Chapter Three.

The Stockholm Syndrome.


I look at the window of my room and can see the radiant sun illuminating the beautiful day, as I think how fortunate I am for the life I have. A job that satisfies me and makes me feel proud because I can give health to so many people, I have a boyfriend that I love and a beautiful love story. Thinking about it I smile with my closed eyes. Suddenly a buzz from my phone interrupts my state of total bliss; I see that’s my mom calling so I quickly pick up the call.

“Umma, how have you been? Is something wrong?” I asked with worry.

“Chanyeol, son, your father and I just received a call from the police, the detective Kim Junmyeon, he asked us about Jongin…” I can feel as my skin is losing its normal color and my eyes are about to pop. –“Yeollie, what’s going on? Why is the police looking for Jongin?”

I don’t know what to say, this leaves me in total shock, I can’t get any words out. I try and think fast to tell something to my mother and try to calm her down.

- “Umma, no… don’t worry, it must be something about his father, you know that his enterprise has been making some frauds to his employees since long time ago and I’m sure the police is just investigating about that”.

- “But this man has given his title as father of Jongin! Why is he involving him, he has nothing to do with it!”

- “I know umma, but at the end he is still Jongin’s father, he probably knows that Jongin is famous and has money, don’t worry so much ok? I’m sure it’s about that”.

It’s the first thing that comes to my mind to make her calm down, my parents have a special care for Jongin, and they see him as his own son.

- “Yes! I also think it must be that, Jongin is so nice… He would never get into trouble… Get in contact with him son, tell him what’s going on and also that he has our support”.

- “Yes umma, don’t worry, I will tell him… Now calm down, nothing’s gonna happen. I will bring Baekhyun over there later today to see you”.

- “Yes son! Bring him, we will be happy to have you at home, we will be waiting! Have a nice afternoon, greetings to everyone”.

- “You too umma, love you”. I hang up the phone and sit on my bed, burying my head in my hands, ‘Jongin… Jongin… what are we going to do?’. I can’t help and think about the worst case scenarios. I’m scared about him, I can’t let anything happen to my brother.

 - “Honey? Is something wrong? Why do you have that face?” I don’t realize that Baekhyun just got into the room and he could see my worried face after hanging up the call.

- “Baby if I tell you a secret, would you promise to never tell anyone?” I grab his hands and look straight in his eyes.

- “Chanyeol, what’s going on? You’re scaring me…”

- “Promise it”

- “I promise, I swear yeobo, tell me what’s happening! Is something wrong with you?”

- “It’s not about me, it’s Jongin… he has someone trapped in his house… he has Kyungsoo…”




I can feel as the strength that were fighting against me and were trying to get off me are now fading away and answering my moves. We kissed fervently, with everything we had buried all these years. His mind can’t remember me but his body, his lips, everything else remembers me. They remember my touches, my , my kisses. I run my lips down to his neck without separating them of his skin, it’s perfect… this moment is perfect. His hands are caressing my hair, his lips half opened letting out almost inaudible moans which increase my desire to have him. At this point I can’t stop myself even if I tried, I’m addicted to Kyungsoo, I always was; to his body, everything he represents, I want to make him mine once again, I want to be his again.

- “Ahhh Kai…”

I stop all my movements; I can’t believe what I just heard, how? What did he just call me?

- “What did you call me? Kyungsoo, how did you just call me?” I stop kissing him and I break away from him, never leaving my eyes off of his.

I can see as realization hits him and he steps back, his eyes showing a mixture of fear and desperation. He doesn’t answer and just backs away from me. I try to get close to him, begging for an answer; he call me just what I think he did? Is he starting to remember?

- “Kyungsoo, I won’t hurt you, just repeat what you called me, please, say it again”.

- “I… I… I don’t remember! Leave, get out of here! Leave me alone!!!” he screams with tears streaming down his face.

I can’t believe what’s going on, does this mean he is remembering me?

- “Ahhhggg!!!” I see him fall to his knees grabbing his head with his hands. “Ahhhggg!!! My head!! It hurts!! It’s going to explode!”.

- “Kyungsoo! Kyungsoo, are you alright?! Kyungsoo look at me, look at me!!” I run to him and try to comfort him, I can see he is in pain and full of tension.

- “I can’t bear it, this pain… ahhgg it’s too intese… I can’t… make it stop... it’s--- he didn’t finish his words as he faints in my arms.

- “Kyungsoo… Kyungsoo, no, no, no!! Talk to me, talk to me baby!!” I yell desperately while I hug him against me. –“Don’t leave me, don’t leave me Kyungsoo… don’t leave me alone again, please…” with tears in my eyes I hug his fragile body. –“Thank you for remembering… thank you for remembering me… I love you… I love you…”




I get into a white room, the brightness of the place is hurting my eyes; I barely open them trying to get used to the light. Big open windows let a soft breeze get in, making the also white curtains move in a very dainty way. A white piano in the middle of the room caught my attention. I walk closer to it but suddenly a man dressed in a white outfit from head to toe appears in front of the piano. I can’t see his face. The melody he is playing is sweet and soft, it even felt heavenly… it reminds me of… I can’t remember what, but I’m sure I’ve heard it before. I get closer and the man suddenly stands up and gets out of the room; I run to try and catch him but I don’t make it. He simply disappears from my sight. I look my surroundings when I hear a voice in the inside of my head, repeating again and again, ‘Kai… Kai…’.

I wake up and realize I’m in my room again, where I am trapped. I bring a hand to my head remembering the pain I felt before, it was never this intense. In that moment I also have a flashback of what happened before, how I was about to give in to the desire. I can’t believe it, how could I act like that? It just makes it a fact; I feel something for my kidnapper, that’s my sad reality. I’m falling in love with the person that keeps me here.

Through my window I see that the sky is dark, I must have slept a lot since its night already. I can see as he is on the couch besides my bed, sleeping against one of his shoulders, visible traces of dry tears in his cheeks. ‘You are Kai right?’ I think as I look at him, ‘You must be him, though I can’t remember you, something is telling me you are’. I see him stir and stretch his body, he is waking up. I decide to quickly go to my past position and try to look as if I’m still asleep. I feel as he sits in the border of the bed and with one hand he softly my face and hair.

-  “My precious Kyungsoo…”

I feel as those gentle hands leave my face as he stands and leave the room.

- “You are Kai… you must be him… I will remember you, I promise”, I say with a sigh, as I stare at the close door of my bedroom.

Thinking about this moment is when I look down and see that I’m still wearing the friendship bracelet that one day I exchanged with Junmyeon. I wonder if he’s thinking of me right now, if he’s worried looking for me, I hope he’s not sad nor desperate, it’d hurt me to know that. Junmyeon is the only person whom I trusted since the accident, I lost my trust even in my parents, I feel like they’re lying to me all the time, and that they’re hiding from me many things about my past. I think that’s why I feel an unexplainable emptiness in my heart, as if I lost something or someone really important in my life. Junmyeon was the only person who partially filled that empty space, his kindness, naivety, and pure heart, always protecting me like a guardian; since then I started calling him Suho, though he always scolded me when I called him like that, he never liked it, but I did, and it made me happy calling him like that.

I still remember the day we exchanged these bracelets; it was a cold and snowy day, I was still recovering from one of my headaches; after the accident they use to happen when I try to remember the past, and since I was still weak, Junmyeon came over and spent the whole day with me. That night we went to the roof and promised each other we won’t ever separate no matter what happened, and we would trust each other and stay together. I wonder right now if he remembers the promise we made that day, I want to think he does, and he’s trying to find me, this place fills me with fear, fears I don’t want to face, and demons I don’t want to fight against. I think it must be the reason why I can’t get back that part of my life, I must have lived something really bad to make my mind to get completely closed when I try to remember.

Besides, when I think about the persons who keeps me imprisoned here, a feeling of relieve and protection fills me, I feel like we wouldn’t hurt me, like he has some strong feelings towards me, he treats me like a precious, valious, fragile being… Kai… Kai…

I look at the bracelet with love again, and smile while remembering Junmyeon, when I see the door opening and Kai looks at me surprised.

- “What do you have there, Kyungsoo? What’s that you’re looking at with so much love?”

- “Nothing. It’s something personal. You don’t have to know everything about me. Didn’t you check me completely when you brought me here?” – I asked with anger, remembering that no matter if he treated me like a precious being, he keeps me here against my will.

- “Let me see…” – I feel him taking my arm with strength, despite my refusal. – “Suho… who’s Suho, Kyungsoo?”

- “He’s my guardian.”


I see him getting completely angry and powerless:

- “I’m your only guardian, Kyungsoo, you don’t need anybody else. I’ll protect you and will take care of you, why you can’t understand it. Why you can’t remember what I always swore to you, why…”


Unable to say a word nor make a move because of my amusement, I can feel how I’m pushed to hug him, a tight and felt hug, I can hear him crying on my shoulder, but I can’t say anything, I can’t even move a single part of my body. I wish I weren’t in this situation, I wish I weren’t locked up here, I wish I could remember who you are and what you meant in my life… I wish I could remember you, Kai…




- “Here’s the phone number Junmyeon, you owe me so much you know? This was even harder than getting Lee Hyori’s number!!” I listen a tired Jongdae saying, after being on the phone for long hours, calling back and forth.

- “That’s why you are my mate, ‘cause you are the best!” I peck his head, while I take the paper that has written the phone number.

- “Yeah yeah, I hope this helps in something, I can’t stand seeing your hopeless Romeo worried face, aish!”

I look at him with doe eyes and look at him with one of my characteristic pouts and the expression of a hurt puppy.

-  “No! Ugh please Junmyeon! You are pathetic when you do those faces, God! I’m out for a coffee, want one?”.

- “Yes please, you know how I like it” I look at him and smile naughtily at him and throwing a wink towards him.

- “Aish, I don’t know why I work with you!” I laugh loud as I see him disappear through the halls; our relationship is such as those high school boys who are always mocking each other.

I get serious again and look for the paper with the number of Kim Jongin written down. I look at the friendship bracelet we exchanged with Kyungsoo one day, promising him that I’d never leave him behind, and I would always protect him, I’ll do that, and I’ll still protect him, because I’m his guardian. I’m Kyungsoo’s Suho. I don’t lose any more time and dial the number while I wait begging for him to answer. After the fourth tone a click was heard. He picked up.

- “Kim Jongin speaking, who is this?”

- “Mr. Kim, its detective Kim Junmyeon speaking, from the police department of investigations in Seoul. I have some questions for you, where can we meet?”.


A/N: here's the chapter 3!  I hope you enjoy it :)  chapter 4 be published tomorrow night ^^

Thanks sooooo much everyone who subscribed and commented on this fic, because this fic is made for all you who love KaiSoo lovely couple

See you in the chapter 4, byebye~~

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Chapter 6: WHaaaaatttttt !?!! Finaaallyyy
Chapter 4: Oooeemmgiii nerve-rackinggg !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg this cover just kills me - they both look so freaking damwn y hot bad dark cool ughh I can't anymore ;( <3 so lovely
kimkaiii #4
Chapter 16: That was sweet,i love it authorsshi thank you!
EXO1249488 #5
Chapter 1: thank you thank you thank yoooooouuuuuu IM IN LOVE WIYH THIS STORIE HAHAHA
Lilianlimi #6
Chapter 16: My Kaisoo feeeellllllzzzzzzz <3 thank you for your story authornim~
I love this authornim :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 16: Huahh I love uu author-nim <3<3<3
Chapter 16: Lovely story author-nim... kamsahmanida...
Aoihelen #10
Chapter 1: jkasjks this first chapter is perfect!