so we can be strong enough to face them in order to stay together.

- “Come with me, I want you two to greet, and talk… he wants you to promise him something.”

- “Isn’t this a trap, is it?”

- “Jongin, baby, we’re safe and protected, nothing's going to happen, please trust me…”

I finally face my fears and go with him to where Junmyeon wait for us. I look at him and realize he has a calm and peaceful look, pretty different from the defying Junmyeon I received an hour before.

- “You have nothing to worry about, Jongin… I won’t’ try to do anything against you, I just want us to make a pact…. You and me.”

- “Tell me what is it about.”

- “I’ll help you, both, but I first have to make sure that you promise me that you will protect Kyungsoo with your own life, just like that I’ll be sure of having made the right decision.”

- “You did, Kyungsoo is the most important person of my life, even more important than myself. He’ll be first than anything and if I took these risks, you can be sure that I won’t let anything happen to him. I treasure him way too much.”

- “I can leave in peace knowing that, I know that I never showed it in the beginning, but I just want to see Kyungsoo happy, and he already found that happiness with you long time ago, and he also found himself… thank you for that, Jongin… thank you for bringing Kyungsoo back…”

A hand shake followed by a hug seals our promise. I feel strangely easy, we’ll be safe, I won’t lose Kyungsoo and he won’t lose me…

After saying goodbye to Junmyeon, we go back to our room where we find the impatient Baekhyun and Chanyeol, desperate to know what was going on.

After telling them everything and making them feel sure that everything was going to be okay, we’re alone again… and I can have him just for me…

- “Aren’t you scared that I could choke if you keep on hugging me like that?”

- “Hahaha, I’ll resurrect you!”

- “And how are you supposed to do that?”

- “This way.”

I take him in my arms, and we kiss. His lips are like a drug to me, soft, sweet… I could live and die with them. We put ourselves apart and I look into his eyes… he smiles and so do I. We don’t need anything else, our gazes transmit all the love we feel and we don’t even need words for that.

- “Will you sleep with me?”

- “Do Kyungsoo, what kind of question is that? You know I will, from now on you won’t have any night without me, you can be sure of that.”

- “I love you, Mr. Kidnapper.”

I look at him astonished.

- “Kyungsoo?”

-“Hahaha, I was just joking, though I’d want you to never set me free, I want you to keep me kidnapped for life.”

- “Your wishes are my orders, Mr. Kidnapped.”

I kiss him again, happy to know that there’s no stronger bond in this world than ours.




I seem different today. When coming to the office, everybody realized my change regarding my mood, too bad I can’t tell them that I’m happy because I found Kyungsoo. But I have to make sure not to leave a single clue to the place he’s hiding in. I really feel pretty bad with this, because it’s my job what I’m letting down, but it’s a decision that I already made, and I’d do everything for a loved being.

After some hours I feel the need to call Kyungsoo, I’d like to know how he is and if he had a good night, and I think it’s a good chance to call him right now, since no one’s walking around my office and I’m alone. Without wasting a second, I dial the number and my call is picked. After some minutes chatting with Kyungsoo, I say goodbye, giving him of course, my words of cheer and support. I’m so into the conversation that I don’t realize that someone was standing on my door for a long while, when I hang the call, I turn my head to see nothing more and nothing less than the Officer Yixing.

- “Lay…”

- “Kyungsoo, you said?”

- “Lay, this is not what you think…”

- “I heard you clearly, Junmyeon, you said ‘Kyungsoo’. Could you explain me what does all this mean?”



A/N: Hi everyone!!  me again haha this time I don't take so long and as promised  here's the chapter 11! I hope you enjoy it :)

Thanks sooooo much everyone who subscribed and commented on this fic, already exceeds 2250 views!!! and +50 subscribers WOW!! you make smile and feel SO happy! because this fic is made for all you who love KaiSoo lovely couple

I saw that you guys can vote this fic to promote it, so.. if you want vote and promote my fic, you'll make me feel so grateful and happy!

Infinite thanks my lovely beta Hebi Akuma!! without you this wouldn't be possible, and you know that!! love u dongsaeng :3

See you in the chapter 12, I'll post in sunday again :D Love u all! byebye~~

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Chapter 6: WHaaaaatttttt !?!! Finaaallyyy
Chapter 4: Oooeemmgiii nerve-rackinggg !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg this cover just kills me - they both look so freaking damwn y hot bad dark cool ughh I can't anymore ;( <3 so lovely
kimkaiii #4
Chapter 16: That was sweet,i love it authorsshi thank you!
EXO1249488 #5
Chapter 1: thank you thank you thank yoooooouuuuuu IM IN LOVE WIYH THIS STORIE HAHAHA
Lilianlimi #6
Chapter 16: My Kaisoo feeeellllllzzzzzzz <3 thank you for your story authornim~
I love this authornim :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 16: Huahh I love uu author-nim <3<3<3
Chapter 16: Lovely story author-nim... kamsahmanida...
Aoihelen #10
Chapter 1: jkasjks this first chapter is perfect!